Doa-doa Padam Sebelum Waktunya (Prays are extinguished prematurely)

in #poetry6 years ago


Prayer turns off prematurely

When the mother we praying and making a Covenant with God
they're laughing at a coffee shop
built with a scare people with death
they talk about those mounts
take cotton-padded cotton — are white as unsullied — right down to the bed, where they had sexual intercourse with the wife of the third, fourth, and so on ...

Prayer goes out before reaching to the sky
they were already building a high wall
as Israel troops secure the stolen city
from the owner
the Covenant with God also does not apply
We believe in prayer
but here, in the scramble for the throne, their Lord

Prayers — with gushing the sorrow in one third of the night — not dead
prayer of a broken wings
but a group of prayer remains hovering between heaven and Earth
the sun burned and doused the rain
When lightning occurs
bags of prayer be arrows without a bow
streaking in the vortex of time
up in the bosom of the ruler of the blind
embedded forever to grow horns, prayer
Dancing along the ruler
in a blaze of forever

Medan, May 7, 2018


Doa-doa Padam Sebelum Waktunya

Ketika ibunda kita berdoa dan membuat perjanjian dengan Allah
mereka sedang tertawa di sebuah warung kopi
yang dibangun dengan menakuti rakyat dengan kematian
mereka berbincang tentang orang-orang tunggangan
mengantar kapas-kapas empuk—berwarna putih seolah tak ternoda—sampai ke ranjang tempat mereka bersenggama dengan istri ketiga, keempat, dan seterusnya…

Doa padam sebelum sampai ke langit
mereka sudah membangun tembok tinggi
seperti tentara Israel mengamankan kota curian
dari pemiliknya
perjanjian dengan Tuhan juga tak berlaku
kita percaya kepada doa
tapi di sini, dalam perebutan takhta, mereka tuhannya

Doa-doa itu—dengan kucuran tangis dalam sepertiga malam—tidak mati
sayap-sayap doa patah
tapi sekumpulan doa tetap melayang
antara langit dan bumi
dibakar matahari dan disiram hujan
ketika petir terjadi
berkarung-karung doa menjadi anak panah tanpa busur
melesat dalam pusaran waktu
sampai di dada penguasa buta
tertancap selamanya
sampai doa tumbuh tanduknya
menari bersama penguasa
dalam kobaran api selamanya

Medan, 7 Mei 2018



Beautiful church and words. Thank you for posting.

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