Little Cherine Book 02 - BPost018

“I think this is the first time any of the others have felt jealous of me.”
“Not of you love, of having the opportunity to be alone, without sharing the one they love. We must go back to our weekends. I miss it too.”
“You are not going to start jumping are you?”

Previous Post 017


“Don’t get scared. Nobody will mind sharing a weekend in Greece. There are a lot of lovely spots we can drive to.”

When we returned home, we found that everybody had already gathered and were reading my clues.

“The only one clue left to understand is that part about someone I share with having the answer. Cherine and I decided the word ‘sharing’ could mean anyone I love. That is why I asked all the people I love to come. Maybe one of you has a solution or a gift, but has not thought of it yet.”

I had spoken from the heart and felt uncomfortable when I saw some eyes staring at me with worship in them. Angelo seemed to have the worst case of idolising me. There was a lot of muttering between them, some questions, but no answers.

“We do not meet often enough, I would like to also turn this into a celebration.” I stood up and went to my little girl. “Aganthi has brought a new gift for sharing with all of us. Show them my love.”

She stood up, eyes shining. A book left the shelf and floated in the centre of the room. She then brought over a second book and placed it standing up on the first one. Then a third which lay flat upon the second, forming the shape of a capital ‘I’. The three books, as if glued together, began to spin and then even as they spun they moved in a figure of eight path. She stopped them and placed the books back on the shelf.

“Moving objects by the power of your mind you may think is interesting but not useful. My primary concern is always the safety of the group. I can imagine situations where this gift could save lives. Aganthi, thank you.”

*That is not fair Robert. You have made her adore you.*

I gave Dommi a huge grin. *You afraid of the competition?*

*You sure can be an arsehole at times!*

*But your favourite one I bet.* She burst out laughing, leaving everybody to wonder what it was all about.

“Before everybody leaves, Elia and his wife have asked me to invite you all to their house next week Thursday. They are having a very special party. It is the birthday of Dominique. Being a woman and having reached the point where she is afraid you might start thinking of her as getting old, I have promised not to tell you her age.”

With the crowd of them in good humour, they left with teasing remarks and promises to be there next week. As usual Alki and his now large family stayed. Niko was chatting with the twins and hung on also.

Alki placed his big hand over mine. “It is good to see you like this Roberto. When I saw you depressed it made me afraid.”

“Then you are not as strong as my girls are. They have to put up with my bad moods all the time.”

“You will take it easy until you are fully cured?”

“You are asking me? Shouldn’t you be asking them?” I nodded at the girls and gave them a lascivious grin.

“Don’t try to pass the blame on to us - if it was up to us, you would be living like a monk!”

“Claudia! What a thing to suggest - you know I would never screw another man!”

“God but you’ve got a dirty mind! Girls, you want a nice clean thinking and handsome guy, I’m available.” Niko grinned good-naturedly at their boos.


Chapter Eighty

It all goes to prove how the body is affected by the mind. Long before Christmas I had improved to such an extent that we were able to have and go to parties, dance (both at the parties and once in the void), make love more often and revel in our life together in many ways. As long as I used a bit of common sense, my healer was able to stabilise me most of the time.

Dommi remonstrated gently, “You see Roberto, you broke your own rules, kept what you feared a secret and let it bring you down. When are you going to learn to also trust us with your pains and fears?”

“Not in the foreseeable future. If I tried to, your worry and pain would only multiply my own. It is my role as protector to care for you.”

“And it is our role as your wives to care for you.”

“Speaking of which, Dommi, do you think the rest of the girls would like to marry us?”

“Why have you waited so long?”

“First of all, I still feel uncomfortable at the idea of my own daughters marrying me. Secondly, what kind of wedding would it be for them without a wedding night - which not even they would have allowed me. Thirdly, Em-e. We cannot marry her in secret. I need to know that such an occasion will only give joy to her parents.”

Her voice was a trifle sharper now, “That Jonathan, he has turned out to be the most difficult of all. He sees he is younger, his daughter is healthy and happy, he has been dancing so many times - and yet he has no circle, no interest in creating his own World. What is holding him back?”

