in #story6 years ago (edited)


Hello my all creative Steemian friends, here is the Part 2 of “THE GAME” story…
Hope you all enjoy it….😀❤❤


(Part 2)

One by one, with a sense of carefree, tiny and rather big figures start to come out of the houses, walking slowly to the playground. You were also come out of your house. With fried tempe in your hand you walked slowly and quietly while singing our ancestor songs. Your mother, father, and uncle gather together at the terrace talking about debt, rainfall, and crops in the fields. When your tempe is done, without sandals you ran after your friends who have gathered in the playground.

In the playground, Ucok, Asep, Dul, Aku, Cecep, Akib, Apri, dan Irzan were already waiting for you to start the game. There were also some girls which already playing snake-hose when you came. They were in the corner of the playground, beside the rose flowers which were implanted by your mother, my mother, and friends of our mother before we were born. And that, the girl with long braided hair, Arabic face, and tan skin, was a girl who always make you happy. You often give her toys and food: toy cars from pieces of banana tree, dolls from kapok tree, guavas which you stole from behind your house, and fried tempes which you stole from your father dish. Her name is Delaila.

She was a cheerful girl. You once said to Irzan that she is a sweet girl, and you were told by her friend that she said you are a handsome boy. You often accompany her when she came home after school in noon or evening. You also often invite her to the garden behind your house to play toys car or dolls. Sometimes you and her come into quarrels but then reconcile again.

In the playground, I and you ignored the moon, and the night didn’t make us cold. When the moonlight was increasingly bright, you and me and our friends started the game. The sound of frogs in the distance, the sound of insects in the field, slowly disappeared and erased by the cheerful voices of our friends starting a game. That night you, me, and our friends played hide and seek game because snake-hose game was a boring game and gobak sodor was too often we played.

“Hompimpa...alaikum...gambreng!!” we screamed together simultaneously so that the girls which were on the corner of the playground surprised. Sidah turned her head toward you, and you saw her. She smiled at you, and you smiled at her too. Hom pim pa should be repeated because all of the players opened our hands. “Hompimpa...alaikum...gambreng, Mak Inah jualan dendeng..!!” Akib, Irzan, I and Dul screamed cheerfully. I and them happy because we opened our hands while the other players close their hands. We laughed and jumped up and down happily toward the right side of the playing-ground.


Ucok dan Apri screamed excitedly. “I won, I won . . . cihuyyy . . . !! Never mind, Cep, it will be better if you guarded the ‘fort’, hahaha!” They both jumped up and down while running toward us, me, Akib, Irzan dan Dul who laughed freely at the corner of the playground. Now, there were only you and your two friends, Cecep dan Asep. “Never mind, never mind!! Hurry up!” Cecep shouted tensely. “Hompimpa...!!” All of you closed the hands. “Aaaah..,” Asep and Cecep shouted together at the same time. You just quiet, your face looked a little bit tense. “Hompimpaaa..!!!” You said it loudly with the hope that you will win. But it was Cecep’s face which became bright because you and Asep closed your hands while he opened his hand. “Haaa . . . I won, I won! Never mind, Sep, guard the ‘fort’! You guard the ‘fort’. It will be better if both of you guard the ‘fort’! hahaha . . .!” Cecep jumped up and down while laughed happily. He was not directly went to the edge of the playground, but waiting for what happened next between you and Asep with the face full of victory.

Now, there were only you and Asep which has to determine who is the one that has to guard the ‘fort’. Your face and Asep’s face looked tense, full of hope to win. The foreheads, the faces, and the necks of both of you were sweated.

“Suiiit...jrenggg!” You lose, and must guarded the ‘fort'.
“One-two-three-four-five-six-seven.... Have you all done it yet?”

You heard the voices of yelling behind you. “Tu-wa-ga-pat-ma-nam-ju-pan-lan-luh. Have you all done it yet?” there were no answers, no voices. You has to search for the hiding places of your friends. You just turned around while sneaking about to find, from the corner of the playground, Sidah, who had apparently noticed you guarding the ‘fort’, waving her hand to you with a pleading expression. Slowly, you approached her and she murmured while pointed to the big kapok tree at the right side of the playground. “Akib is hiding behind the big kapok tree.” Right after Sidah murmured at you, Akib went out from his hiding place with the face full of anger. “Unfair, unfair! It must be repeated!” You dissapointed, dejected, and then ran back to the guava tree, your ‘fort’. At the edge of the playground, Sidah only bowed her head, she looked like sad, or pity. But you ignored her.

“One-two-three-four-five...Have you all done it yet?”

