Mr. H (mask of principles))

in #story6 years ago

who am I ?? ..

I'm just a shadow ..

You know me but you also do not know me ..

Do not see me but I see you ...

My presence lies within each of you ..

I am the thing that guides you and who obeys his orders ..

You try to meet me but you can not

This is your nature, to be my property ..

who am I ??

I ((Mr. H))


  • "You have to believe me, I did not intend to kill him"

(Wissam), who sat in front of him on a seat and his cigarette smoke filled the room full of him, before he turned it off and then tilted forward, speaking in a loud voice. Cool ice cold he says ..

"Murder is a crime, whether deliberate or not, no matter how weak the excuses it will be, justice must take its course."

  • Please listen to me, investigator, everything in the story is that ..

  • Shut up, I do not like to hear the voices of the criminals, all the evidence found in the crime scene was condemning you and this is what I need only, criminals like you who disturb the peace and peace of this world, they must all be killed ..

The only sign of Wissam's hand brought two of the guards to the prisoner to bring him back to his cell. Despite his bitter weeping and constant begging for an opportunity only to defend his position, Officer Wissam was as harsh as the stone. He did not have a shred of feelings to spare. The poor man who was dragged against his will to the death penalty ... Once he was a single medal in his office until he removed his mobile phone from the pocket of his jacket and hit a number knows full knowledge and waited for the sound of the word "Alo" from the opposite side even a big laugh on his mouth contradicted With his serious appearance just before, he says the fun ...

C - shake yourself for lunch outside today, ((Ahmed)) I will return today from the office early

A trembling voice on the other side was quite different from his son's voice:

  • Are you Mr. Wissam, the father of Ahmed ??

Sam's smile immediately disappeared and replaced by a frightened face, he says in a strangled voice ...

  • Yes I am ... Who are you, this ?? , Where is Ahmed ??

  • Sayed Wissam, I want you to calm down a little and try not to act please ... that Ahmed had a knife stab in his heart, now he is in the emergency department in the hospital

These words fell like the thunderous thunderbolt on Officer Wissam, who quickly turned crazy and began yelling and wailing as he spoke to the person who answered his call ...

  • Tell me what the hospital name is ... fast

And as soon as the response from the other side even threw him by his phone unconsciously and rushed to go towards his car heading to the hospital, which is occupied by his son .. his only son who left all his life in this world after the death of his wife ten years ago ... Was a storm of memories with His son passed him by driving relentlessly. He was speeding up whenever he got the obsession that he might lose his son. His powers were completely lost as soon as he reached the hospital gate. His feet could no longer carry him as he rushed to the hospital with strides. His eyes were disfigured by his tearful tears that covered his eyes.

  • "Everything will be fine, I will see happy faces tell me the safety of my son as soon as he turned towards this corridor"

So he was saying to himself ... He wished this from the depths of his heart ... Turned towards the corridor .. But ... did not see what he wished to see .... What he saw was a young man in the same age as his son, that young man was filled With tears like his face ... fell to his knees ... unable to keep up the progress, the young man approached him with sympathetic features and with a muffled voice choking his address, saying ...

  • Sayed Wissam ... Ahmed Egypt on your vision, saying that he wants to tell you something important, please hurry, there is not much time left ...

Did not speak Wessam .. remained silent .. did not move from his place Ancha, forcing the young man to carry himself and his delivery to the operating room, which extends Ahmed, and once entered the decoration even witness this painful sight ... His son lying on his deathbed and calling him pale voice ...

  • Dad .... faster .... Ali tell you ...... in the name of that person ..

A week passed .... A whole week ... As if seven years ago, the officer Wissam, who refused to go to work, sat alone in his darkened apartment after the death of his son Ahmad, who was the lamp that illuminated this dismal apartment. He was in a deplorable state, his eyes withered by the intensity of their shedding of tears, his body became thin because of his abstinence from eating anything, infuriated by occasional tantrums that made him smash everything he received on his way, his mind became only thinking of one thing, The incident seven days ago, which made him in this case .... While Sam was sitting and the lame hover around him as usual, if he heard a sarcastic voice And his ...

  • How long do you intend to stay alone here, officer officer?

He was horrified and terrified. As soon as he heard this sound, he jumped back and his body trembled violently. It is assumed that no one would live with him in this apartment except his son Ahmed, who had died and missed him in advance ... This was what he thought of, The voice came from him, to see someone sitting comfortably on the couch in front of him as if the people of the house and its inhabitants, the strange thing is that the person was completely black as the shadow, does not see anything of its features ... Which made the body of Vish trembling more force than it is screaming In a voice that is afraid and terrified ...

