Superior Quotes #61: Fyodor Dostoyevsky

in #q5 years ago


And you're sorry that the ephemeral beauty has faded so rapidly, so irretrievably, that it flashed so deceptively and pointlessly before your eyes--you're sorry, for you didn't even have time to fall in love...

Fyodor Dostoyevsky


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Ah, Misha, he has a stormy spirit. His mind is in bondage. He is haunted by a great, unsolved doubt. He is one of those who don't want millions, but an answer to their questions.

You were destined for me. Perhaps as a punishment.

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يذهب ؟ ذلك أنه

معنى أن لا يعر

هل تدرك يا سيدي العزيز ما

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