Supay 6 part

in #nsfw5 years ago

At dawn, and with something in mind that had decided by the events of yesterday, go down to earth and in it there is a small hole, which I covered again with the same extracted earth, but making sure not to include fragments of stones , and immediately, I began to punch with my fists, to strengthen my knuckles (according to the practitioners of kung fu, the bones of the hands is strengthened, if the fractures constantly, and the least dangerous method is, hitting sand, then proceed with wood, and finally a sack of small river stones).

After I do not know how many strokes, I looked around for a couple of pieces of wood, whose diameter did not have to exceed that of my arms, and tying them to my back, I climbed back into the tree, for my next practice, which consists of in fanning the sticks between the branches, (hitting the thick ones and dodging the thin ones), while I moved among them, given that I am small and I ran into a similar group, at least, my body has to be prepared to move.

Surely they will think, that it is a waste of time, to be doing these improvised exercises, but if we compare it to an apprentice driving with a professional driver, the difference between them is the "reflex memory", because when you are learning to drive, put all your senses alert, to remember where the brake pedal and accelerator pedal are so as not to confuse them, as well as the location of the gear lever and the order of the different speeds of the same, without counting the fact that you have to be facing forward and do the whole ceremony of lighting and driving. On the other hand, the professional driver did everything explained, while at a low average speed, (but for you it is excessive), while he explains a recipe for cooking, with all its details. Therefore, the professional began as a beginner, and since he continued to practice inside the vehicle, and over time, increasing the speed of his vehicle gradually, which, his perseverance led him to become a professional.

That is why in horror movies, when the victims are before the butcher who is going to kill him, they stay still, although his brain orders the body to flee, he himself does not know how ... In short, going back to My training, I finished sliding from the branches, and immediately, resume the Kali training, practice in the cave, adding defense to my movements. That is; towards attack movements, and then I defended myself from them.

Then he continued with movements, with bare hands, and tried to imitate the martial artists he watched in the movies. In doing so, I began to understand that in truth, martial artists are students of the movements and muscles of the human body, it is because of that sense of their strange movements, since the body has more than 350 muscles, (and a bodybuilder exercises a few the most notorious and showy). For it feels by nature of the same, that all the muscles of your body begin to exercise and as if you combine it with the breath, you feel that your body relaxes, and at the same time it strengthens.

When finished, I became very thirsty and hungry, then I extracted water from the bromeliads and came down from the tree, to sniff, if there is any food to hunt, but when I fell to the ground, from among the branches of a small bush, I snapped a snake , biting my knee.

Immediately, I caught the doomed serpent of the head, which was wrapped around my arm, I, seeing its figure and colors, with its rattle tail, I understood that my streak was over.

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After having gone through so much, this blessed serpent appears and ruins my day with a simple bite, that pissed me off so much, that without thinking I bit my head and ate it (cronch, cronch), then I took out my knife and made it a small cut in the part of the throat, allowing me to hold his skin like that, which starts off in one pull.

I proceeded to eat his body, and when I finished, I noticed that his scent continued to emanate from the bush, and immediately began to search, but what I found, left me surprised, I felt ashamed for my childish thoughts, because in the bush there was a rotten root and hollow, in whose interior was the nest of the serpent that had already eaten me.

Then I put my hands together, and asked him to transcend his soul from the snake and its young to a superior existence, I thanked the earth that holds the forest that gives me the food, the sky for the oxygen that clarifies my mind, the sun for the heat that gives me to my frozen body, and the rain that moisturizes my being, and I gave a round of applause.

Afterwards, I proceeded to eat the eggs, which had already begun to take on the shape of a snake. They will think that I am a ruthless monster, but for me logic, since the mother is dead, these eggs are already spoiled, and if I do not eat them like I will eat them again, and as I go down with the purpose of looking for food, This task is already accomplished, and since I am going to die from the rattle, I will die with a full stomach.

When I ate all of them, I began to notice that my strength was increasing and that my hunting instincts had become more acute, because when I felt the light breeze of the forest, it came with a series of information that left me impressed. feel the potential threats that surround me, but I do not have to worry, since I am out of reach, as well as potential prey to hunt, of which, one, is a few steps near me.

Then, I leaned on my four limbs, and sticking my chest to the ground, I began to move towards my prey, and having it in view, confirm what my instincts were screaming at me. Rabbit, what was in front of him, was a rabbit, a rabbit that was feeding on wild herbs.

He did not realize my presence and move forward to have it within reach, but, the prudent rabbit looked up at my address, unfortunately for him animal, the flora of the forest and the wind was in my favor, they prevented the poor from giving account of my presence, so, at the moment when the rabbit turned to continue with his food, I jumped towards him, with a precision that the rabbit had not realized was already in my mouth.

All this caused a great impression on me, cavile, reflecting my instinctive actions; about how I approached avoiding the dry branches that betray my position, how I stopped and I stayed still as a rock when the rabbit began to check its surroundings, and how it jumps on the rabbit when he felt safe. Then I noticed that the heartbeat of the rabbit had stopped, I released it and checked the animal, and I saw that it began to foaming at the mouth as if it were poisoned, (since it does not give a heart attack, that makes you bounce foam by mouth), therefore, with the events I confirmed my suspicions, since by eating the puma; I acquired his knowledge and strength, the same with the monkeys, now that I ate the snake and its eggs, I no longer feel the poison, I have knowledge of hunting, and my saliva is now poisonous.

Therefore, I have the ability to absorb the abilities of the beings that I eat, so if I eat animals with extraordinary abilities, I will become even more extraordinary.

There was a huge smile on my face, a smile that I never thought I would give to this world, but I looked at the rabbit and stood still meditating for a moment, I gave him the usual song of respect and gratitude, skinned him, ate his meat, and I proceeded with my trip.

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