You closed your eyes with your hand while leaning your head to the guava tree, felt annoyed. There were no answers, what you heard was only the girls’ voices at the edge of the playground. You have to search for your friends.

The full moon was already right above your head. Its light was so bright, and it illuminated the entire playground. The grass became silvery white, beautiful as the moon. The trees shined silvery blue, fragrant as the moon. The sky became silvery blue and bright as the full moon.

Now you hid behind the lush tubers in the field. Your face flashed, your breath fast, your body and head sweated. Your clothes a little bit wet because of your sweat and dew that began to fall. In the middle of the playground, under the guava trees, with tense and annoyed face Akib guarded the ‘fort’ and searched for the hiding places. His face was sweated, his breath fast, his body and his head also sweated. Meanwhile, in the distance, from behind the lush of the banana trees, big figures appeared in pairs. Their big shadows covered the grass which laid in the edge of the streets. Their pale blue faces shined because of the moon light which mixed with the night. You knew it was late at night, and they came to ask us to come home. You knew the night was late, the playground already foggy, but you still feel fresh, and you and me and our friends were still continuing our hide and seek game. Your face was still brightly happy. You saw trees and you felt that they looked at you cheerfully.

Only the girls that now sat at the edge of the playground, and their faces looked tired after playing snake-hose for hours. But I was sure you are sure that that they were also reluctant to come home. I was sure you were sure they were still happy. Happy as the happy frogs at the distance which sang louder and louder. Happy as the happy insects in the fields which seemed to answer the voices of the frogs. Dan that, at the far corner of the playground, beside the lush roses, you saw Sidah still laughed happily. I was sure you sure that Sidah did not want to go home yet. You saw her eyes still bright as the stars around the moon. You saw she was embarrassed because being teased by her friends who knew that Sidah was waiting for you to come out of your hiding place. You saw her eyes and face seemed a little bit nervous because she was afraid that you will lose the game. You were sure Sidah still happy and you were happy too.

Dear Borges, I knew you will be tired sitting for a long time at the terrace. Quiet, and only observing the night and the moon. I knew you will be cold because the terrace was not a playground where you can play a game that can make you ignoring the cold and evening breeze. I knew your tubers will be finished, your coffee will be completed, and your cigarette only remaining one, while there are not enough money to boy something because anything becoming more and more expensive, while the night is still so long. I knew you will be sad, or upset or angry because from the rear, side and front of your house the sounds of intercourses, quarrels, and noisy music will be heard again, while the night grew colder and darker. But, at least we, for a while, can be fresh again. At least for a while you and me can forget, ignore, and erase our city which often make us upset and wrathful. After that, after the night reached the darkest level, and the cold is no longer bearable, you and I can hastily enter into our sleeping room, relaxing our bodies, and slowly, forgetting the night and the moon.***

(Original story--© @zaimrofiqi)

For the Part 1 of this story, see the link below:





Halo teman-teman Steemian yang kreatif, berikut ini adalah Bagian 2 dari kisah “PERMAINAN”….
Semoga kalian semua menikmatinya…😀❤❤


(Bagian 2)

Pelan, pelan, dengan penuh rasa riang sosok-sosok kecil dan agak besar mulai keluar dari rumah menuju pekarangan. Kau juga berjingkat keluar. Dengan tempe goreng di tangan kau berjalan menyanyikan tembang-tembang nenek moyang dengan suaramu yang sumbang. Ibu, bapak dan pamanmu ada di ruang depan asyik bercakap tentang hutang, curah hujan, dan tanaman di sawah dan di ladang. Ketika tempemu habis, tanpa sendal kau berlari menyahut seruan dari teman-temanmu yang sudah berkumpul di pekarangan.

Di pekarangan, Ucok, Asep, Dul, Aku, Cecep, Akib, Apri, dan Irzan sudah menunggumu untuk segera memulai permainan. Ada juga segerombol anak perempuan yang sudah bermain ular-ularan ketika kau datang. Mereka ada di sudut pekarangan, di samping rimbun mawar yang ditanam ibumu, ibuku dan teman-teman ibu kita sebelum kau, aku dilahirkan. Dan itu, yang berambut panjang dikelabang, berparas kearab-araban, berkulit sawo matang, adalah anak perempuan yang selalu membuatmu senang. Kau sering memberinya mainan dan makanan: mobil-mobilan dari pelepah pisang, orang-orangan dari kayu randu, buah jambu yang kaucuri dari belakang rumahmu, serta tempe goreng yang kausambar dari piring bapakmu. Namanya Sidah Dalia, anak yang ceria. Kau pernah bilang pada si Irzan bahwa ia manis, dan kau pernah diberi tahu temannya bahwa ia bilang kau ganteng. Kau sering mengantarnya pulang di waktu siang atau sore hari setelah sekolah atau mengaji. Kau juga sering mengajaknya ke kebun belakang bermain mobil-mobilan atau orang-orangan. Sesekali kau dan ia bertengkar, namun kemudian kembali berbaikan.

