Sunsets & Crystals at Venice Beach, CA 🌅 ✨

in #appics5 years ago (edited)

Crystals are formed in the earth for millions of years and have been on this planet since the beginning of time. Apart from being incredibly beautiful, they have fascinating healing powers.

Quartz Crystal is actually used in every kind of technology like electronics and information storage - so if it's possible for crystals to communicate through computer chips, isn't it possible that the crystals energy can be transformed in other ways?
Each crystal holds a unique vibrational energy - because that's all that energy really is. Vibration. And humans can feel that vibration & be influenced by it! 🧚🏼‍♀️

Another scientific example: When IBM Scientist Marcel Vogel was studying how crystals grow under a microscope, he noticed that their shape took the form of whatever he was thinking about 💭

Every kind of crystal has unique properties that vibrate within its energy - depending on what physical or mental issues you have and what energies you want to attract, choosing to hold or work with specific crystals can improve your well-being.
You can use them to attract confidence, abundance, vitality, soothe physical pain, improve mental clarity & focus and more 💫

Next time you walk by a shop that sells crystals, just take a look around - whichever crystal attracts your eyes and "feels" right in your hand is probably meant for you, to help you on your journey.

The human doesn't choose the crystal, the crystal chooses its owner 🔮✨


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Wow, this looks so magic 😍

Thank you ☺️ it was a magical moment

Wow I lovethe view!.. nice shot!

Thank you! 😊

This looks really cool 🌅🙌🏼

And didn’t know about it, very interesting 😯

You should look into it and do some research, it’s a really fascinating topics. Crystals are much more than just dead rocks 🤫

Yeah right 😍 so much magic in this picture I love it!

Beautiful :) hope my crystal find me soon and give me luck 😅

It will 😌 they have many incredible crystals in India!

Haha, i hope 😅

Now I want to buy some crystals for my office 😂

😁 you should! To lift the energy in your office and make you feel good & productive 💪

Amazing 😍💫🌞

Thank you 😊

I love California 😬👍🏻

Me too ☺️ we will be back soon 🇺🇸

Huge stones, some are magic inside

Definitely magic inside 💫

It's quite fascinating, I didn't know about this property of crystal, i will try to do as you advice, let's see what kind of crystal will choose me 😊

Yes you totally should! Just pick whichever one feels good to you. Hold it for a while and keep it close to you for a few days. Then you can look up the properties of that specific crystal on the internet and check if what you felt matches with the meaning of the crystal 😌 I’m interested to see which one it will be for you!

When i find a crystal shop, i will let you know 😁

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