“A severe upbringing. He has adjusted to his daughter being mine - as he sees it, he does not consider or think of you girls as being her lovers too. Still, every time we break one of the rules he grew up under, it shocks him. He is rigid, only slowly will he become flexible. We can wait for him.”

“A wedding on the fourteenth of February would be nice.”

“Now who is being silly. Our girls would lose out.”

“Then decide, but decide soon Robert.” She stopped thoughtfully. “You do know which date would make them the happiest - and make all us married girls green-eyed?”

“Not a clue.”

“The sixth of January, on your birthday.”

“That would be the loveliest birthday gift of all, but there is no way Jonathan will have agreed by then. To marry anyone and leave Em-e out would be cruel.”

I dropped the subject, forgetting what a bulldog Dommi can be. She arranged for her, Cherine and Meli to visit Em-e and her mother at a time her father was not there.

“Percy, this is an opportunity too good to miss, for the girls to get married on his birthday would make them the envy of all of us, but we cannot marry the girls without Em-e, and Robert insists we first have the wholehearted approval of your husband. Is there any chance you could convince him?”

“That only leaves us days! I cannot do it so fast. He needs time for every decision he has to make.” She saw the look of faith and joy on her daughter’s face die and she felt the pain. She furiously racked her brains. “I will try, but please do not get too disappointed if I do not succeed kori mou.”

Once Em-e had gone to bed, she spoke to her husband that evening. He, to her surprise, did not get furious as she expected. His face went ice-cold and hard and he only answered with a curt “No.”

Cherine should have known better. She should have been monitoring, but she was playing a game and was not. She had not expected anything to happen that fast.

We all felt it at the same moment. As the girls looked up startled, Cherine, Dommi and I jumped.


I collapsed as I arrived, totally drained. My chest was on fire again. As the girls turned to me, torn by their need to help me and find Em-e, I shouted to them to go. Percy and Jonathan were staring at me, their faces waxen with fear. They knew that jumping was almost the same as my committing suicide, so they soon realised something is drastically wrong. They both rushed behind the girls into their daughter’s bedroom.

I forced myself up and staggered through to find Cherine and Dommi unconscious, lying on the floor. Percy began to scream as she held to her the body of her daughter.

“Percy, quick, tear off her pyjama top, put your arm on her chest.”

As she ignored me, Jonathan grabbed at his daughter and pulling her top off put his arm across her chest. The healer acted swiftly.

“Jonathan, be very careful, do not move your arm.”

“I know, I did it for you.”

I sat on the floor by my girls and the tears began to fall. “I can’t! I haven’t got the strength.”

“You can’t do what!!” Percy screamed at me.

“I can’t go to the void. My two loves have gone after Em-e, I must go to help, but I can’t, I’m too weak.” At this admission tears spilled down my cheeks.

Without moving Jonathan turned his face to me, with a look of fury and terror. “Don’t you fucking die on us you bastard. Don’t fucking die, I’ll kill you!”

Cherine moaned and sat up. “Robert, she is not there, the Sparklers say she did not go there!”

“Jesus, she must have…oh god, what do I do?”

Cherine had to explain to the parents. “Em-e did not go to the void, she has killed herself by falling into another kind of space within her mind. Robert has done it to us. We have to go into her, but Robert must not try to follow me.”

“Cherine, call back Dommi, she must help you.”

“She went there directly. I’ll be back love.”

An hour later we were still waiting. The other girls had all jumped and were with us. I could not stand it anymore, “Sam, you must…no, Wendy, you go. See if you can help, otherwise come back to tell me what is going on.”

Claudia had brought a chocolate bar and was feeding me pieces. It would not be fast enough.

“Percy, have you got any glucose? If not, bring me sugar.”

“No daddy, you must not go.” Sam stood over me defiantly, her little fists clenched. That made Percy run, bringing back sugar. I ate a few mouthfuls and gave it a few minutes.

Wendy sat up. Her face was full of fear. “Robert she did the same as you, she locked herself in a shell. There is no cord so we cannot use it to get inside her. They are holding her up, but they need help.”

I lay down and closed my eyes. This I was now able to do, I entered Em-e and found Dommi holding the little shell while Cherine tried to break in. I made Cherine stop.