Di pekarangan, aku dan kau mengabaikan rembulan, dan malam tak membuat kita kedinginan. Ketika sinar bulan makin bertambah terang, kau, aku dan teman-temanku dan teman-temanmu memulai permainan. Bunyi kodok di kejauhan, suara serangga di ladang, sedikit demi sedikit menghilang, tertikam suara-suara riang serta teriakan-teriakan teman-temanmu dan teman-temanku memulai permainan. Malam itu kau, aku dan teman-temanku dan teman-temanmu bermain petak umpet karena ular-ularan kurang begitu menantang dan gobak sodor sudah terlalu sering kau, aku mainkan.


Teriakanmu, teriakanku dan teriakan teman-teman kita keras serentak membuat anak-anak perempuan di sudut pekarangan kaget. Sidah menoleh ke arahmu, kau melihatnya. Ia tersenyum padamu, kau tersenyum. Hom pim pa harus diulang karena kau, aku dan ketujuh temanmu dan temanku semua membuka tangan. “Hompimpa...alaikum...gambreng, Mak Inah jualan dendeng..!!” Akib, Irzan, aku dan Dul bersorak riang. Aku dan mereka menang karena membuka tangan sementara kau dan keempat temanmu menutup tangan. Aku dan mereka tertawa senang sambil berlompat-lompat ke pinggir pekarangan.


Ucok dan Apri berteriak kegirangan, “Aku menang, aku menang...cihuyyy....!! Udah, Cep, kau aja yang jaga benteng, hahaha..!” Mereka berdua berjingkrak-jingkrak riang sambil berlari ke arahku, ke arah Akib, Irzan dan Dul yang tertawa-tawa di pinggir pekarangan. Kini tinggal kau dan kedua temanmu, Cecep dan Asep. “Udaaah..! Cepetan nih,” teriak Cecep tegang. “Hompimpa...!!” Kau dan kedua temanmu sama-sama menutup tangan. “Aaaah..,” teriak Asep dan Cecep bersamaan. Kau hanya diam, wajahmu nampak sedikit tegang. “Hompimpaaa..!!!” Kau mengucapkannya keras-keras dengan harapan kau yang menang. Namun wajah Cecep yang menjadi cerah karena kau dan Asep kembali menutup tangan, sedangkan ia membuka tangan. “Haaa...Aku menang, aku menang! Udah, Sep. Jaga benteng, lu, jaga benteng. Berdua juga nggak apa-apa, hahaha...!” Cecep melonjak-lonjak sambil tertawa girang. Ia tidak langsung menuju ke pinggir pekarangan, tapi menungguimu dan Asep dengan wajah penuh kemenangan. Kini tinggal kau dan Asep yang harus menentukan siapa yang menang, dan siapa yang harus jaga benteng. Wajahmu dan wajah Asep sama-sama tegang, sama-sama berharap untuk menang dan tidak jaga benteng. Jidat, wajah dan leher kalian sedikit berkeringat.

“Suiiit...jrenggg!” Kau kalah, dan harus jaga benteng.
“Tu-wa-ga-pat-ma-nam-ju-pan-lan-luh. Udah belum?”

Terdengar suara teriakan-teriakan yang mulai menjauh di belakangmu. “Tu-wa-ga-pat-ma-nam-ju-pan-lan-luh. Udah belum..!!” Tak ada jawaban, tak ada suara-suara. Kau harus mencari. Baru saja kau berbalik sambil mengendap-endap hendak mencari, dari sudut pekarangan, Sidah, yang sejak tadi nampaknya memperhatikan kau jaga benteng, melambaikan tangan dengan raut muka memelas. Kau mendekat padanya dan ia berbisik pelan sambil menunjuk ke sebuah pohon randu besar di sebelah kanan pekarangan, “Akib ada di balik pohon randu itu.” Tepat ketika Sidah selesai membisikimu, Akib keluar dengan wajah berang. “Curang...curang! Nggak mau! Harus diulang!” Kau kecewa, kesal, dan berlari kembali ke pohon jambu, benteng jagamu. Di pinggir lapangan, Sidah hanya menunduk, seperti menyesal, seperti sedih, seperti kasihan. Kau mengabaikannya.

