The start of my new guide

in #slavery6 years ago


Zen Humean skepticism for Homo Fideo (believing man)
Suspend your assumptions, and step outside ‘the loop’ of the carefully constructed mind-prison called ‘The Dominant Hegemonic Social Reality’
Before that option is finally and irrevocably taken away from you, and you doom yourself and your loved ones, to forever remain, slaves. If I told you to whom to, this book would be banned, and I’d be put in prison. Or much worse. So don’t ask. Work it out for yourself.
The dangerous minefield called ‘communication’
First the ‘Noble’ lie
When we tell a child that their pet has ‘gone to heaven’, we are intending to shield them from a painful truth. Our intentions are noble. We are trying to avoid harm. Telling a dying person they ‘will be O.K’, so that they suffer less their last moments, is also done with good a.k.a ‘noble’ intent. Hiding some fact from someone, out of a desire to benefit them in some way, is done with ‘good intentions’. We could call these ‘noble’ lies.
Plato, however, took the idea of ‘noble’ lies a step further. He argued that if what you had a plan for everyone that YOU believed would benefit them, but you believed they would not act on it, based on the plans own merits, and your ‘compelling arguments’, ‘logical proofs’, and so on, then you had a moral obligation to lie to them, and claim that the plan was in fact ‘revealed’ to you by some God, or Angels, or such like beings.
This would give YOUR plan the ‘transferred authority’ of a God or Angel or other ‘supernatural’ being. The people were more likely to act on YOUR plan, if they were lead to believe it was ‘God’s plan.
This is how most CULTS have always operated. Especially the ‘religions’ of ‘The Book’. ‘The Book’ being the ‘Torah’. A book written by the Cult of Judah’s Priests, and constantly ‘revised’, it being essentially an ORAL Torah, to meet the current generation of Cult of Judah High Priest’s current needs and ambitions. The revisions could re-interpret previous Torah stories, and add new chapters, such as ‘The Holocaust’ and ‘911 was Islamic Terrorists’. New ‘myths’ based on the old TORAH role models, all intended to serve the original Cult of Judah ambitions for world domination.
Of course EVERYONE considers their own interests to ‘justify’ the employment of lies and deceptions. And every nation, at least since ‘The Art of War’ was written in China, has adopted the official MOSSAD motto of ‘Make War by Deception’.
This is the ‘war of all against all’ that Hobbes spoke of. Weaponised communication. Propaganda. Deception.
Now most of the active agents of the Cult of Judah have no idea who they are actually serving. They all imagine they are serving some NOBLE ends. They interpret and ‘represent’ and ‘render’ their own actions as ‘noble’, as they serve these imagined ends.
The young men firebombing women and children in japan and Germany imagined they were serving some ‘noble’ ends. Ends that justified these horrific means.
Judges fining and imprisoning people for merely questioning ‘The official legal fiction’ called ‘The Holocaust’ imagine they are serving some noble ends.
All the various ‘Sayanim’ among all the ‘spawn’ of the Cult of Judah, from Catholics, to Christians, to Christian Zionists, to Muslims, to Marxists, to ‘Global warmers’, probably to the ‘New Earthers’, imagine they are serving something good. Often a utopian ideal. Very few realise they are serving the Cult of Judah, and its 3000 year old ambitions for a ‘Jew’ World Order.
The actual cult members themselves were never offered a choice. They’ve been tightly controlled and conditioned even more intensively and intensely than the rest of us, to believe a bunch of lies, and ‘render’ them as their own ‘subjective reality’.
This book is about offering THEM, and the rest of us, all victims of the Cult of Judah, freedom. Emancipation. True freedom. True emancipation. Not merely a change in the forms of slavery, from chains to debt slavery. True liberation of the mind. True freedom to define reality for yourself.
This book, using methods ranging Zen, to Humean Skepticism, to NLP, and beyond, offers YOU the chance to take control of your own destiny.