I sensed my girls had all followed me in. I wrapped myself around the shell so that she became my core. I called the protector to meld with me. As I blazed I called to my girls to also meld within me.

*Robert, we can’t create the Kaleidoscope World in her!* *It already exists in the void. Just try this love, we have nothing more to lose.*

They all entered me and we imploded, thrown out to the void and into our World.


I saw what Robert wanted. He realised the inner space of Maria-Elena is her territory. She would be weaker here. He forced her shell to the core of our World and called to the Sparklers for more energy. They sent it. He tried to use it to force his way through her barrier. It did not work.

I grabbed her and spun my way out back into the void. I called to the protector, telling it we had to do what we had done to Richard. I had to become the void. That would give me the power to break through and save her.

The protector refused. It showed me breaking through and her soul being instantly consumed. I had no choice, I would have to gamble I could intervene in time. I forced it to help me. I became the void.

The sphere was no longer dark. It had a phosphorescent glow to it and I could see it pulsed weakly, resembling the Sparklers as they fed off me. I pulled the currents of power to me, ready to assault, smash my way through, consume that pearly shine, the energy of life.

A spot attracted me, a tiny spot on the sphere. It was where the cord had reached to her body before it was severed. Urgently I smashed away the energy I had unleashed upon that glow. I pulled the protector into a fine point and forced it through the spot and as I too flowed through, I made the protector seal the spot.

*Maria-Elena. Come to me, my love. Come to me.*

I flared until my love shone throughout her little closed world. It was almost empty. She had withdrawn, pulled herself into one tiny tight bundle, hardly a pulse of energy left to her. I streamed in and wrapped her within myself. As I held her, I fed her.

Slowly, like a child curled up in sleep she unfurled, opening herself to receive the love I fed her. I continued to call to her gently.

*Robbie?* *Here for you my love.* *I want to die. My father will never let me marry you. * *We are married Em-e, we are.* *No.* *Are you already arguing with me wife?* *How can we be married?* *We are in the void love. I am now the void and the void is me. This is my world and in my world you are married to me.*

It took a long time of gentle persuasion and love, but she came to me voluntarily now, let me hold her within my soul. The shell crumbled and faded away. I sped with her back to her inner world and returned her soul to her precious body.

I saw all my loves as they surrounded her and found they could not see me. Sadly I returned to my world of meaningless energy vortexes and the void.

I cried for my protector to deliver me, was met with only my existence being fed on by uncountable numbers of souls throughout my universe. A constant irritation I would flicker and throw them from one part of me to another, getting rid of them by sending them to pockets of matter.

A soft stirring within me. The protector, it was within. I called for it to return me, to release the void from me.

A burning was flaming its way over my chest. I gasped in agony and clutched at it with my hands.

“Robbie don’t, you’ll hurt yourself.”

I opened my eyes to find my loves holding on to me. I had made it, I was back.


“She is alive. She came back, she says you brought her back.”

“The void.”

I slept, worn out beyond the little endurance I’d started with.

They did not dare move me, only placing me upon the bed of my Em-e. Even in my sleep I sensed the scent of her upon the sheets and slept in peace. That night and the next day and night, I slept while my healer fought its own battles within me. I woke up to an unpleasant stench.


“Where am I?”

“You are in Maria-Elena’s bed. Everyone is here Roberto, all your loved ones, safe and sound. Sleep and let your healer help you.”

“What is that awful smell?”

“It is you Roberto.” I opened my eyes and saw I had been talking to Maria, our own good doctor.

“My body is already rotting?”

“Relax, let your healer work.”

The door opened and she frowned. Cherine entered and saw my eyes were open. “I have come for you my love. It is time for us to go to our beautiful Kaleidoscope World. We will keep it ready so that our loves can join us there someday.”

“I am not ready Cherry baby. I promised to fight to the end. I do not break my promises.”

Tears dripped silently down to her chin as she looked at me with a sweet unbearable tenderness. “You have kept your promise my love. We all agree, it is time for you to find peace. It will be just the two of us again my love, until the others come. Dommi promised to stay a while and help our children and lovers.”

“I am not ready yet.”

She buried her face in her hands and sobbed. From somewhere she found the strength within her and faced me again. “Your body is dying. Your healer cannot save you anymore.”

