Drawing: The biggest present!

Greetings dear friends of Steemit! Today I am addressing you very motivated, because I must make a very important revelation, and it is, I feel that I must reveal what is the greatest gift of all, some ignore it, and others, although they know, do not give it the importance it deserves this wonderful present, and that is that I speak to you nothing more and nothing less than life. Yes, I know that it is cliché and very funny of me to come and tell you that life is wonderful, but, is that when you watch movies like "Life is beautiful" or "The most difficult decision" one learns something else about life, however, some teachings are more valuable than others ... Mainly, I think, that life is unfair, that it seems incredible that sometimes, the best people, the most devout and benevolent touch them go through moments so difficult, while other people, who perhaps for one reason or another do wrong, are doing well and prospering; And it is there, when a person asks: Why is life so unjust ?, but dear reader, to think that life will treat you well for being a good person, is the same as thinking that a tiger will not eat you for being vegetarian, life is full of obstacles, and that's where its essence lies, because those are difficult moments, which make us appreciate the good times.
As an example to what I try to show you, I chose Miyazono Kaori, protagonist of the anime and manga Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, one of the most colorful, nice, funny, unique and above all, optimistic characters that I had the pleasure of seeing in the world of anime. Kaori is a very vivacious young woman, who feels an immense passion for living and playing the violin, because her greatest dream is to play with her greatest inspiration, the pianist prodigy Arima Kosei, with whom she establishes a beautiful Friendship relationship However, in the course of the series, it is revealed that Kaori suffers from a degenerative disease which has no cure, and in the course of the plot shows us how little by little her health is deteriorating, to the point that beautiful colors latent in their being, they go off, until finally after so much struggle and effort, Kaori dies, not without having fulfilled her biggest dream ... Indeed, this character, apart from inspiring me, made me question many aspects of life, mainly, the fact that people like Kaori, who already have an announced death are those who are more optimistic and have more faith and love towards life, unlike people like me, we have a whole life ahead of us , and even so, we look at that journey as something even tedious or annoying, and that is where I thought, for the first time, how unfair life can be in certain cases. But, after much thinking, the answer to my previous question came to me casually, remembering an old saying that is heard a lot where I live, "Nobody knows what he has until he loses it." And that's where I understood, that those who have little time, take advantage of life, and not only live it, but enjoy it, enjoy it, and admire all the beauty latent in it, unlike people who, Since we have a lot of time, we think we can worry about those aspects later.


With this dear friends of Steemit, I do not want you to think that I come to tell you "Change your way of life! Appreciate your life! "That would deceive us all, the fact of loving something is a matter of time, and to take small steps at the same time, thank each day more life, because they do not know if that could be the last, Stop a moment to appreciate and enjoy those little details that life gives us, a beautiful landscape, a breast coffee, or just a pleasant sound, they are small presents that give us life and above all, smile, life is beautiful companions , smile, because you must genuinely be happy to be here one more day.

Here I show you some images of the creation process

Collage de Kaori.jpg

As always, I really hope you liked my post, I am open to your criticism, suggestions, and even if you want to recommend me to something or someone to draw, I am open to your valuable ideas. I do not usually do post long so I hope I have not boring and have been concise. And remember, if you liked my post I would greatly appreciate your vote. Thanks for reading and have a happy day.

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