ON THE RISE AGAIN <<>> Alexa Traffic Rank For STEEMIT.COM 1,946 TODAY September 15 , 2018 <<<<>>>>

in #steemit6 years ago


🐒 According to Alexa Traffic Rank steemit.com is ranked number 1,946 in the world and 0.0375% of global Internet users visit it.

This data is compiled from http://steemit.com.hypestat.com/

Below a Line chart of daily change in rank of Steemit.com since April 13 , 2017

The lower this number the better the rank is . Therefore a falling line on the chart is good .


Below a Column chart of daily change in rank of Steemit.com since April 13 , 2017


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Remember the lower the number the better the rank is for Steemit . As of today Google is ranked #1 and Reddit is ranked number #18 in the world and 3.128% of global Internet users visit Reddit .

🐒 The Alexa Traffic ranking for Steemit is above the Low of March 11 , 2018 of 930 and has since risen to 1,946 and today the ranking stands at 1,946 . This number needs to go lower not higher.


Please voice your opinions in the comments below.



🐒 The Alexa Traffic ranking for Steemit is above the Low of March 11 , 2018 of 930 and has since risen to 1,946 and today the ranking stands at 1,946 .

Thanks for the info
Sir i hope you noticed me in the last few post

Thanks for the info
Sir i hope you noticed me
In the last few post

                 - mnishh

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Hi @ me-tarzan
Thanks for the information. I think the reason is that it’s very hard to sustain in STEEM. Because members not able to earn as expected. And ultimately they put down using STEEM.
Thanks for posting this important information with STEEMIT members

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