“Maria told me, my body is rotting. What percentage viability?”

“Under thirty. The healer cannot save a body with less than forty.”

“Then I will have to fire it. Get me one that is not so lazy.”

She giggled through her tears. “Shall I put an advert in the papers?”

“That’s my girl. An advert in my heart is good enough. Will you give me a sliver of your soul? I need a sliver from my lion cub so that I can feel you really are one with me all the time - just as it is with Diana and the twins. Come into me my love.”

Without the slightest sign of disgust in mind or body, she lay down next to me, cuddling up against me. She came. We danced, we played and she gave that tiny sliver I needed.

The two slivers within me met and fused and I exploded in a flash of power. I took my healer, grabbed Cherine’s and fused them. I gave them a prime directive to save the body of Robert Teller.

Cherine lay next to me, having muted herself, for hours watching over me as I slept.

“Cherine love, you awake?”

“I’m here. You feeling better?”

“I stink. Maria, I need to wash.”

“I’ll sponge bath you.”

“No, I will.” With small wet towels that Maria kept bringing her she washed me. When she raised my head to wash the back of my neck, I looked down and saw my body. It was filled with suppurating sores that wept yellow-green tears. My god! My little girl was washing this!!

I demanded a viability report. Thirty nine.

“How do I wash this out of your mind my baby. I did not know. How could you bear to lie next to me and to wash me now!!”

“Bear what my Robert? The man I love?”


“You are crazier than I am!”

“If you keep on paying me compliments like that I’m going to start kissing your body well. Will that help love?”

“Yuck! Cherine?”

“It is coming love. Your favourite from your daddy Alki.”

“Chicken soup!”

I was fed and slept and fed by my tireless love. She would not allow the others, except for Dommi, to see me. She ate and slept by my side and her love was constant as it flowed into me.

“Viability fifty two my love. Can I go home now?”

“Soon. Robert, is there nothing the protector can do to help?”

“It is not a healer.”

“If it can destroy then it should be able to help, please send it to me.”

I listened as she argued and then commanded. *In the beginning you used your power to hurt Robert. Use that power to help heal him now. If you cannot, then you will fuse with the healers, give them your power so that they can use it. There is no danger now, only that of losing our Robert. If we lose him all of us will hurt and die. You know it is the truth, so this is a prime. Help heal him.*

I felt it join the healers and the power was now incredible. From the faces of Maria and Cherine I knew what was happening. I lifted my arm and it was almost fully healed. I saw it was sheathed in a white glow.

“All of me!?”

“Yes my love.”

“Open the door, the girls must see.” They all dashed in, not waiting for Cherine and stopped and stared at me.

“Get yourselves ready, we are going home.”

The adults came in and stood mesmerised by the sight of my glowing body. Maria helped me sit up and put a couple of pillows behind me.

“Percy, Jonathan, sorry to have been a nuisance. Em-e?” She came forward, her face haggard and eyes red. “Do you remember?”

“In the void you said we are married.”

“Is your heart as one with mine. Are we a part of each other with love?”


“Then what do we need a silly ceremony for. We are married, have you kissed your other brides, let them welcome you?”

As she stood, her face transfixed, Jonathan stepped forward and placed his hand on her shoulder. “You will not cheat my daughter of a ceremony. You asked to marry her and you will keep your word.”

“Today is your birthday Robert. Can we marry you here? We don’t have to go to that old church do we?”

They helped place me in a chair in the lounge and my wives and brides surrounded me. Alki performed the ceremony and we all joined and became one family of a mixture of relationships that a computer would not want to try and analyse. For instance, a daughter who marries her father and mother, is she also her own stepmother?


“This must be the first time anyone has married a glowing bridegroom…hmm, unless I get better soon all our new wives will have the right to annul this marriage. As the twins said, a good incentive.”

Dommi cupped my face as she knelt by me. “Anybody tries to annul will be put over my lap and gets a spanking.”

“You sometimes scare me Dominique. You must come from the Greeks of 1820, fierce, loyal and really old fashioned!”

“It no longer matters where I come from, what matters is where I am going.”

“That is something I want to talk about to all of you soon, not just my family, I mean all of you my dear Cherinians.”