  • who are you ?? .... and how did you enter here ??

  • My name is Mr. H .... I am part of you, and I have always been so ... If you do not believe me wait a few moments and you will find yourself accustomed to me as if I was your close friend ... Although I am much more for you

Anyone in this position would not believe what the shadow called "Mr. H" said. This is the natural reaction, but Wissam had a completely different reaction. He was quickly convinced of what Mr. H had said and had returned to sit on the couch, throwing him with skeptical eyes. , Making Mr. H go on to say ...

  • I decided to appear in front of you because I have suffocated on your case, how long do you intend to continue what you do, officer officer?

  • what do you mean ??

  • The man sitting in front of me now .... Is he sad about the loss of his only child, or is he angry with the police who released his killer ?? ..

A moment later, he took a ceramic cup that was placed on the table in front of him and threw it with all his might to hit the wall and smash into scattered pieces, before turning to Mr. H. .

  • Damn them all .... Blood of my son Ahmad has been lost because of them ... I will never forget those words .. "My father ... My colleague ((Emad)) is the one who obeyed me, fled after doing this and he thinks that I Has died ... please father ... arrest him ... please "This is what he said to me just before his death ... those looks he used to say, those words ... I can not describe them .... His eyes were full of sorrow and pain I had never had before.

He began beating the table with his fist again and again as he continued to swim.

  • crushed ... crushed ... crushed, the murderer who is supposed to be hanging on the rope of death is now free and free and escaped his act, just because there was not enough evidence condemning ... The criminal managed to escape .. ... crushed

  • The police may have released him, but there is still something you can do

Mr. H approached with a swift movement and met his face with the face of the Wanderer who said in a very cool voice.

  • " Revenge "

The word "revenge" was repeated several times in Wissam's mind for a minute or two, making Mr. H continue his conversation with increasing enthusiasm, saying ...

  • This is true, Wissam .. "Revenge" This is your only way to recover the blood of your lost child ... Think a little .. If the police did not apply justice to the criminal, you have to apply it yourself

The silence of Wissam and his deep tremor continued for an additional minute. After he calmed down a bit and returned to his physical and mental balance, he gave a crazy laugh that continued to resonate until I heard all over the apartment. Then I turned towards Mr. H and shouted in strange fun.

This is true ... you are right ... this is what I have to do ... it is very easy when you think about it .... I can find out the title of that Imad from the police files, and I have a knife in the kitchen that I can use ...

Wissam grew up a lot more before he began to laugh hysterically ...

  • I will .. I will certainly ... I will do it .... Wait a little Ahmed ... I will restore your blood, which was certainly wasted ... Just wait for me ...

And launched his crazy laugh again ....

Ahmed's old apartment was as noisy as usual every day. It was his favorite hobbies to listen to foreign music with a loud voice, and he could not hear the roads on his door until he was about to crash. He shouted at the door and shouted "(present)" and he cursed and cursed the tariq inside him, although he did not know his identity ... A pale white face with looks of fear in his heart ... This is what Imad saw as soon as he opened the door, He smiled an artificial smile and said in hesitation ...

  • Do you want something?

He was met by the voice of (Wissam), dry as he mumbled ...

  • Are you Mr. ((Emad Rami)) ??

  • Yes I am .... Any service ??

And without warning Wissam Imad push into his apartment a strong push made him land on the ground does not know the meaning of this behavior, and before he returns to the advancement of a medal and sitting on it to prevent him from standing on his feet, and from the pocket of his coat comes out the kitchen knife brought by With him from his home and smiling malicious smile and he says ...

  • It's justice ... it must be applied

Although Wissam only said this orphan sentence, but Imad has realized everything, realized that this man is one of Ahmed's relatives and that he intends to retaliate against what he did Ahmed after the latter decided to inform the police about possession of drugs, and in a desperate attempt, ..

  • Wait, my uncle .... Let me explain to you ....

However, Imad did not complete his sentences, and Sam's stab wound on his chest turned his sentence, which was about to be completed, into a painful scream that shook the house, and as the blood was scattered everywhere around him, Sam was mourned with great joy.

  • Not yet ... Ahmed will not accept one stab ... he wants more .. more

Another stab of a medal in the stomach, then a third in the neck, then a fourth in the heart and so on until the total stabs became twelve stab, then threw knife decoration away and continued to laugh as he chanted ...

  • Do you see me now, Ahmed? ... Justice has been applied to him ... You can now lie safely in your place ... I have achieved security ....

And before completing the order of his camel, if the police storm the apartment and ask the Medal to raise his hand high while shouting a man was next to them saying ...