“Tu-wa-ga-pat-ma-nam...Udah belum?!!”

Kau menutup mata dengan lengan tanganmu erat-erat sambil merapatkan kepalamu ke pohon jambu, kesal. Tak ada jawaban, hanya suara-suara para gadis dalam permainan dari pinggir pekarangan. Kau harus mencari.

Rembulan sudah tegak di atas pekarangan. Sinarnya putih terang menyinari seluruh sudut pekarangan. Rerumputan jadi putih pualam indah seindah rembulan. Pohon-pohon jadi mengkilat keperakan, harum seharum rembulan. Langit tambah biru tua cerah secerah rembulan.

Kini kau sedang bersembunyi di balik rimbun umbi-umbian di ladang. Mukamu mengkilat, nafasmu cepat, tubuh dan kepalamu berkeringat. Bajumu sedikit basah kena keringat dan embun yang mulai turun. Di tengah pekarangan, di bawah pohon jambu, dengan raut muka tegang dan kesal, Akib harus jaga benteng dan mencari tempat-tempat persembunyian. Mukanya mengkilat, nafasnya cepat, tubuh dan kepalanya juga berkeringat. Sementara di kejauhan, dari balik rimbun tinggi pohon pisang, terlihat sosok-sosok besar datang berpasang-pasangan. Bayangan mereka besar-besar menutupi rerumputan yang ada di pinggiran jalan. Muka mereka pucat biru keperakan dihantam sinar bulan yang berpadu dengan hitam malam. Kau tahu hari sudah larut malam dan mereka datang untuk menyuruhmu, menyuruhku, menyuruh teman-temanku dan teman-temanmu menyudahi permainan, pulang. Kau tahu malam sudah larut, pekarangan mulai berkabut, namun kau masih belum merasa kecapaian, masih asyik main petak umpet.

Wajahmu masih cerah riang. Kau melihat pepohonan, dan mereka juga menatapmu riang. Hanya anak-anak perempuan yang kini duduk-duduk di pinggir pekarangan yang terlihat agak lelah setelah bermain ular-ularan berjam-jam. Namun aku yakin kau yakin mereka juga masih enggan pulang. Aku yakin kau yakin mereka juga masih riang. Riang seriang kodok-kodok di kejauhan yang semakin keras bernyanyi riang menggetarkan malam. Riang seriang serangga-serangga di ladang yang suaranya seperti menyahut riang kodok-kodok. Dan itu, di sudut jauh pekarangan, di samping rimbun mawar, kau melihat Sidah masih tertawa riang. Aku yakin kau yakin bahwa Sidah juga belum ingin pulang. Kaulihat matanya juga masih cerah secerah bintang-bintang di samping rembulan. Kaulihat ia tersipu malu digoda teman-temannya karena mereka tahu Sidah menunggumu keluar dari persembunyian. Kaulihat mata dan wajahnya kadang nampak gelisah mencari-carimu, menunggu kalau-kalau kau keluar dari persembunyian berlari menuju benteng jaga dan menang. Kau yakin Sidah masih riang dan kau pun riang.

Borges yang baik, aku tahu kau akan lelah lama duduk di teras sendirian. Diam, dan cuma memperhatikan malam dan rembulan. Aku tahu kau akan kedinginan karena teras bukan pekarangan tempat bermain yang dapat membuatmu mengabaikan dingin dan angin malam. Aku tahu ubimu akan habis, kopimu tandas, dan rokokmu tinggal sebatang, sementara tak ada lagi cukup persediaan uang karena semua jadi tambah mahal, sementara malam masih panjang dan semakin bertambah panjang. Aku tahu kau akan kembali kesal dan berang karena dari samping dan depan rumahmu akan kembali terdengar suara-suara pertengkaran, desah persetubuhan, dan ingar musik menggelegar ketika malam bertambah malam. Namun, paling tidak, kita, untuk beberapa saat, bisa kembali segar. Untuk beberapa saat, paling tidak, kau, aku dapat mengabaikan, melupakan dan mengikis kota kita yang sering membuat kau, aku berang, kesal. Setelah itu, setelah malam bertambah malam dan dingin angin tak lagi tertahankan, kau, aku dapat cepat-cepat masuk kamar, melentangkan badan, dan pelan, pelan, melupakan malam dan rembulan.***

(Original story--© @zaimrofiqi)

Untuk Bagian 1 dari kisah ini, silakan lihat link di bawah ini:




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