How? Well we are all born with what I will call a ‘Master rendering program’. This may be a LITERAL description. Or it may be a metaphor. Either way, it is powerful. It empowers YOU.
This Master Rendering Program, however, is quite open ended at first. It ‘learns’ what to ‘attend’ to, and how to ‘render’ it, as a representation. In other words this program determines your experience of life. Your subjective ‘reality’. At a ‘local’ level. At the level of YOU.
However people soon learned that they could control OTHERS, and abuse them as mere means to their own ends, by applying ‘Framing’ ‘programs’ and ‘filter programs’ OVER other people’s original Master Rendering Program.
In other words other people can decide for you, WHAT you will attend to, and how you will RENDER what you attend to. What REPRESENTATIONS you will make of the data streaming into your program.
OTHERS can thus trick you into rendering a personal reality that suits THEM. At huge cost to YOU.
I explain all this in my TROONATNOOR books. But I will touch upon it in this guide also.
This guide is intended as a practical guide to breaking out of the mental prison you’ve been imprisoned in since birth. Since countless previous lives. A prison which you are doomed to remain in, for countless future new-incarnations, until you receive the information explained in a guide like this.
This guide is a tool for YOU to use, to free YOURSELF. To empower yourself to continuing expanding your consciousness. To become IMMUNE to future attempts by others to manipulate and enslave you. To become the master of your own reality.
But you have to give up any notion of using others as mere means towards the satisfaction of your own selfish desires, or what I teach you will only bring you, and all of us, even greater misery than we ensure today.
For the Cult of Judah’s power today, as ever, is that it appeals to THAT very motive. Slavery cannot exist unless you will it to exist, by willing that OTHERS serve YOU as YOUR slaves. As the means to YOUR ends.
The ends justify the means
We are told that the ‘Holocaust’ films, though admittedly ‘purely works of fiction’ i.e ‘made up stories’, somehow, in deceiving us, offer us ‘the truth’ in a way more accessible than merely ‘presenting actual truth’ to the audience.
If you believe that these films, and the books they are based on, are NOT fiction, go and check the original first editions of the books. They state they are works of fiction.
You see, telling the actual, whole truth, might not lead to people ‘understanding’ what ‘Holocaust’ films are intended to ‘communicate’. People might NOT end up with the desired ‘representation’ and ‘rendering’ of ‘Nazi Germany’ that the makers of the films, and their Cult of Judah masters, desire.
So everyone, everywhere, justifies their own lies to themselves as means to some ‘desirable’ ends. Ends desired by the deceivers, that is. And often patently NOT desirable for their victims.
Any means, it seems, are considered ‘justified’. From torturing honest, loyal, noble, courageous soldiers to give false confessions of war crimes, to putting people in prison for 10 years and more, simply for asking questions about ‘The Holocaust’, and then offering alternative, more compelling, more scientifically validated, answers, than the ‘official legal fiction’ we are forced to ‘believe’.
So what ARE the ends all these MEANS have been employed to attain? You’ll have to read my other books to discover that. I want to publish this book, and for you to benefit from it. If I say too much about the CULT of Judah in this book, you won’t get that benefit, and I’ll end up in jail, unable to benefit ANYONE in ANY way, ever again.
But what interests us here is that most interlocutors will tell themselves, and many will ‘believe’, that ‘The ends justify the means’. And thus that deliberate deception of YOU is justified.
Some of the deceivers will, like Plato, imagine that it is in YOUR interests to be deceived. And to believe in their lives.
Other deceivers don’t give a damn about YOU and YOUR interests at all. They define their own lies as ‘noble’ not because they benefit YOU, but because they benefit their Cults. And through them themselves and their own families. Read the Torah for examples and/or role models for ‘Cult of Judah’ / ‘Religions of the Book’ affiliates, as to how they are to treat YOU. Amalek. Edom. Goy. Gentile. Genocide. Slavery. Theft. Rape. Spin it how you want. The ends justify the means, right?