  • I told you ... I saw this man break into this apartment and I was right, thank God I contacted the police before this criminal escaped ...

The officer quieted a little and then mumbled in sorrow ...

  • I did not expect you to do it, Sam. Take it, men

Wissam did not understand what happened only when the two officers grabbed him and wanted to arrest him.

  • what are you doing ?? .... Why do you take me ?? ... I am not a criminal ... justice has been applied only

Despite his resistance, the policemen managed to hold him and restrain his hands while he continued to scream.

  • Stop .. Where do you take me ?? ... I told you, I am not a criminal ... You leave me

His mad screams suddenly turned into wailing and bitter weeping after he found that his resistance did not work and that he was taken to the police car like criminals ...

  • Stop ... did not treat me as a criminal .... huh ?? ... I killed him for justice ... someone like him should not live on this world ... why ???

Wissam continued to chant these words as he was taken to the police car, which rose as she went carrying her prisoner to her usual destination.

The prison, the place where the criminals are sitting, and the officer Wissam, who always despised his prisoners from outside the cell, was this time, but this time the other officers were glancing at him in the orange jumpsuit and lying on a bed that was worn and lost in ideas. Only during the period of his imprisonment did he utter a single word, but in the night he heard almost everyone in the police department shouting and talking to someone. It was the night Mr. H appeared in front of him for the second time. ...

"It's just that ... your shape has become like the criminals I used to arrest every day.

Wissam became angry and shouted:

"Do not say this, you damned ... I am not a criminal ... I have applied the justice that should have been applied ... Do you want me to leave that murderer to the hands of other victims? Why do not you understand that I did this? For justice ??

  • No, you did not do this for justice ... It was your goal personally, but the revenge of the killer of your son .. No more than this and no less ...

  • even if you have done this for revenge ... the same result ... The world has come from a criminal who was about to wreak havoc in this world ...

  • And what about you ?? ... When will the world get rid of you so as not to wreak havoc?

Wissam's silence was surprised, and his tears began to collapse from his eyes and he was kneeling on the head, in front of Mr. H ...

  • I am not a criminal .... I have always been a supporter of justice ... Why do not you believe me ??

  • A person has to say the things he believes in and considers one of his principles .. "Murder is a crime" as long as you say this is not it ?? ... the principle that I have been imposing on you all the time is now trying to deny it ... Do not try to justify what you did, Mr. Wissam ... You have analyzed for yourself part of the mistake that you have always believed in, in order to achieve the goal that you desire ... you killed someone .. and that means you become a criminal .. try to accept the results of your act ... and to wait patiently the death sentence that will be issued to you ...

As soon as Mr. H finished his speech, Sam went mad and became like a raging bull in his cell. He screamed, cursed and cursed and cursed the police rushing toward him, trying to calm him down. It took three guards to control him and lead him to the officer's office In order to investigate his case, it is strange that the three guards heard a medal and shouted at someone named "Mr. H" from inside the cell, although there was no one at all with him ...

  • "You have to believe me, I did not intend to kill him"

The voice of the prisoner shouted at him with his voice and his eyes drowned in his tears. His trembling and pleading voice did not stir a stir in the heart of the officer who sat in front of him on a seat and the smoke of his cigar filled the room full of him, before he extinguished it and spoke in a cold voice like snow. ..

"Murder is a crime, whether deliberate or not, no matter how weak the excuses it will be, justice must take its course."

  • Please listen to me, investigator.

  • Shut up, I do not like to hear the voices of the criminals, all the evidence found in the crime scene was condemning you and this is what I need only, criminals like you who disturb the peace and peace of this world, they must all be killed ..

The only sign of the officer's hand brought two guards to the prisoner and ordered him to return him to his cell. Despite his bitter weeping and his constant begging for an opportunity to defend his position, the officer was as cruel as the stone. He did not have a shred of feelings to spare. The poor man who was dragged against his will to death.

  • "I am a champion of justice, do not arrest me .. Catch Mr. H, he is the reason .. He made me do this"

So he was saying ... so he was screaming .. but no listener at all ......

(Each person has his own principles, his actions with others and his treatment of them fall under these principles which he has taken as a synonym for him. However, these principles sometimes turn into masks disguised by the true identity of the human being, which he observes people's behavior and corresponds to and makes mistakes Every action does not conform to the mask of principles he has made ... but when confronted with a position that requires him to conflict with this mask, he removes a small part of it so that he can pass this position, and therefore find those who wear this mask contradictory people, their words and actions Quite different, you can only know what they are after this is broken The mask is final and show their faces, which they have always hidden ...))

** Take a moment with yourself ... then look at the letter H well


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