Title: SEC17/W3|Experiences come with age or circumstances!

in Incredible Indialast month (edited)

Hello my incredible India community. It's always a pleasure to be here. To be a part of this contest is a delight to me. The topic of maturity is concern to everyone. Growing old is inevitable as long has you are still alive.
While growing up, I had a lot of fantasy that wasn't realistic. Now I understand better because am older and have faced circumstances that also helped in maturing me.

How do you define maturity?



Maturity is the at of being matured. Maturity also talks about a person who behaves like an adult. It is expected of adult to be matured people.
Some factors shows how matured a person is.

  • You are able to effectively communicate your feelings.
  • You should have some level of emotional intelligence
  • You should take full responsibility for your actions
  • You should be financially responsible
  • You should be open minded when dealing with others.
    You should be able to form and maintain healthy relationship.
  • You should be able to tell the difference between good and bad
  • You be able to overcome youthful exuberant and peer pressure
  • You should be able to make healthy choices in life .

What do you believe experiences come with age or circumstances? Define.



I would not denial the fact, that I have seen young teenagers with the attributes of maturity. Infact you can call them adults just by they way they behave and carry themselves and also I have seen older people behaving like a child, they talk and act like child. But you would agree with me that is 10 out of 100 you would find the above narrative.

Experience they say is the best teacher, but you have to live enough for life to give you such experience.
There are some experiences you can never get, until you come of age and if you try to get them before time, you might hurt yourself badly.

Even in the educational settings, you need time and you have to be up to a particular age to start the process.

You can not give birth until you come to a particular age as a woman and a particular age as a man for the sperm to be fully formed.
Life would frown at a child trying to get the experience due for an adult. There is time for everything.

Do you believe older people can also learn so many things from youth? Justify.



Learning is both ways, you can learn and also teach, while we are learning from the older generation, the older generation is also learning from us. Even the Christian bible tells us to be like little children in some aspects ( which means we should learn from them.)

The older generation can not fully understand the digital world until we teach them and so on and so forth.
Example of things we can learn from the younger generation.

  • How to live with one another in clear conscience.
  • How to use most of this technology gadgets
  • How to have fun ( dance and dance) e.t.c
  • How to be free spirited

conclusion of the matter

Age opens you up to some experience. My mom use to tell me that what an adult see sitting down, a child would not see it even if he climbs on the tallest tree
Young people can have adult experience but they might not be able to understand of fully utilize the knowledge from that experience until they come of age.

I invite @ruthjoe @ceendy20 @alexanderpeace


Thank you, friend!
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Your recognition of younger people showing maturity beyond their years and older people acting childish emphasizes the complexity of this issue. It is true that both younger and older generations have valuable lessons to offer each other, and your examples underscore the importance of this exchange of knowledge and perspectives. Good luck to you.

Thank you so much for you reasonable contributions.

Hi, did you read my last commentary?

Yes, I read and try to create a better comment with others.

Saw your recent comments and keeps the same.

I am sorry for that. I will be careful to comment constructively from next time.

I regret my mistake and I promise to provide my creative comments later. Errors are requested to be viewed with a forgiving eye.

If not because of the pride of some people, I don't find anything wrong when the older people learn things from the younger ones. In fact I see it as a way of growing

Lol. You are right in a way

Experience they say is the best teacher, but you have to live enough for life to give you such experience.

Okay, I am smiling. Let's get back to my stepson. He thinks he is so experienced. That is how the youth are these days. I wonder what he would think about this statement of yours. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Unfortunately for him, you are right. Experience comes with years.

Best wishes for the contest!

Thank you so much ma. Your words full of wisdom

Pleasure! 🎕

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