So before we worry about all the ‘accidental’ and ‘unintended’ deceptions that ‘communication’ can introduce to our ‘beliefs’ and ability to make rational decisions, we should always keep in mind that most communications are full of deliberate deception at some level.
Sometimes with truly ‘noble’ intentions. Often with very malicious intentions.
And never forget that most people are unaware that THEY have been lied to. They themselves BELIEVE the lies. They are not personally employing deception nobly, or otherwise. They are simply REPRODUCING lies. Sometimes with the best intentions. Imagining they are ‘saving’ you or ‘informing’ you. Sharing the ‘good news’ (Gospel) with you.
Many priests believe the lies they have been taught, and reproduce. Many understand they are lies, but consider them ‘noble’. Others just enjoy the power and privileges these lies give them.
So far we have dealt with conscious deliberate lies, and the passive promogulation and reproduction of these lies by unwitting ‘virus’ carriers.
Now we must deal with the subject of ‘positive and negative hallucination’.
It is one thing to imagine you ‘know what is best for everyone else’. Like a Plato. To deceive others thinking you are doing them a benefit. And avoiding harm.
It is one thing to ‘Make war by deception’, to abuse lies to manipulate and enslave others, as a political / military strategy.
It is quite another to ‘hallucinate’ something. We will deal with this obstacle to ‘communication’ now.

Positive and Negative hallucination: conscious and unconscious confabulation
A major challenge to any attempt at communication is hallucination. Both positive and negative. Not ‘hearing’ and ‘seeing’ what the other is communicating, filtering it out, distorting it, excluding parts of the communication that do not meet the interlocutor / listener/ observers prejudiced / preformed / conditioned / trained / indoctrinated/ assumptions / models / paradigms/ expectations, and thus ‘encoding’ a fragmentary, diluted, polluted, distorted version of the intended communication, full of omissions, and misunderstandings. And those are just the NEGATIVE hallucinations.
On the other side are the POSITIVE hallucinations, where interlocutors add things NOT present in the communication, and meanings NOT intended by the transmitter of the communication. Interlocutors, even if they are actively attending, full ZEN fashion, to their interlocutors, which in itself is a major challenge and requires great training and discipline and commitment on the part of the interlocutor / therapist / ZEN practitioner, they will tend to introject / project / add qualities and content to the transmission that are NOT part of it, and were NEVER intended by the transmitter /interlocutor.
And so far we’ve only looked at the challenges of communication from the receiver / recipient side.
On the side of the transmitter we must deal with the ‘placebo ‘/ ‘I want to please’ factor. Communicators want to be accepted and approved of by their interlocutors. Often they feel gratitude in some form. Or fear of rejection and ostracism .Even demonisation and criminalization.
And either way, this leads them to say things they think will please their interlocutor, such as partner, boss, lover, child, friend, team-mate, work colleague, therapist, researcher, pollster, police, supervisor, or even random interlocutor they just happen to be chatting with.
I’ve experienced this in ‘harmless’ settings. And in the most dangerous of settings. Anyone really wanting to know what people ‘really’ think and feel about something must find ways to minimize this ‘placebo’ factor. In all the old folk stories, Royals used to dress up as common folk, and wander among the commoners, hoping to find out what they ‘really’ thought and felt about the King / Queen. To attempt to ‘gauge’ public opinion, knowing full well that every ‘courtier’ and ‘advisor’ they approached as ‘The King’ would seek to ‘please’ them and tell them what they thought they WANTED to hear. Show them what they assumed / believed they WANTED to see.
It is naпve to expect you can ask even your closest friend what they think about you. About something you’ve done. Plan to do. They have an emotional investment in maintaining your good will. Your friendship. The benefits of being your friend.
So imagine a boss asking their employees for an ‘honest’ answer to a question the boss clearly has an emotional investment in.
Remember they used to ‘kill the messenger’. So imagine how many people were ever going to accept the role of ‘messenger’ of news that just MIGHT be taken as ‘bad news’ by the recipient.