I was wrapped up like a mummy and carried to the car and then to our home. I asked them to stop, put me down by the front door.

“You are not carrying them Robert. You can forget that!”

“I can’t love. Now stop being such a mother hen Dommi. Alki, would you help me?” He came to see what I wanted. “You are my father in all ways that count. Would you do me the honour of carrying our brides over the threshold for me? Girls, all of you, I want you to be ten year olds now.”

Alki made a complete ass of himself, crying as he carried my brides one by one, with them insisting they had to kiss him once over the threshold. He quickly carried me in and made them kiss me as was proper he said. He did kiss his two daughters and holding them to him turned to me.

“You really got a bargain. If I had known how lovely they are to kiss I would never have let you get them.” That is the kind of gesture he makes that makes me love him so much. It was the sweetest wedding gift he could have given them.

They propped me up in our bed. I looked at the sea of happy faces and grinned. “I think my epitaph will be ‘Never has one man wed so many sweet damsels in one day and made love to such a few.’ I promise I will get strong enough to consummate our marriage soon.”

“I told you Robert, no need to strain yourself, relax, I’ll be happy to help you out.”

“Niko my friend, you want to help me out? Then you go get yourself a bunch, as many as mine, and marry them so that I can console myself with the thought that my friend is in the same spot I am!”

Not one of my brides was allowed in my bed that night. As I dozed off, even as the guests quietly left, Dommi sent them all to the satellite bedrooms and then lay down by my side and held me through the night. Cherine was not allowed near me as we were reacting to her sliver in me. Not one of the girls even murmured about being sent to bed hungry, without even a slice of wedding cake.

Soon as my healer pronounced me as being ninety percent viable I ordered it to split and return the healer to Cherine. The protector resumed its normal activities of watching us all. Samantha returned to thank the aliens for their help and to tell them how I had solved the problem. They, the girls, had all shared my mind and seen me as the void, so when she told them that part, she left a disturbed hornets nest behind her.

Cherine dampened herself almost to the point where I could hardly feel her and visited me.

“She was right. Her clue about sharing. By sharing my healer and …”

“Not right love. They are only a backup, a tremendous comfort to feel the power they have, but they have not solved the problem.”

“Then what?”

“Not that urgent anymore. Soon as I drop below whatever level we decide, they can get together and make my body better again. We will find the answer though.”

“If you love me, you will do everything you can to find it as soon as possible.”


Now that I was well enough to take an active interest again, I found that the number of new gifts are more than I had hoped for. The younger son of Tasso has developed the ability to do instant calculations; Laura is able to see auras and has total recall of her previous life; Bernie has the ability, sometimes, of being able to ‘hear’ thoughts of strangers without entering their minds (the twins are able to read each other only); Tina has the ability to soothe pain of the heart by touching and holding any person who is suffering; Diana is starting to feel the history of articles, she can take a watch, for instance, hold it and then describe who it belonged to; Rosie is able to make small, light articles ‘jump’; Natalie has developed her gift and can pass through a crowd without anyone noticing her.

Alki is starting to find he can tell when people lie to him and has a feel for their character. I have a strong suspicion his gifts are not entirely new, partly explaining his amazing wealth. I had to tease him, saying he had been betrayed by his gift when he met me, otherwise he would have stayed far away from all the trouble I’d brought into his life. He dared to think of teasing me in return.

“We Greeks have a saying, with great joys come great sorrows. I’m waiting for the great joys.”

Marian turned in mock anger, “Are you saying I am a great sorrow?”

No sooner had he begun to fix that than he got attacked by his kids and then, just for the hell of it, Cherine. For once I could afford to sit back and enjoy watching someone else suffer.

“I had a dream that as each new gift appeared it would be passed on to all. That does not seem to be happening. It only seems to happen with a number of gifts that are basic; healers, jumping and so on. There are a number of the other gifts I would love to have. I wonder, does it also depend on the personality of the person? Take Diana, she developed an interest in fossils, things of antiquity and then she extends her interest into a gift, the ability to read the history of an article.”

“It would have been more useful if she could have acquired the ability to find lost articles.”

“I disagree Dommi. How long is it since you lost anything? With our improved memory you should not be able to lose anything.”

