Fantastic Lhok Seudu City Tour Trip

F/5.6 | 47.0/mm | 1/80 s | IS/100

Hello everyone, how are you today..?

Hopefully all my friends are in good shape to develop this platfom steemit.
Meet back with me in today's photography post.
And in this post, I will share a little story and beauty of one of the attractions in my area that is growing and became the target of many people on the weekend arrived.
Yes, the famous Lhoksedu tourist attraction with its colorful lesehan on the coast.
A tourist attraction located in Aceh Besar, located 20 km from the capital Banda Aceh or about 1 hour and half way through the two-wheel drive.
Yes Aceh, the westernmost part of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia is known for its beautiful natural charm and diversity.

Likewise with the west coast of Aceh region, almost along the beautiful coastline all, just call Lampu'uk Beach is known for its white beaches and blue water toska, and Lhoknga famous for the charm of world-class waves.

So, do not be surprised if this one beach became the target of water sports lovers "Surfing".
And Leupung beach, with its black sand charm, and the wind and waves are always stable, making this one beach a target for sports fans "Kite Surfing".
"Here are some photo on the beach Lampu'uk, Lhoknga and Leupung".

Semoga semua teman saya dalam kondisi yang baik untuk mengembangkan steemit platfom ini.
Bertemu kembali dengan saya di posting fotografi hari ini.
Dan di postingan kali ini, saya akan berbagi sedikit cerita dan keindahan salah satu objek wisata di daerah saya yang sedang berkembang dan menjadi incaran banyak orang di akhir pekan tiba.
Ya, objek wisata Lhoksedu yang terkenal dengan lesehan penuh warna di pantai.
Sebuah objek wisata yang terletak di Aceh Besar, terletak 20 km dari ibukota Banda Aceh atau sekitar 1 jam dan setengah jalan melalui penggerak dua roda.
Ya Aceh, bagian paling barat pulau Sumatera di Indonesia dikenal karena pesona dan keragaman alamnya yang indah.

Begitupun dengan pantai barat wilayah Aceh, hampir di sepanjang garis pantai yang indah sekali, sebut saja Pantai Lampu'uk dikenal karena pantainya yang putih dan air biru toska, dan Lhoknga terkenal akan pesona ombak kelas dunia.

Jadi, jangan heran jika pantai yang satu ini menjadi target pecinta olahraga air "Berselancar".
Dan pantai Leupung, dengan pesona pasir hitamnya, dan angin dan ombak selalu stabil, menjadikan pantai yang satu ini menjadi target penggemar olahraga "Kite Surfing".

Ini beberapa foto di pantai Lampuuk, Lhoknga dan Leupung

Lampu'uk Beach

Landscape Lampu'uk Beach
F/14.0 | 29.0/mm | 1/100 s | IS/100

I took this photo on the beach lamp'uk, Aceh Besar when the sun is really bright conditions and in that time I also managed to shoot some photos of children's activities on the coast besides the beach scene pictures.

Saya mengambil foto ini di lamp'uk pantai, Aceh Besar ketika matahari sangat cerah dan pada waktu itu saya juga berhasil memotret beberapa foto kegiatan anak-anak di pantai di samping foto-foto pemandangan pantai.

Lhoknga Beach

Activities Surfing and Sunset
F/5.6 | 300.0/mm | 1/125 s | IS/100

I took this photo on the beach of Lhoknga, Aceh Besar when the sun was going to set, and besides "Surfing" activity at that time I also managed to take some pictures of foreign tourists cruises enjoying the sunset on this beach.
here the sunset process is a sight that is always presented to the visitors.

Saya mengambil foto ini di pantai Lhoknga, Aceh Besar ketika matahari akan terbenam, dan selain kegiatan "Berselancar" pada waktu itu saya juga berhasil mengambil beberapa foto kapal pesiar turis asing menikmati matahari terbenam di pantai ini.
disini proses sunset adalah pemandangan yang selalu disajikan kepada para pengunjung.