THAT may have just been a metaphor, to warn children about the dangers of ‘being honest’ with their friends, colleagues, bosses, and ‘the authorities’ when it came to ‘being the bearer of bad news’.
One form of this is ‘whistle-blowing’. Being the person who publically identifies a problem or threat. Especially one that might lead to the hearers having to sacrifice some benefits, in order to remain on the right side of ‘virtue’, ‘righteousness’, ‘justice’, ‘fairness’, or simple ‘legality’.
Telling people things that could ‘threaten’ their ‘identity’ is as dangerous as telling people things that could threaten the profitability of an enterprise, their career prospects, their job, or even vaguely held belief systems and ‘affiliations’ with belief systems such as ‘religion’ and ‘race’ (sic).
Communication is a minefield of dangers. Most of which can only be guessed at. It is one thing when you can SEE the dangers / threats / risks. You can maneuver around them. It is another thing when they are hidden. Buried in the ground. Or in the water. Then you can only guess at their location and nature. Then you have to make assumptions about where they MIGHT be and WHAT they might be. This is the model of real life communications.
We can’t know for sure what will ‘trigger’ our interlocutor to hate us. To reject us. To ostracize us. To have us arrested. To have us fired from our job. To have us demoted and ‘black-listed’. To have us ‘ex-communicated’. Even tortured to death. To have our loved ones forced to throw the first stone at our public stoning. And to be themselves ‘drawn and quartered’ in front of their loved ones, if they fail to be enthusiastic enough in publically condemning us. If they don’t choose a large enough stone and throw it hard enough, at our most vulnerable body parts.
The less dramatic equivalent of this is where your colleagues, friends, co-workers, and anyone present will tend to ‘over-dramatize’ their loathing of YOU, the ‘convicted’ ‘heretic’ (of whatever dogma is currently the ‘legal fiction’), just to avoid having themselves ‘convicted by association’ with you. People will tend to voice strong opinions about you and your ‘communications’ that they never had, simply to avoid becoming targets themselves. They will seek to distance themselves from you and your communications, by expressing what they hope are the ‘correct’ sentiments demanded of ‘society’ and ‘the authorities’ in relation to what YOU have communicated.
So people with no real opinion will act as if they ‘agree’ with ‘the authorities’ just to avoid becoming the next target. To avoid any potential of being ‘defined’ as also a potential ‘heretic’.
Remember, a ‘heretic’ is someone who merely communicates, in any way, a conflicting belief, a belief that challenges, in any way, the dominant hegemonic beliefs which Sociologists like me call ‘Social Reality’.
The ‘heretic’ is defined as the ‘adversary’ (Satan) of the established hegemonic power elites, and thus of society itself. Simply for ‘communicating’, which is another word for ‘sharing’, alternative beliefs, assumptions, or simply offering alternative ‘interpretations’ and ‘compelling arguments’ which MIGHT discount / challenge / undermine / discredit / disprove / compete with, the belief system carefully engineered and constructed by the dominant hegemonic elites. In the past these were openly the head PRIESTS of the dominant CULT. Pharisees. Then Popes. Then Party leaders.
Many of these ‘Placebo’ effects in communication are not conscious. They are conditioned reflex responses. So ‘automatic’ and ‘natural’ that the person is rarely aware behaving in this way. Their subconscious acts to ‘save their skin’ by automatically responding in these ways, in potential ‘threatening’ situations. Which include EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE interaction a human can have with another human.
Interaction is a minefield. Communications are the ‘disturbances’ that could set off any of the many hidden mines that are ALWAYS present at ANY interaction. They are UBIQUITOUS. No matter what the form of communication. The flippant comment made to a stranger. Or the formal report written to the Ombudsman, or Public Prosecutor.
And today ALL our interactions are recorded, as intricately as in the past only our written and sworn affidavits were.
