Sec season 17 week 4 ||Gift that can impressed me

in Incredible Indialast month (edited)

African beauty gift of life

Giving makes me happy and whenever I give I always feel satisfied and happy. Actually gift impressed us and we should also remember that it takes love for someone to approach us and hand us a gift, therefore, either big or small whatever size of gift we are being gifted, we should appreciate with love because it is being given with love.

In this contest, I will express my gratitude to those that give out gift out of love.

What is the preferred gift that can impress you? The reason behind your choice.

Gift is gift, any gift a person finds that is presentable to give out, I'm always happy to receive. The one that impressed me more is when that gift was really my need, I appreciate it the more and I will never forget it.

I don't think I have the mind to reject any gift that is given to me by my friends just because it is not what really captured my interest rather, I get every gift given to me with love and appreciation to whoever gives me. I love to reciprocate when it comes to giving, I do give a lot and I give my best to others.

Do you believe gift is a gesture that sometimes helps to enhance our relationships?

My gift of love, I cherish and loved him so much

Giving makes one happy, also receiving gift from a friend or family member shows how much the person care about you before giving you a gift.

In friendship most times, exchanging of gift strengthens the bond or relationship, it helps us connect with our friends.

Also, to begin a relationship, giving of gift helps arouse the person interest and even makes the person to believe that you have love or will I say passion for the person.

Therefore I believe gift is a gesture that sometimes helps to enhance our relationships with others.

Have you ever received any gift that is still memorable to you; Share if you have any stories.

Yes I've received a precious gift that I can never forget.

1 year ago, I received a welled package gift of a new life from my heavenly father the giver of every good gift.

I went through so many challenges to have this gift, she survived a uterine myoma despite several failed degeneration be remain strong and came out victorious. My baby was truly a gift given directly to us to care and train so therefore I don't joke with that privilege to care for her.

My precious memorable gift

The gift came so timely and it is the best I have received so far. My beautiful and smart intelligent princess is that beautiful gift I received and she will always remain in my heart.

I will do my best to keep you smiling

Then few hours ago I got a mobile device powered by my best social media platform, it came at the right time and I appreciate it so much. It will forever remain memorable.

Thank you for reading, I will like to invite @pea07 @lirvic to take part in this contest.



Hola amiga Eliany, me encantó leerte tu post, ver cómo Dios ha sido tan bueno y te dió un extraordinario regalo, el privilegio de ser madre y como ver qué cuido a tu bebé durante esos nueve meses de embarazo a pesar de la condición en la que te encontrabas.

Dios es bueno, es el dador de los mejores regalos, sin duda amiga.

Que bueno que seas muy agradecida y todos los regalos que te puedan dar tus seres allegados, los valores y te gusten mucho.

Cabe destacar, que los mejores regalos no necesariamente tiene que ver con algo material, puede ser : un milagro, el respeto, el apoyo, la compañía y el tiempo brindado.

Te deseo mucho éxito en tu linda entrada amiga. 😊✨

Oh thank you so much for this comment, it really made my day.

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There is quite so much power in gift that we don't actually realise at times. I have seen relationships that get bonded due to gifts and a whole lot of relationships have been broken due to lack of gifts

Oh that is interesting, 😊 personally I like gift so when I get it I always stay happy and love my friend E

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Hmm, I know most people love to give and get gifts but would you believe me that in our country giving gifts is a kind of tradition and most people do not keep it in their mind whether the one who gets them has any use for them.

I prefer personalized gifts which make one happy and remembers the receiver or giver. My best wishes.

Yes that is true it also shows the givers intention towards you which will make you very happy.

 last month 
  • প্রথমেই আমাদের কমিউনিটির পক্ষ থেকে আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ জানাই প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য।

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It was very nice to see your presentation. Baby is very beautiful and there is no doubt about it. Children are a great gift for parents. Can't, but the other gifts are also very important in our life. If we want to keep these children and our beautiful gift laughing and smiling in our life, then we need to maintain our happiness with the help of other gifts. We all should not wait for any day but keep sharing our happiness and always be happy always be happy with your children and keep sharing happiness in the same way Thank you so much will take care of you very much.🤗

Oh beautiful you are saying the truth I appreciate your beautiful comment ❤️ we should keep sharing our love to our loved ones.

Thank you very much from me for participating in the contest. Children are the greatest gift to parents. Everyone's heart is happy when they receive a gift. There is no one who does not want to receive a gift or is not happy to receive it. It's true that gifts help strengthen any relationship.

Thank you very much for sharing the nice post. Good luck to you.

Thank you 👍

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