“I’m happy with what I’ve got.” I was pleased to see that most of my girls felt the same as Cherine.

“I know somebody who wishes he had one of the gifts Robbie has. Bet you Niko wishes he had your ‘little girl attractor’!”

“Claudine, that is not a gift. All he has to learn is to open his heart and love like Robert does.”

Alki looked very serious as he spoke, “Dominique, for the first time I must disagree with you. To be able to love like he does, that is a gift. Very few are able to love whole-heartedly one person, never mind the number of people he does.”

“If it is a gift like you say pappou, I want to know, how big is it? When will he love enough girls and not want any more?” It was not often Aganthi spoke and she basked in the success of her sally as everyone laughed.

Just when I thought I could sit back and relax for a while, so as to enjoy being with my loves, without being a burden on them, life allows me to see a new facet and I go crazy with speculations and dreams which we are not ready for yet.

Katerina has one of those spirits I think are called indomitable. Even on the first day, while she was awed and grateful at being brought back to life and Aganthi was trying to make her think of me as some kind of god, she smiled and joked without fear that I might feel slighted. She knew she had no intention of slighting me, so she just assumed I would see it the same way. From what Aganthi has shown me, Katerina has always refused to bow down to those who exploited her, doing as they ordered, but not in a subservient manner.

She went to the void with her family at a time nobody else was there. She had something on her mind which she had not shared with her family, luckily, as they would have tried to convince her she does not have the right to ask anything of someone as important as Solomon. Before anyone could forbid her, she swung out to a great distance and called for Solomon. He responded, taking a position close to her, his emoting friendly.


*I am Katerina, the soul Robert and Cherine asked for, when I died. Do you know who I was before I died?*

Sadly, Solomon responded, *I regret I do not. Are your memories blocked from you?*

Cheerfully she sent an apologetic laugh. *My question was not asked correctly - Solomon, I was asking whether you know of how I earned my living. Do you know how Aganthi did, before Roberto found her and made her part of his family?*

*I have heard him speak of her selling flowers - and that she suffered.*

*I lived the same kind of life - it is how we came to know each other. Solomon, the suffering has not died with my death, I carry it with me and I fear it may spoil this life for me and my family. I heard on television that sometimes re-living past memories helps, but I don’t know how to do it myself. Then I remembered Robert talking about memories from past lives and that you are able to help because we are only souls in the void. Would you help me?*

By now her family had arrived. They had shared the conversation from her and realised they must not interfere, so they silently waited.

Solomon told us that he felt very uncomfortable and wished either one of us or Ordinx would appear, but nobody did, so he was forced to try and find a solution, for he said he could feel how her cheerfulness could not mask her fear and sadness. We can understand how it confused him, for we too often find that the human mind confuses us.

*Katerina, I do not really understand how the mind of souls locked in material bodies function, but I do not think the life before your death can be counted as a past life - it seems to me that your present life is more of a continuation of what you lived before dying, so you should ask Dominique or Robert to help you, they understand how the memories of your minds work better than I do.* He felt her disappointment and so as to show her that he is not refusing her for other reasons, he told her, *If you should want to experience a previous life, I will be happy to be of assistance.*

Unable to remain concentrated on solving her problems at the possibility of such an adventure being offered her, Katerina responded eagerly, *Would you do it for me, would you find an interesting past life where I did not have to suffer all the time?*

Sonja told her, *Agapi mas, perhaps you are asking for the impossible - all lives have a measure of suffering, why not ask for a life where you were loved?*

*I already have that, a life where I am loved and I love - no past life where I am not a Cherinian can compare. Solomon, maybe an adventurous life would be healing? I’d have to be stronger than I am, so maybe I can learn from that life how to be stronger in this one?*

Solomon sent her a smile, *If I am to believe what I have learnt from Robert, perhaps a life filled with love is the one that will make any of us the strongest - as it has with Robert?*

*But I want something exciting!*

She was inundating him with her emoting, so Solomon gently told her, *I will try, if there is such a life worth experiencing. You will find it easier if we either go to the Sparkler beach or else we ask the entity of the Teller World to allow us to use their green island. Which would you prefer?*

Practical Sonja asked, *How long would it take? Remember, we cannot stay out of our bodies for more than a few hours; Katerina the least of us due to her young body age.*

They agreed that each session will not last longer than what feels like two hours in the void. Solomon reassured Katerina that it is not a sacrifice on his behalf, that he’ll enjoy learning from her. They agreed to begin the next day so that the first session can last the full two hours and when they returned to their bodies, Katerina found it very difficult to keep her secret from all those she loves, which includes Britta and Andrea. In the end she gave in and confided her secret to Themi, since he never gossips and is most likely of all to keep his word.


