Mystery box unboxing on #themorningbowl

So if y'all remember back in April I won 2nd place in @tecnosgirl 420 monster giveaway.. The package arrived a couple weeks ago when I was out of town... I picked it up yesterday morning... not a jab at the Canadiens but its Unboxing Day today on...


Smoking on the widescreen..

Peace out y'all.. Dave




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Right on!

I was hoping it was a nice helix pipe or a big bag of nugs but that is pretty sweet.

Looks like you are GETTING PAID on this post so you might as well focus on smoking and repeating!

Hey nice! I want a t-shirt! Btw, some scumbag named @thecyclist downvoted you by $0.08. This is the first time I've seen a downvote on your posts Dave! You know, they say you haven't made it til you've got haters. ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah ha ha, Dave's becoming famous now if he has random haters. XD

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm pretty certain that's @berniesanders account. I left him a comment.. we'll see

Nice one Dave! Some good smoke swag you got there. :-)

After going back through your feed a bit it seems you've been getting a very regular $0.08 to $0.09 downvote for a while now from @thecyclist.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, can be really annoying when some douchebag starts down voting all your posts without leaving a single comment as to why.

Think I've got some bid bot exploiting Steemit Inc fan boy on my track who is down voting all my EIP related posts ... Oh, yeah, that is you, isn't it?

Listen twat. I worked very hard to design these delegator bots to be FAIR. If you bothered to read the article YOU downvoted explaining the functionality of these bots you'd realize they are not at all the same thing as bid bots or vote farming. But I can see you're a very active participant in HF21, and I can see you think of yourself as the arbiter of "good content". Go fuck yourself. If you want I can write a bot dedicating this account to constantly downvoting your content, since you seem to think downvoting is an enriching activity. Or you can just go away. Up to you.

Posted using Partiko Android

So am I to understand your down votes for my EIP posts were some sort of silly retaliation, and you didn't have an issue with my proposals to apply fixes to the EIP before inclusion in HF21?

I hardly ever down-vote top level posts. When I do, it is to attenuate bid bot up votes on post using curation initiative tags.

Don't worry about me retaliating for your retaliation down votes. I won't. Retaliation down votes are childish and I'm not going down to your level.

Oh, and I'm not impressed by your ability to write bots. I'm just glad you didn't use "my" python STEEM client library to write your little false curation bot.

And no retaliation. I'm against the EIP and most of the changes taking place in HF21. Hence why I'm powering down and leaving Steemit. It's a sinking ship precisely because of people like you. You could have just stuck to your own business but you decided to stick your nose in mine. I think downvoting is the worst part of Steemit and it should be removed entirely. But you think differently and decided to judge the hard work I've done for this blockchain. Seriously, no one will stick around when all the downvoting begins after HF21. I've never downvoted anyone before, but when I saw just exactly WHO downvoted my @learnelectronics article, I thought perhaps you could yourself feel a small taste of what it is you're supporting.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dude, you clearly didn't read any of my EIP posts. They are about what is wrong with the EIP, why, in its current form it will backfire, and what measures would be needed to fix it.

As for the sinking ship part; people have been bailing this ship for quite some time now, and it isn't because of people having the balls to attenuate false curation, plagiarism, micro spam, or self up votes. It is because of broad armies of false curation bots raping the reward pool and killing true curation, leaving new users no option but to either leave, spent a few thousand dollar to buy in to dolphin level, or join the army of mindless fund recycling bid bot users. It is people like you who have been driving the exodus and the EIP is a half baked poorly thought out attempt at fixing the problem you and other false curation bot runners have been undermining the content economy with.

I've been pouring time and energy trying to make the STEEM community, Steemit Inc and the top witnesses see that the EIP is broken, won't achieve what it aims to achieve, and in its current form will do more harm than good, and I've been trying to show the Merritt's of two possible fixes to the current proposal.

So if you are against the EIP as it is now, we are on the same page on that.

Maybe, just maybe, instead of leaving, you might want to try and use your programming skills for good for a change and help work on a STEEM DApp that helps us turn down voting into a force for good after HF21 goes ahead. I'm currently working on the design of a down-vote and mute DApp for vote bot users. The idea is that STEEM users will be able to delegate their posting role to the DApp, and can opt to mute vote bot users, group-downvote-attenuate their bot up voted content or both. Current idea is for 33.3% vote-bot attenuation, 40+ account down-vote groups, and 10 day of non-usage of vote bots before un-muting. The DApp account should post a comment before each attenuation group down vote as to explain the attenuation of false curation and mass muting for the good of the platform. Flagging for free may not be ideal, but given that it is coming, turning it into a force for good for those that care enough to risk retaliation is the best thing we can do. I'm very much open to working with other (Python) Devs on this project, so should you decide you'dd want to us your skills for doing something positive, I'm all ears.

Oh, and just in case you still miss the difference: There is a huge difference between using down votes for disagreeable content and using down votes for attenuation of non-curation up votes by bid bots and other types of vote bots that don't use content oriented algorithmic curation.

You cannot make downvoting "good". I'm done with this topic. Goodbye.

Posted using Partiko Android

I removed my downvotes because I never believed in them in the first place.

Posted using Partiko Android

God you're so full of yourself.

Posted using Partiko Android

It was a Roach Sunday prize, as you already did the unboxing for the 4/20 prize back in April... But I am glad it arrived safe.

Doh! Stoner move lol

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