Love in Prayer

in #religion6 years ago

It all started with accident, which accidentally dropped his heart to someone he just met. Anti never thought of having a taste for him but Allah had other wishes.

"Apry" the man who unwittingly changed his life which was dark and filled with sadness. Since separating from his ex-boyfriend, he found it very difficult to open his heart to others, it was difficult to fall in love with another man besides his ex.

But everything changed since he was in one job, for the first time he saw it, at that time there was not the slightest bit in his heart to love apry, what he thought was just how he could work well in the company.

"Sis, I am here," said Anti to Apry who was working on her workplace.
"Oh yeah, deck," said Apry with a smile.

Since then, anti-getting to know Apry who is now a senior in his place of work, but only a few hours together at that place, he was moved to another place to be guided there.

At that time the feeling had not yet appeared in the heart of anti, he still felt the pain of the past which had given him a wound but was not bleeding.
Until one day anti hearing stories about apry and religion that we have. He was amazed by the story of one of his senior seniors.

"Cie, so you like it, yes," said Maudy, who mocked him
"I like where you know just how many days" replied anti with a red face.

From that moment on slowly began to pay attention towards apry sometimes he stole a glance to see apry's behavior, occasionally he smiled at the silly behavior.

The days he went through constantly watching him, too often he watched him make his anti-aging, until he unconsciously arose what was initially incomprehensible, and did not know for sure when the taste inhabited his heart, a sense that could make him sick when he saw her with a woman others, until finally anti-convincing whether he really had fallen in love with him, and it turns out that he fell in love with him.

"Astagfirullah" he said with tears.

He returned to remember his pain in the past he did not want his heart to get hurt again, and he did not want his love to damage his faith and piety.

"Why don't you?" Said his best friend who happened to be one office.
"I'm not really good," he said with a smile hiding his feelings.

Again he had to lie to hide his feelings, he did not dare to talk to other people about his heart, in prostration he always surrendered, told stories and knelt asking for divine guidance for the taste and without realizing it the tears always came out when he mentioned the name apry in his prayer

Not much is asked, he just asks not to fall into the wrong heart and so that this love does not damage his faith and fear.

"Deck," Apry said with a smile in front of the mosque
"Yes, sir, first, sir," said anti
He quickly walked away from the apry again, the heart felt like a bed of lebaran, a joy that mixed with fear of hurt and the pain of love.

what number is it? Lottery number, ”said another senior
"It's just not careless, I just want to master if we are active and chat," replied anti in a low voice
"Who is that," he replied with curiosity.

But anti always hiding everything neatly without telling anyone about his feelings, at night he woke up again from his sleep and always performed night prayers, but after praying he always dreamed the same every night, a dream which he thought was so strange but inevitably he had to convey dreams that to apry.

"What dream is this, God, why should you dream of this? What I have to say to him is that I don't want him to know about my feelings, "he said on the bed in the morning with tears slowly dripping.

He wiped the tears and woke up to morning prayers and prepared for work. In the office after going home he took the time to meet apry with a feeling that made him feel very cold, so he ventured to speak.

1 question was successfully answered by apry but 2 questions in the dream were not answered.
He felt a little relieved but he was shocked when Apry was able to answer that question, how could apry answer it while it was only a question for the faith test.

"The deck will come back again later because it's already okay to go home," he said, cleaning up the workplace.
"Yes, bro, what will you do tomorrow, don't forget me, I still have 2 more questions," replied anti in a slightly disappointed tone.

Anti went home leaving Apry who was working on her work, again her heart asked
"Oh God, do I have to fall in love with him? Whereas he doesn't love me

Day after day, the longer the feeling grew, the anti always met apry when praying even when anti praying in the midst of his prayer he felt there was a man who secretly watched his prayer, but he did not know who he was, he knew he was wearing the uniform characteristic of their office.

There is a little oddity that they experience even though now they have contact with each other, and chat with each other even though only for a moment but do not change their situation at the office.

Anti who looks indifferent when he meets apry and like no feeling whatsoever is replied with apry ignorance when meeting anti.

Sometimes their eyes look like they want to reprimand but are ashamed and lose the feeling of pretending not to care.

Apry was in front of the anti, but when Apry turned towards him he seemed to throw away his view, as well as the apry who looked away when he turned his head towards him. They look hypocritical but that is a way to keep the heart from falling too deep and not slandering when they look.

Every now and then anti want to be brave enough to rebuke him but that feeling is inferior to fear and shame shame on Allah because he sees something that has not been lawful for him.

Until when it was time to feel the chest tight and crushed when he saw it together with another woman who was riding home. Ade who began to know that anti-apry tried to comfort and calm her.

Anti vented all his sad feelings to his little friend, he felt his love began to grow deeper and deeper he begged, his mind screamed so that the feeling immediately disappeared but again the hope returned and the sad atmosphere returned happily when he saw the apry smiling.

"Spirit deck" he scolded by walking past the anti standing at the door

Instantly the greeting and the smile returned to make me feel happy, the shady face full of faith in his eyes made him re-realize that he was the person who was able to treat wounds in the heart.

Back at prayer time. Anti always prayed and begged to mention his name in every prayer, but in an unintentional manner when he came out of the prayer room, Apry was in front of the mosque, wearing his black and white shoes, again and again, to look away from trying to see it, but to be unconscious. he watched his footsteps walk but he remained silent without reprimanding a word to the anti.

It's always like that that happens between them if one of them sees then the other will pretend not to see,

The day continues to change now anti start to feel enough to harbor the taste. That is the love in silence must end when knowing the story of apry's love story before. He realized that he fell in love with someone who loved someone else.

His heart was broken, his heart was pained with tears pouring down as he prostrated before the divine, the pain he was experiencing was now complete. At that time he thought about forgetting feelings to apry

"Yes, muqolibal qulub tsabit qolbi alaa diinii" O substance that completely reverses the heart, confirms me in your religion, remove this love if I am not for him, but maintain this love if indeed he is the person "said the anti who moaned in prayer.

But it turns out that Allah answered the anti-Allah prayer with the other intention that Allah did not eliminate that feeling, even Allah gave him the antidote to not feel sick, he returned close to Apry to talk together and just tell a story together.

God brought back the anti and apry and treated the wound again.

Subhanallah, the Most Holy of Allah, because of the creation of human beings in pairs, how is the continuation of the story of love in prayer? Will they be united later? Or anti must stop loving apry ??

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