Solomon looked puzzled, his body swaying as if he was losing his balance. He re-checked and then told the family, “I do not understand, instead of sensing the life of one person, I am getting results that fluctuate… sometimes I sense two and sometimes three persons, with vague feelings of more lives… less substantial, almost what you would call ghostly. How can one past life hold more than one personality?” He glanced at the agitated Sparklers dancing over their heads and confided, “Sometimes I feel we are facing too many new ideas for us to cope.”

Socrati asked, “How will Katerina experience her past life? Is there any danger?”

“Danger? What do you fear?”

“What if the past life personality is strong and tries to take over?”

“It does not become aware of Katerina, all she is accessing is the memories.”

Sonja asked, “If that is so, how is it you are sensing more than one personality? Can you do that just from the memories?”

Troubled by her perceptive question, Solomon turned away to think. As he admitted afterwards, he was troubled, for though he has sensed the personality in the memories of a number of species he has accessed, he had never sensed personalities so divergent in type of energy - or what we would call taste.

Katerina was trying hard not to let them sense her excitement, for she hoped that if she is truly so unique, it will help her feel more like the equal of other Cherinians. Her mental voice was steady as she told Solomon, “I have to find out what is so different about the personality or personalities you have sensed, so I want to go ahead.” She grinned. “I trust that I will not try to kill myself so as to take over. If it tries, I’ll tell it that it cannot, this is my turn.”

If you have read of hypnotists/hypnotherapists using regression (οπισθοδρόμηση) techniques to search for psychological disorders caused by a previous life, you will know that once taken back, the subject describes the person of the previous life, it is very rare to read of the previous personality describing its own life and problems. This we assume shows that the present personality remains in control.

A major difference between a Cherinian regressing and a Normal, is that the Cherinian has a better memory and recalls everything afterwards far more vividly and in greatly enhanced detail. A side benefit is our ability to share with others the memories of our past life which is far more impressive than just being verbally told of the experiences.

In this case, where the previous life is not of a Terran existence; if Katerina had been the one who had to interpret for us what she learnt, she would have been limited by her own understanding of that specie - at least, now, we may be each limited by our own inability to fully understand an alien, but by comparing what we have each understood, we help each other by filling some of the gaps so that our knowledge becomes the sum of all everyone understood. More often than not, our bits of understanding which are unique to each of us, do not exist because of a better or wider education, nor because of our intelligence - it seems to come from some quirk peculiar to that person on an instinctive level. Perhaps part of the deeper understanding of some details filters through from our own past lives?

Here is what Katerina learnt-experienced.

Uushakki zealously guards his anonymity, for it is a common occurrence for ill feelings exploding from the virtual worlds, to be transferred to the real world, with participant-slayers (state executioners) being killed by non-professionals (assassins) who do not deserve the honour. Of course, defining the one a virtual world and the other a real world does not reflect the true states of being, for those Uushakki has slain in the virtual worlds also die in the real world. It is important that the real world is not challenged directly, for there are far too many variables and opportunities for those who seek his death to be prevented - despite the laws they are all supposed to obey. He also needs to know there is a corner where he can relax for those times he is himself.

Since Uushakki knew their history and the purpose of the virtual worlds, so did Katerina come to know. At this moment only the information regarding the virtual worlds are relevant. About one hundred and fifteen years before the birth of Uushakki, the virtual worlds were developed beyond the amusement stage. Some law of the universe was discovered (Uushakki has no interest in science, so he was unable to provide Katerina with any technical know-how) that allowed them to link any and all the virtual worlds to the real world, so that action taken in any of them could affect them in all the virtual worlds and in the real world and vice versa.

Next [Book 02] - Post 019

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
15th May, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 15th May, 2019

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