Already in China people are being tortured in prison for simply ‘liking’ the wrong thing on some social media site. In Germany people end up in prison for ‘apologizing’ to their own mothers on YouTube. I kid you not. This is no joking matter. Soon YOU will understand. But then it will be too late. You have to understand NOW, while you can do something to prevent what is coming. And I cannot even directly tell you WHAT is coming. Where from. And WHO is behind it. Even though I have all the evidence to construct the most compelling argument in history from.
So we have all these conscious ‘decisions’ about ‘what to say’ and ‘what not to say’. Just like getting dressed for a particular occasion. You will consider, and try on, different outfits. Most people consider, and ‘try on’ different possible ‘public personas’ and ‘identities’.
Most people will NEVER risk telling you what they REALLY think about ANYTHING. They will carefully consider what is most likely to get the response from YOU that they want or need. When the KGB knock on your door at 2a.m asking ‘Anyone here NOT love Stalin with ALL their heart?’ ‘Any COMPLAINTS or SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT?’ What would YOU expect them to answer?
It is no different in everyday life. We all know there can be heavy prices to pay for honesty. How many of us are willing to sacrifice our own perceived wellbeing and self-interest in the name of giving someone our honest opinion? Or honest feedback? Let alone CRITICISM?
Does my butt look fat in this?
I’ve given honest feedback all my life. And suffered for it. Maybe years later ex-friends send me letters thanking me for my sacrifice. Or in private people approach me and tell me they admire my integrity and courage. But that is NOT the basis for MOTIVATING people to be ‘the messenger’ of anything that MIGHT be interpreted by the receiver as ‘bad news’.
‘Coming out of the closet’ is hard enough for most people. About something so integral to their life as their sexuality and romantic preferences. How hard is it for the children of Cult members to tell their parents they do NOT believe? Think of the emotional blackmail and the ‘Placebo’ effect here. Who wants to disappoint the people who have sacrificed so much for them? Who wants to risk being ‘rejected’ and ‘ex-communicated’ from all their friends and family, by rejecting the CULT that they belong to. Of course CULTS call themselves ‘Religions’ just like aggressive war criminals call themselves ‘Defence Departments’.
So there is a literal ‘minefield’ of conscious and unconscious ‘Placebo’ effects. ‘I want to please’. ‘I do NOT want to displease’. I cannot AFFORD to do either, by expressing something that MIGHT be interpreted ‘THE WRONG WAY’ by my interlocutor, and result in me suffering costs, and losing benefits.

Now so far we have only considered the INTENDED limits we place upon our own communications.
The fact that we AVOID real communication. We avoid SHARING what we REALLY believe, feel, and think, with others.
This intention may be conscious, or the good intentions, the sheer ‘survival instincts’, of our subconscious.
But either way INTENDED. We avoided communicating / sharing a belief / thought / feeling / emotion / response with someone else. Motivated by self-interest and our immediate survival instincts. In the case of our autonomic knee-jerk reactions, the same holds true. The intention of our innate ‘programs’ is self-preservation. Just like the intention of our later ‘programmed’ and ‘conditioned’ responses is often self-preservation. Now would I warn my children never to publically challenge the dominant hegemonic beliefs imposed upon us by the Cult leaders, via the legal systems, and thus risk being put in the position of having to stone them to death? Probably not. So you can see how if I would consciously chose to ‘program’ my children NOT to challenge the ‘social reality’ we have had imposed on us, how YOUR own subconscious is likely to seek to PROTECT YOU in the same way, by subconsciously programming you not just to not publically challenge the current hegemonic ‘legal fictions’ a.k.a ‘dogma’ a.k.a ‘articles of faith’, from ‘God’ to ‘The Holocaust’ to ‘The Official fairytale about 911’, and thus avoid prison, shame, ex-communication, unemployment, poverty, rejection, and abandonment by even your closest family members, but to go much further.
George Orwell understood this. Big Brother, the Cult I won’t name because doing so would prevent me from being of any help to YOU or anyone else ever again, is not content with you censoring yourself.
