8 Steps to form a habit

in #succes5 years ago


I talked before about ways to break a bad habit, so today I have how to form a good habit!

  • Make a list of what habits you want to start
    Pick the most important one (like if you need to exercise more for your health), or the easiest one (easier to be motivated by success to start another one later)

  • Write it down! In big letters, with colors, somewhere you see it all the time- a white board, a phone wallpaper, a computer screensaver- something so you see it a lot

  • Schedule it in daily. Depending on what good habit you want to form this might be during a lunch break, in the morning, in the evening- but try and schedule it the same time every day so that it becomes just a part of your routine


  • Reward yourself for doing it so many times. (and not by a day off!)- try and make your reward relate to your goal- new workout clothes, new book, something.

  • Don’t give into excuses. People are EXCELLENT at talking themselves out of things when they’re tired. Don’t do it. You’re just wasting that time sleeping or watching tv or doing some other mundane activity instead of working on accomplishing your goals- don’t be that.

  • Tell EVERYONE you’re doing it. It will be embarrassing to back out of then, people will want to hear how you’re doing and you’ll be motivated to shock them with how well, and you might even inspire others to do the same.

It takes 28 consecutive days to make a habit. Keep going.

What are your good habit forming techniques?


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