The Opportunities of Students to Strengthen Literacy Culture in Campus |

in #realityhubs5 years ago (edited)

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THE CAMPUS is a fertile place for the growth of literacy culture with an academic atmosphere and supporting facilities. In addition to adequate references, there is also support from lecturers, some of whom are also known as writers.

Writing and publishing books is also not a significant obstacle when support comes from campus. Students just have to optimize all the available facilities to strengthen the literacy culture on campus. It can be said, Malikussaleh University Creative Minority Student Activity Unit (UKM) is a student organization because it grows in an academic environment and is supported by various facilities from the campus.

The Vice Rector III for Student Affairs, Dr. Baidawi, gave the green light to all UKM in Unimal, including Creative Minority. When opening the book launch of Dalam Keriput yang tak Usang, he said; "Next year there should be 70 SME proposals that enter the Ministry of Research and Technology.

Minimum Creative Minority must publish one book a year, but if possible more, "he said before a number of lecturers and students in the Meurah Silue Hall, Lancang Garam, Lhokseumawe on Saturday September 7, 2019.

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This is a great opportunity that must be captured--of course. Students are now easier than previous generations of students. Now students can take writing training not only for free, but instead get an honorarium. Knowledge can, money can also. Unlike the previous generation of students who have to pay when they take writing training and the literacy movement is not as passive now.

Creative Minority is one of the Student Activity Units that has been included in the section to strengthen literacy culture with other communities. This time, under the guidance of Alchaidar, Nanda Amalia, and Anwar Puteh, they were more fortunate because the literacy program was more intense with a wider range, involving national writers Zubaidah Johar and Kurnia Effendi, two national writers.

Zubaidah Djohar, a female poet and humanitarian activist, initiated a writing training program for members of the Creative Minority University of Malikussaleh. Not all members have any experience writing at all. "Only 20 percent have ever had writing experience," said Ibed, Zubaidah Djohar's nickname.

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They get mentoring directly from professional writers. In addition to learning in class, they also receive assistance in the creative process of writing, although it is not enough to juggle students who have never written producing interesting essays, poems, or short stories.

"We free students to write anything. This writing is only to make students dare to speak in writing, "said Ibed. He tried to publish a book in Wrinkles that Never Worn in English and Finnish.

Alchaidar said, as the first work, students had produced extraordinary works because they saw a dark event in the past from a different angle. "They dismantled the thrilling event with courage," said the author of the book and observer of terrorism.

When translated in English later, of course the book gets a wider audience. However, students do not need to wait for that time to arrive. More they continue to work for the publication of the next book with a different theme. Opportunity has come, it's a shame to be thrown away. [Ayi Jufridar]



Peluang Mahasiswa Memperkuat Budaya Literasi

KAMPUS menjadi salah satu tempat yang subur bagi tumbuhnya budaya literasi dengan atmosfir akademis dan fasilitas yang mendukung. Selain referensi memadai, juga ada dukungan dari dosen yang sebagian juga dikenal sebagai penulis.

Menulis dan menerbitkan buku juga bukan kendala berarti ketika dukungan datang dari kampus. Mahasiswa tinggal mengoptimalkan semua fasilitas yang ada untuk memperkuat budaya literasi di kampus. Bisa dikatakan, Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Creative Minority Universitas Malikussaleh termasuk organisasi kemahasiswa karena tumbuh di tengah suasana akademis dan ditunjang berbagai fasilitas dari kampus.

Pembantu Rektor III Bidang Kemahasiswaan, Dr Baidawi, memberikan lampu hijau untuk seluruh UKM di Unimal, termasuk Creative Minority. Ketika membuka peluncuran buku Dalam Keriput yang tak Pernah Usang, ia berujar; “Tahun depan harus ada 70 proposal UKM yang masuk ke Kementeristekdikti.

Minimal Creative Minority harus menerbitkan satu buku satu tahun, tapi kalau bisa lebih,” katanya di hadapan sejumlah dosen dan mahasiswa di Aula Meurah Silue, Lancang Garam, Lhokseumawe, Sabtu (7/9/2019).

Tentu saja ini peluang besar yang harus ditangkap. Mahasiswa sekarang lebih mudah dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa generasi sebelumnya. Sekarang mahasiswa bisa mengikuti pelatihan menulis bukan saja dengan gratis, tetapi malah mendapatkan honor. Ilmu dapat, uang juga dapat. Beda dengan mahasiswa generasi terdahulu yang harus membayar ketika mengikuti pelatihan menulis dan gerakan literasi tidak semasif sekarang.

Creative Minority adalah salah satu Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa yang selama ini masuk dalam bagian memperkuat budaya literasi bersama komunitas lain. Kali ini, di bawah binaan Alchaidar, Nanda Amalia, dan Anwar Puteh, mereka lebih beruntung karena program literasi lebih intens dengan jangkauan lebih luas, seperti melibatkan penulis nasional, Zubaidah Johar dan Kurnia Effendi, dua penulis nasional.

Zubaidah Djohar, penyair perempuan sekaligus aktivis kemanusiaan, menggagas program pelatihan menulis bagi anggota Creative Minority Universitas Malikussaleh. Tidak semua anggota pernah punya pengalaman menulis sama sekali. “Hanya 20 persen saja yang pernah punya pengalaman menulis,” ungkap Ibed, panggilan akrab Zubaidah Djohar.


Mereka mendapatkan mentoring langsung dari para penulis profesional. Selain belajar di kelas, mereka juga mendapat pedampingan dalam proses kreatif penulisan, meski tidak cukup untuk menyulap mahasiswa yang belum pernah menulis menghasilkan esai, puisi, atau cerpen memikat.

“Kami membebaskan mahasiswa menulis apa pun. Penulisan ini hanya untuk membuat mahasiswa berani bersuara dalam bentuk tulisan,” ungkap Ibed. Ia berusaha menerbitkan buku Dalam Keriput yang tak Pernah Usang dalam bahasa Inggris dan Finlandia.

Alchaidar menyebutkan, sebagai karya perdana, mahasiswa sudah menghasilkan karya luar biasa karena melihat sebuah peristiwa kelam di masa lalu dari sudut berbeda. “Mereka membongkar peristiwa yang menggetarkan dengan berani,” kata penulis buku sekaligus pengamat terorisme tersebut.

Ketika diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris nanti, tentunya buku itu mendapat pembaca yang lebih luas. Namun, mahasiswa tidak perlu menunggu waktu itu tiba. Lebih banyak mereka berkarya terus untuk penerbitan buku berikutnya dengan tema berbeda. Kesempatan sudah datang, sayang jika dibuang percuma. [Ayi Jufridar]




Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

Nice well written review, you express everything in a compact /organized way which I really like... I think every university should give this kind of opportunities to their students...

Thanks for your contribution...

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Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

Thanks so much @priyanarc. The students at Malikussaleh University have a great opportunity to write and publish books with the support of various parties. they must be able to take advantage of the opportunity.

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