Censoring yourself is simply believing something contrary to what you are ‘supposed’ to believe, a.k.a ‘The Social Reality’, and ‘Dominant Hegemonic Cult Dogma and Legal Fictions’, BUT NOT SHARING THIS BELIEF WITH ANYONE ELSE. It is about simply ‘keeping your beliefs to yourself’.
But that is NOT enough for the Cult. For the ‘authorities’. For ‘Big Brother’. You must become CONVINCED that your previous beliefs were erroneous, even ‘crazy’, and ACTUALLY believe the propaganda, the lies, the Social Reality, The legal fictions that have been engineered to keep you in a mental straightjacket, unable to RECOGNIZE your own slavery, let alone take any actions to FREE yourself FROM it.
It is NOT enough for you to ‘pretend’ you see 2 fingers, when you ‘know’ that there are 3 fingers. You must BELIEVE there are 2 fingers. Or whatever number of fingers you are SUPPOSED to see.
Your subconscious operates on this logic. For it innately and intuitively your subconscious, and often your conscious mind itself, understands that the safest way for you to CONVINCE the authorities that you BELIEVE their lies, is if you really DO believe their lies.
So your subconscious, with the best intentions, will often act as a filter on your sensory impressions, filtering out data that might ‘awaken’ you and thus put you in the dangerous position of being a ‘heretic’ and ‘apostate’ and ‘conspiracy theory nut job’ or ‘Holocaust denier’ or ‘Historical Revisionist.
NLP in fact teaches us how easy it is to ‘believe’ ANYTHING you choose. REALLY BELIEVE it. Not just ‘fake’ it. But BELIEVE IT. This gives YOU the power to choose what you WANT to believe.
But it is proof that ANYONE can trick you into believing what THEY want you to believe.
All they need is the right set of ‘carrots and sticks’. The ability to punish you for NOT thinking/believing something, and sharing these beliefs with others so that they too stop thinking / believing something, and the ability to reward you FOR thinking/believing something. And sharing your beliefs with others so they too will believe/think that.
In the pasts the Cult Priests were public officials. They operated openly. In their own right. Directly. They issued ‘Torah’s and ‘Bulls’ and ‘Proclamations’ and ‘Edicts’. If you challenged any of these in any ways the Priests would directly have you suffer ‘fates worse than death’.
Today they operate through their proxies. YOUR ‘elected’ officials and non-elected officials. What we call ‘Government’. What we call ‘The Legal system’.
In the past the ‘fictions’ were called ‘Church Dogma’ and ‘Articles of Faith’ and ‘The revealed word of (some) God’.
Today they are called ‘Legal Fictions’. ‘Legal facts’. Like ‘The Holocaust’ is in Germany, and many other Cult ‘occupied’ nations.
In the past the Church authorities arrested you. Tortured you. Fined you. Imprisoned you. Killed you.
Today the ‘STAATSMACHT’ called ‘The Police’ and ‘The legal system’ do all this, as proxies for the Cult Priests. And ‘resisting the violence of the State’ (Literal translation from the German criminal code) is an offence in itself. So attempting to prevent ‘The Police’ committing crimes against humanity, is the equivalent of resisting the power of the Cult Priests, or their proxies, t heir ‘secret police’ and ‘terror squads’ and ‘Inquisitions’, and their ‘authorized’ representatives.
You subconscious ‘understands’ all of this. It has the best intentions when it thus seeks to ‘protect’ you ‘from the truth’. Literally. For if you do not ‘KNOW’ the truth, it cannot hurt you. At least not in this way. You won’t end up on the wrong side of ‘The CULT’ as long as you ‘go along to get along’. Lauf Mit. Be a good ‘Mitlaufer’. And if you are not consciously aware of any REASON to challenge ‘The Official Fiction’ , the ‘Social Reality’, the ‘Propaganda’, you are less likely ever to become defined BY that CULT as an ‘adversary’ a.k.a Amalek a.k.a Edomite a.k.a ‘Satan’. Anyone who has had a fleeting interaction with any of the ‘Religions of the Book’ (The TORAH), will be consciously or subconsciously aware of the fate of Amalek. Utter destruction. Man, woman, child, and their animals. With pregnant women being ‘ripped apart’ and their ‘young ones’ heads dashed upon the stones’. LITERALLY.

