in #promo-steem6 years ago (edited)

Dear steemian…!!!

Dear steemian… !!!

We are from the #promo-steemrural team: @andestra, @khusairi, @herryazmi11, @aldy, @darniyuscivil, @muhammadrizki96 and @kamalkhann perform a #promo-steem mission to distribute " #promo-steem imsakiyah schedule " to the people in our village . We will spend as much as possible and reach as many people as possible to get this free imsakiyah schedule..

Kami dari tim #promo-steemrural : @andestra , @khusairi @herryazmi11, @aldy, @darniyuscivil, @ muhammadrizki96 dan @kamalkhann melakukan misi #promo-steem untuk mendistribusikan “ jadwal imsakiyah #promo-steem ” kepada mayarakat yang ada di desa kami masing-masing. Kami akan menghabiskan sebanyak mungkin dan menjangkau sebanyak mungkin orang untuk mendapatkan jadwal imsakiyah ini secara gratis.



The #promo-steem activity of the imsakiyah schedule is sponsored by a cryptocurator.

Kegiatan promo-steem jadwal imsakiyah ini disponsori oleh cryptocurator.

As I have explained in the previous post that the distribution of this fasting imsakiyah schedule in the mission #promo-steem aims to facilitate Muslims in running the fast because on this schedule is listed all the times that must be maintained by those who are running fast, as well as doing #promo-steem activities to introduce steemit and steam blockchain to the community.

Seperti yang sudah saya jelaskan pada postingan sebelumnya bahwa Pembagian jadwal imsakiyah puasa ini dalam misi #promo-steem bertujuan untuk memudahkan umat islam dalam menjalankan ibadah puasa karena pada jadwal imsakiyah ini sudah tercantum semua waktu-waktu yang harus dijaga oleh mereka yang sedang menjalankan ibadah puasa, sekaligus melakukan kegiatan #promo-steem untuk mempekenalkan steemit dan steem blockchain kepada masyarakat.


#Promo-steem activities I do to attract public and investors to want to join the steemit platform in accordance with expectations The London Cryptocurrency Show initiated by stephenkendal.

Kegiatan #promo-steem ini saya lakukan untuk menarik minat masyarakat dan investor agar mau bergabung di platform steemit sesuai dengan harapan The London Cryptocurrency Show yang diprakarsai oleh stephenkendal.



We of the #promo-steemrural team will share this imsakiyah schedule until the month of Ramadan. The month of Ramadhan will start from 17 May 2018 to 15 June 2018.

Kami dari tim #promo-steemrural akan membagikan jadwal imsakiyah ini sampai menjelang bulan Ramadhan. Bulan Ramadhan ini akan dimulai dari tanggal 17 mei 2018 sampai dengan 15 juni 2018.

I am with the #promo-steemrural community to thank the cryptocurators who have become our donors in the " #promo-steem Schedule Imsakiyah "

I look forward to the support of all the world's steemians and ambassadors that the @steem-ambassador have agreed to in the mission #promo-steem of this imsakiyah schedule for the smooth #promo-steem made by the #promo-steemrural team.

Saya sangat mengharapkan dukungan dari seluruh steemian dunia dan ambassador yang telah disetujui oleh @steem-ambassador dalam misi #promo-steem jadwal imsakiyah ini demi kelancaran #promo-steem yang dilakukan oleh tim #promo-steemrural.

@mcfarhat @bait002 @entrepreneur916 @danieldoughty @bahagia-arbi @xpency @rismanrachman @dilimunanzar @mariska.lubis @ayijufridar @kesolink @samiwhyte @suheri @reko @futurethinker @greatness96 @cryptocurator @nairadaddy @eurogee @tj4real @richforever @raymondbruce @ejemai @starlost @my451r @calebleejl @leotrap @jeanwandimi @starkerz @anarcotech

Thanks to Co-Creator / Co-founder #promo-steem and @steem-ambassador @starkerz, @anarcotech and @stephenkendal.

Terimakasih kepada Co-Creator / Co-founder #promo-steem dan @steem-ambassador @starkerz, @anarcotech dan @stephenkendal.




You're amazing keep up the great work with your team!

Great job. you all are doing good brothers.

Your mostly Welcome Sir.

Sir actually I am very new to steemit and I am communicating with every unknown by commenting and upvoting to make friends. So that it will help me afterwards

So please dont feel me bad.

Go #promo-steem!

This post proves to be a worthy post for the #greetersguild initiative, bringing knowledge, people, and resources together for new users to succeed on the steemit blockchain. Support @terminallyill the visionary behind this cause and whom summoned me to upvote your post.

That being said…


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