BILL NYE THE "ELITE GLOBALIST PUPPET" GUY? - Globalism, Pizzagate, Flat Earth, & "Science"

in #world5 years ago

What in the world did I just watch?

Recently, I encountered a rather unwatched interview with Bill Nye where he seems to continuously insert random propaganda that has nothing to do with the questions asked a lot of the time. Originally published back in September of 2018 on the NASFA channel, at the time I found it there were only 801 views.

Anyway, if you think about a lot of the agendas that the elite are pushing, Bill Nye seems to be extremely interested in helping out. In this video, I simply share some views about what I noticed, and add in some of my thoughts and concerns. As always, do your own research, but I figured I'd at least put this out there for others to check out.


If you want to see the full orginal video, click here.

Until next time…


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Bill Nye was an engineer, not a scientist. He's just an actor.

Never was a big fan of Nye...
He's not even close to a real scientist, but I'm pretty sure he graduated middle school at least ;-)

Yeah, he's a propaganda machine for sure.

What’s with the voice overlay in the Bill Nye video? Haha... weird.

Yeah, haha......

Ask Bill Nye to explain magnetism.
And watching him bring up unicorn particles.

Bill Nye, the actor guy.

Ouch, the "actor" guy.

Bill Nye did this "experiment" with two globes, adding CO2 to one, to show that CO2 was a greenhouse gas.

And then, i saw a breakdown of that video. Where it is all photographic shenanigans. He rigged the experiment, to show that global warming was a thing. HE HAD TO RIG THE EXPERIMENT!

After that, he is not a scientists, he is nothing but an actor.

I love your review of the video. The globalists had Carl Sagan and now Bill Nye as a spokesman. He is not a scientist in the pure form only a puppet. I personally question if we ever went to the moon (google a funny thing happened on the way to the moon). I think you are right on target with your analysis. I would be surprised if he was a Christian. It is all an information war and programming propaganda. They push an agenda. Thanks @papa-pepper. Though I rarely, I will resteem as your well mentioned review needs to be heard. PS. Will be out of town with limited access to the internet for the next week or so. Blessings.

Cool! Thanks for letting me know you'll be partial hiatus. If I noticed your absence, I'd think I'd had offended you! How are you feeling?

Still have congestion in the lungs with cough, but have more energy now. I just do not need a relaps and probably could use continued prayers.I need to visit my mother who is 88 and elderly as I am an only child the responsibility falls on me. Thanks for asking and blessings @papa-pepper.

I wasn't one of the 800 people to watch the video. I feel like I can get the gist of it. I never really watched him, but I've known who he is. I think that he has gotten very political recently and that's turned a lot of people off from watching him.

Hey, I'm an advocate for math! At least I enjoy talking about some math, specifically finances. I did see this equation on Musing recently and it surprised me that more people had the wrong answer than the right one!

"What is 6÷2(1+2) = ?"

With three seconds of thought put into it, I would guess 1. I wonder if I'm in the majority.

Three seconds is about right to solve such a basic problem. You got the correct answer, so you're not in the majority. Good job!

I've been told that people have been playing with the rules students are supposed to follow to solve these problems. Once the parentheses are solved, just work left-to-right and combine the division and multiplication in the same step instead of following PEMDAS sequentially. However, I would argue that if a specific answer is desired, the problem needs to be written more clearly to eliminate ambiguity.

Once the parentheses are solved, just work left-to-right

Yep, that's how you do it in this equation. To resolve the parentheses, you have to multiply the 3 inside the parentheses by the 2 that's outside. It modifies what's inside. The other way of doing it to confirm this is by using the distributive principle and multiplying the 2 into the parentheses first, then adding. This results in the same answer: 1.

I'm not sure why people would be messing with how the students are supposed to solve these. 10 years ago there wouldn't have been a question about it, but now apparently it's a big thing. Strange. :)

There are some things that don't make sense because they're presented in a confusing way (like the example at the end of the article: a/b/c. It's not clear what the order of operations is intended to be.)
The other example at the end (ab/cd) is straightforward and not ambiguous as the writer indicated. It's been a long time since I worked with mathematics, so forgive me for not knowing the correct terminology. However, if you're working with math that uses letters, it's clear that ab/cd means (a x b) / (c x d).

Likewise, unless they (US Board of Education or whoever) is changing how they want equations written, then the 2(3) implied multiplication happens before the 6 is divided. Otherwise you haven't resolved the parentheses.

For any BOE member who might look at this, I would say again that they would be ignoring the distributive principle by making that change. The "2" can be added or removed using the distributive principle, but if they do the division in the equation first, then it's inconsistent.

I do find the psychology behind the uproar on Facebook very interesting though!

Woo Hoo! Odd Man Out again!!!!

thank you for watching it so I don't have to.

Yeah, it's a tough one to make it through.

Lol in Cape Town, they would nye is slang for “fucker” I guess it’s his name Is pretty apt then isn’t it

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ouch. Learned something new today.....

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