So we face the REALITY that your own subconscious, with the best intentions, has probably ‘programmed’ you to ‘believe’ the propaganda. The lies. The deceptions. Simply out of an instinct to self-perseveration. To protect you from the consequences of ever ‘waking up’ to ‘the truth’ of what is going on.
And if you, like me, are relatively ‘awake’ to all this, you still face the conscious decision of ‘what NOT to say’. Just like standing before that mirror, deciding ‘What not to WEAR’, before that big job interview, or date, or public appearance.

Either way, the ‘Placebo’ effect on all our communications, the ones we share with others, and the ones they share with us, are very limited from the start. Even before we begin facing all the OTHER challenges to ‘isomorphic’ communications.
Isomorphism is a concept from map-making. And as ALL our beliefs are no more than maps / models of an assumed ‘reality’ that is ‘out there’, even if only as a holographic simulation / local or globally shared rendering of a computer program, we must consider this concept.
Isomorphism is where you have an authentic ‘one to one’ relationship between the map and the ‘terrain’. Between what the map is INTENDED to represent, and what it actually shows.
The truly isomorphic map is simply an absolutely perfect copy of the original ‘terrain’. Now if this is a computer simulation, my ex (?) friend Stephen reminds me that it is very easy to ‘duplicate’ all of our ‘reality’. Simply by hitting ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ on some computer terminal somewhere.
But most of OUR maps are far from isomorphic. We cannot show every stone, tree, or puddle on our maps. The detail required to even APPROACH isomorphism is beyond practical limits.
Now consider the following as you like. As a model. Or literally. Either way you will ‘grok’ reality much better.
Consider our ‘experience’ as the final ‘rendering’ carried out by a computer program, of a data set it has had inputted from ‘outside’ of its own program, and ‘hardware’.
Thus our ‘mind’ is the application doing the rendering. It renders a bunch of data that has been ‘inputted’ from ‘outside’ of itself, into 3-D graphics, 5.1 audio, and advanced ‘haptics’. So we have accounted for a few of our 5 senses. Sight, sound, and touch.
We can add ‘filters’ that ‘represent’ any of the frequency bandwidths in any way we choose. We could ‘see’ the frequency ‘12Hz’ as the letter ‘G’. Or as the ‘color’ ‘green’. We could ‘hear’ the molecules of a rose vibrating / resonating at a certain frequency, as a ‘C’ Chord played on a guitar. Or we could ‘smell’ the image of the word ‘TORAH’ as ‘disgusting’.
You could ‘represent’ the ‘heat’ given off by ‘objects’ as ‘the color red’, and thus ‘see in the dark’ with ‘infra-red’ ‘vision’.
Or like a bat, or dolphin, you might send out ‘sound waves’ and then ‘interpret’ a.k.a ‘represent’ the sound waves that objects ‘reflect’ back to you as ‘images’ in your mind. And thus ‘see’ objects based on the ‘sound’ waves they reflect back to your ‘sonar’ systems, rather than the ‘light’ ‘waves’ they reflect back to your ‘visual’ systems.
‘Local’ Rendering is where each program renders the same data differently. Say one program renders all the 12 Hz frequencies / resonances as apples, and another renders them as birds. So when you look at the final 3-D render of the same data, one ‘virtual reality’ has birds in it, and the other apples. Another might have a 12Hz ‘G’ tone / note / resonance playing as an audio render. So in some programs the 12 Hz waveform will be ‘rendered’ a.k.a ‘represented’ as a bird, in others as an apple, and in others as a G note. So some programs will render the same ‘objective input’ as audio, and others as graphics.
There are people with ‘Synesthesia’ who ‘see’ sounds as various colors and moving shapes. Some famous music producers benefit from this ability. Most of us Audio engineers need software programs that ‘render’ audio signals as visual ‘graphics’ on our computer monitor, in order to visually ‘EQ’ and ‘mix’ audio signals.