Leupung Beach

Landscape in Leupung Beach
F/5.6 | 18.0/mm | 1/30 s | IS/160

Sunset in Leupung Beach
F/14.0 | 33.0/mm | 1/200 s | IS/400

here are some photos that I managed to take on the beach "Leupung" Aceh Besar, then.
In addition to the sunset views that are always served to visitors, here the activity of athletes "Kite Surf" is also very crowded when the weekend arrives.

di sini adalah beberapa foto yang berhasil saya ambil di pantai "Leupung" Aceh Besar, lalu.
Selain pemandangan matahari terbenam yang selalu disajikan kepada pengunjung, di sini aktivitas atlet "Kite Surf" juga sangat ramai ketika akhir pekan tiba.

Activities "Kite Surf"

Sunset in Leupung Beach
F/14.0 | 33.0/mm | 1/200 s | IS/400

"Back to story" ....
The attractions or destinations are most hunted when the weekend arrives, either young people now (hits) or photography lovers, and moment hunters.
Located in Teupin Layeun Village, Leupung District, Aceh Besar District.
About 30 Km or about 1 hour and half drive through drive from Capital Center of Banda Aceh.
Coastal areas that had been hit by the Great Tsunami of Aceh 2004 ago.
But over time Lhokseudu beach clean little by little.
And now Lhokseudu Beach Becomes a Destination Destination visited by the people of Aceh and surrounding areas when the weekend arrives.
How not, small cottage lesehan cottage arranged neatly on the beach and directly to the sea, combined with blue sea water and colorful huts, making this one tourist destination like miniature mini maldive beach.
"Let's see some pictures I took that day."

"Kembali ke cerita" ....
Tempat-tempat wisata atau tujuan paling diburu ketika akhir pekan tiba, baik anak muda sekarang (hits) atau pecinta fotografi, dan pemburu saat.
Terletak di Desa Teupin Layeun, Kecamatan Leupung, Kabupaten Aceh Besar.
Sekitar 30 Km atau sekitar 1 jam dan setengah berkendara melalui drive dari Pusat Ibukota Banda Aceh.
Wilayah pesisir yang pernah dilanda Tsunami Besar Aceh 2004 silam.
Namun seiring perjalanan waktu pantai Lhokseudu bersih sedikit demi sedikit.
Dan sekarang Pantai Lhokseudu Menjadi Tujuan Tujuan yang dikunjungi oleh masyarakat Aceh dan sekitarnya ketika akhir pekan tiba.
Bagaimana tidak, pondok kecil pondok lesehan tersusun rapi di pantai dan langsung ke laut, dipadukan dengan air laut yang biru dan pondok-pondok berwarna-warni, menjadikan destinasi wisata yang satu ini seperti miniatur pantai maldive mini.
"Mari kita lihat beberapa foto yang kuambil hari itu."

Portrait Lhok Seudu tourist attraction

Sunset in Leupung Beach
F/5.6 | 55.0/mm | 1/160 s | IS/100

F/5.6 | 47.0/mm | 1/160 s | IS/100

F/7.1 | 29.0/mm | 1/160 s | IS/100

Those are some of the attractions in my city (Aceh) that must be visited when my friends are on vacation to Aceh.
in addition to the beautiful and nice tour, location of this one tourist location not far from the center of the capital.
and the access road to this resort is also very good.
Yours faithfully, @rachmaddarmawan

Itulah beberapa objek wisata di kota saya (Aceh) yang harus dikunjungi ketika teman-teman saya sedang berlibur ke Aceh.
Selain wisata yang indah dan menyenangkan, lokasi lokasi wisata yang satu ini tidak jauh dari pusat ibu kota.
dan akses jalan menuju resor ini juga sangat bagus.
Hormat saya, @rachmaddarmawan

Taken withCanon EOS 700D Camera
LensKIT 18-55 mmThamron 70-300
All Photo Taken by@rachmaddarmawan

Thank you for visiting my simple blog @rachmaddarmawan


hi @rachmaddarmawan

where you live, many places where the tour is very indulgent eyes.
The beach is also seen as the ultimate solution for a vacation.
tourist attractions in aceh very extraordinary.

hi @kamalsaputra

thanks apresiasinya ..
yes .. that's some of the sights in my city.
and many more attractions in my beautiful city.
if you have free time, try your vacation here

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