Moecki - Witness Update - February 2024

in Witness Activities3 months ago (edited)

Much more time has passed since the last update... a few things have happened though...
Users who use the Steemit frontend often notice that something is wrong there. I can imagine what the constant failures and inadequacies could be due to. But I (and the most of other witnesses) can't do much as a witness either, as the frontend is managed by Steemit Inc.
I could only set up an alternative server to host the frontend. That takes time and costs money, so let's all hope that the problems are resolved soon.

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Bookmarks for Steemit

Some time ago, I asked you what you thought of bookmarks for Steemit. The response was pretty positive. So I got to work on it.
In the meantime, @the-gorilla has been able to realise his proposal to modernise the Condenser. I think that's pretty important. On the one hand, that the community has managed to raise the proposal above the return proposal and, on the other hand, that the redesign of the frontend is now actually being tackled. He has already written the first reports.
We all know that it's not just the design that needs to be upgraded. But it is a first step.
I would like to take a further step with my bookmark function and provide a new function. Since I fit structurally into the existing system, I shouldn't get in gorilla's way either...
Here are a few screenshots of the current status. I will write a detailed update soon.



Some users know the project. I don't want to say much about it. That will probably come from someone else soon. Since the limitation of requests to the Steemit API node, there have been a few difficulties with retrieving the transactions of the accounts involved in the project.
I have made my services available for this via a good intermediary. Checking the scripts, analysing the errors and determining the necessary and sensible changes took a little longer.
The service uses the beem framework for the implementation. The nodes that are stored in the @fullnodeupdate account and used by beem are unfortunately no longer up-to-date, so I had to determine the fastest nodes that work without limits. In addition, this problem also arose with the change of nodes, which had to be solved. Steemchiller had already pointed this out some time ago. Unfortunately, I found the post much later through another research.
This week, however, I was able to submit the pull request (it's a private repo) so that the data can now be updated again. So it can rain SBI's again ;-)


Full API node
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Witness nodeBackup
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I could only set up an alternative server to host the frontend.

Ich habe hier von @remlaps-lite erfahren, dass es SteemitDev.Com aktuell als Alternative gibt. Guter Tipp!

my bookmark function... I will write a detailed update soon.

Da bin ich schon gespannt!

So it can rain SBI's again

Hehe, Moecki der Regenmacher :-)

Ja, hab gerade bei dir vom Dev-Condenser gelesen und dir dort geantwortet. Aber eigentlich müsste doch dieser zum Testen sein und nicht der auf Komische Verfahrensweise!

Oh danke für dein Tipp SteemitDev.Com :)

Gerne, hab den Tipp ja nur weitergereicht ;-)

Moin Moecki, ist das SteemBasicIncome von dir ? oder von jemanden den du kennst?
Ich bin der Meinung kann mich aber irren das ich mal vor einiger Zeit gelesen habe das es bald nicht mehr gibt oder eingestellt wird.

ist das SteemBasicIncome von dir ? oder von jemanden den du kennst?

Streng genommen: Weder noch! Von mir ist das auf jeden Fall nicht, und ich kenne den bzw. die Macher auch nicht wirklich. Michelangelo3 hat hier ein wenig vermittelt, und so bin ich mit dem aktuellen Betreiber und "Konzept-Erfinder" in Kontakt gekommen. Da der Code in Python geschrieben ist, habe ich dann angeboten, mir das Problem anzuschauen.

das ich mal vor einiger Zeit gelesen habe das es bald nicht mehr gibt oder eingestellt wird.

Hm, davon ist mir nichts bekannt. Es kann schon sein, dass es ein Gerücht in der Richtung gab, da neue Zahlungen an den Account steembasicincome eben nicht mehr verarbeitet wurden. Es hat leider auch ein wenig gedauert, da wir das alles nur nebenbei machen.
Was ich aus meiner Kommunikation mit dem Betreiber entnehmen konnte, hörte sich jedenfalls nicht nach Einstellung des Dienstes an.

Strangely enough, there are many confusions around the functionality of Steemit Inc. and who to blame for the current issues. You have clarified that the witnesses are quite handcuffed in this regard. I hope this clears up the confusion regarding the role of witnesses in the current glitches and lapses.

Good luck with your bookmark; I hope you achieve it without a hitch. It will definitely be a valuable tool/function.


I could only set up an alternative server to host the frontend

I think the SteemPro app is a pretty good option, especially for reading comments. A few days ago, Steemit was nuts and totally down. Other than that, this app gives me peace of mind, specifically regarding comments and more specifically threaded comments.

So it can rain SBI's again ;-)
Really?? ☔

It will definitely be a valuable tool/function.

It would certainly be better if we could restore the basic functions first. But as I wrote, I unfortunately have no influence on this.

SteemPro app

I think the app is very important for Steem. Especially because many users only blog and comment on mobile devices. I don't use the app myself as I prefer to use a web-based service that is the same on mobile and PC. But we need more alternatives so that we can appeal to different user groups. That's why the app is an important development.

Really?? ☔

No, not really, but they used to be given out more often as a prize...


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