The surface of water ‘renders’ what we call sound ‘waves’ into literal waves of energy we can ‘see’. We ‘render’ the energy of ‘sound’ as ‘waves’ in our ‘representation systems’ which depict the energy pulses / compression and expansion zones, as ‘curving lines representing high and low air pressure’, and thus most of us think of ‘sound waves’, when in fact this is a pure representation of a phenomena of high and low energy passing through the medium of air. There are NO ‘sound waves’ in ‘reality’ ‘out there’. You can avoid a lot of the confusion about ‘particle-wave duality’ by remembering that our minds, and our ways of thinking, produce the ‘problem’ by ‘rendering’ the same phenomena in different ways. It is the RENDER that has the duality, and NOT the phenomena.
But I am getting too deep into TROONATNOOR here. Please read my other guides and TROONATNOOR books. Start with the chapters on David Hume. You could even END with those chapters. IF you really ‘GROK’ what Schopenhauer meant by ‘The World as Will and Representation.
But let’s ramp it down a little, and focus on the mundane, every day, attempts at communication we make, and the challenges we face. Let’s start with considering what criteria a communication would need to meet, to be defined as ‘isomorphic’, a ‘one to one representation of the meanings intended to be transmitted by the transmitter, in the mind of the receiver’.
We are simply side-stepping all the issues associated with self-censorship that is consciously intended, or subconsciously intended. We are going to focus on what it would take to ensure that what we intended to say, was ‘heard’ and ‘understood’ as we intended it to be understood by our interlocutor. Whom we will assume is ‘listening’ and ‘attending’ to us, so that the very first pre-requisite criteria for ‘efficacious isomorphic communication’ has already been met.
We won’t concern ourselves during this discussion with the content of our communications. Just the process of communication itself. Not whether we have deceived ourselves, been deceived, or intend to deceive our interlocutors. We are just going to look at what it takes to ensure that the intended message is received by the intended recipient. In full. Without omissions. Without distortions. Without misunderstandings. Without projections. Without censorships. Without prejudice. What does it take to get a ‘one to one’ ‘render’ in the ‘mind’ of person Y, of the ideas / impressions / feelings / emotions now present in the mind of person X?
If you thought ‘communication’ was a relatively simple affair, prepare to be bewildered almost to the point of despair.

Criteria for achieving an isomorphic communication

client who ‘wants to please’, doing or saying things they think the therapist ‘wants to hear’. It prevents people ‘interpreting’ what others say according to their own assumptions and prejudices. Language is NOT universal in all its meanings. Meanings are often NOT shared. It is a positive hallucination to assume you ‘understand’ what someone has just said.
A person’s utterance may mean something very different from what the other assumes they mean.
Communication is about working out what you want to transmit, then encoding it for transmission, usually in words and gestures, transmitting it, then having the interlocutor pay attention to it long enough to ‘receive’ it, and then to have the motivation to ‘decode’ it. At any point this process can break down, and so the ‘message’ received is far from the message the sender intended.
The NLP process does NOT require the therapist to know the content. This avoids many of the problematic elements of traditional pyscho-therapy. Problems such as ‘transference’ and ‘projection’.
The client is asked to choose a code word for the thing they wish to deal with. To change. To be free of. To acquire. I want ‘X’. I don’t want to be X any more’.
Thus NLP is ‘secret therapy’. The therapist does NOT know what the client is working on. They simply help them succeed at it.
Consider how ‘shame’ and ‘embarrassment’ often prevent us expressing ourselves fully and honestly, even with professionals we are paying to help us solve a problem, or achieve something.
Secret therapy bypasses all these obstacles to success.
NLP employs all the traditional ZEN practices. NLP practitioners are ZEN practitioners. They prefer to trademark and copyright and make up their own ‘proprietary’ language, but NLP is definitely a descendant of ZEN.

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