I feel much better when sleeping on my back so that's I will do everytime I will hit the sack

in WORLD OF XPILAR27 days ago



A few observations about having to sleep on my back makes me realize that it is advantageous for me in my reasons including having a relatively better sleep without waking-up in sweats.

Recently I was already getting uncomfortable for sleeping on my side particularly on my left side of the body. I am always waking-up with sweat which is ok because I do like diminishing water from my body but it seems that my body or lungs whichever doesn't like that sleep positioning hence the disturbed sleep and waking-up in the middle of the sleep before I get into a deeper sleep mode (REM sleep) .That causes me to sleep more intermittently which is a bad sleep disorder. My shoulder also is beginning to ache when I sleep on my left side and it is weird since I had been sleeping on my side for decades. I think that my backbone is changing again, i.e., the curvature is getting worse which makes my torso to even shortened some more. My neck is short because I have a curvature in that area of my backbone aside from the curvature in my upper-back. That is why it is getting more difficult to sleep on my side because my neck's shortened length and it is really getting very uncomfortable now. So now I have to make some adjustments for the reason that there is a pain involved with my left shoulder too. Sleeping on my side is now getting uncomfortable indeed because it seems to strain my backbone in the process and maybe further exacerbating the curvature in my back, I am guessing that not only due to my backbone and overall bones had gone weak but the way that its curvature presents is due to my positioning when I sleep. That is why I had planned to sleep on my right side of the body to possibly make the curvature somewhat get straightened-up in time but sleeping on my right side is also uncomfortable unless maybe I kept on doing that way of sleeping but it is not really feasible for me.



The associated left shoulder pain is now a signal for me aside from the discomfort in my back to change my position while sleeping in order to prevent damages in those parts in my body.

I also drool when I sleep on my side due to the presence of the toxins in my body due to the low quality of dialysis that I get from my dialysis center and in effect it makes me feel nauseated all the time and it gets worse when I come closer for my next dialysis session considering that I am going for my dialysis three times a week now. I have to make adjustments because of that because it is not working for the interests of my backbone and especially my neck bone because of the way the bones curved so badly that I always fear that one segment that collapsed would gave-way further and cause me to get paralyzed from the neck down. Now I am trying to sleep on my back, it seems to be a good thing for me to do now because I no longer wake-up in sweats and because of that my sleep is much better with longer duration too. I am also getting dreams which is important for my brain health. The effect for me now is a more fresher and relaxed feeling after sleeping plus no more chances for drooling which has been my problem because of aforementioned reasons which should not be the case, it is just because of again, bad dialysis treatment quality. But now I conclude that it is better for me to sleep on my back to avoid exacerbating my "Kyphosis" issue because it is the name of my backbone condition due to the weakening of my bones due to having high levels of Phosphates or Phosphorus in my system which created a condition which is secondary hyperparathyroidism which in turn made my bones to leach-out calcium from them and weakened them, so as a result my backbone suffered along with my facial bone structure because I developed one of the most rare bone conditions which is called "Leontiasis Ossea" or the "Lionface" syndrome which in the process is coupled with pain in my joints all over my body. Anyway, I know that sleeping on my side further worsens my backbone's curvature, it is just that I happen to be more comfortable sleeping on my left side, but now I realized that I am in a much better situation when I have to lay down on my back as I found out that it is better for e now and because of what is going on now with my shoulder, backpain-induced way of sleeping on y left side, and also to prevent my Kyphosis in getting worse.



It could have been better for me not to sleep on my side in the first place as it crated this way how my back got affected by a bone complication but what is good now is that I had a better way of sleep position which gives me a much better sleep quality.

It is really a tragedy for me to ever end-up with a rather "broken back" because it changed my life for the worst. Many bed or wheelchair-bound handicapped individuals are still strong and can do many things because of the issue of immobility only. They still have strong arms, no pain, and can still eat normally whereas for my own bad situation, all of those I mentioned appears which adds burden to my existence. It is just in my case that I prevented my bone condition to get worse leading to my early demise. Because of the mercy of God I am able to at least prolong the integrity of my bones and transform mu situation into a much more tolerable state compared to years ago. however due to my more peculiar bone health condition I am still in a bad state of health overall and because of that I am afraid of going to the hospital already knowing that not all or almost all of them doesn't know what do to me considering that I also have this physical appearance which I know scares doctors too. Even putting lines on my veins had become a problem as well due to the lack of fat in my arm, the unequal skin cannot possibly make way for the needle to get inserted anymore. This is just a few things which I am thinking about more lately and it doesn't amuse me ever, I almost feel alone every passing day because of the unpredictability of my future leading to my utter defeat which I know is soon to come and it is just a matter of time until it becomes a reality. So I will take every bot of comfort whenever it happens to be available for me and patch it to my status-quo of being in uncomfortable physical state which I wish to get through but I realized to be an impossible task to do due to underlying set of complications right before the start.



Further changes in my body alone makes me feel the deepest worries to possibly happen in the future let alone how my life will end-up when unexpected changes happens not favoring me. I have no control over my life and my fate but I am trusting God on what he will do to my life.


 27 days ago 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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