SEC17 WK:#5: caring for aged and dependent relatives in the family

in Steem Kids & Parents27 days ago

Hello my awesome community for kids and parents @steemkidss coming back is always a joy. This week contest is a delight to me because I can relate.



Personal I love to take care of aged people because I would want to grow old one day and also be taken care of by others and also because I owe it to the society.

No matter how strong we are and how independent we are, one day we would need the help of others and be dependent on them.
Life goes in circles, first we are dependent on our parents as kids to do everything for us. They feed, bath, cloth, etc for us. Then we grow and we are able to do all that for our self. When we grow old, we become dependant on people for almost every thing.

In Africa, it is believe that when you take good care of your children they would in return take care of you, when you are old.

Old People's home is not common in this part of the world, so it's the responsibility of the children or young relatives to care for them.


I was born into a family of 9, including my parents. I was privileged to meet my two grandfathers and my mom's mother( grand mother). I also have an aged mother and father in-law.
I am basically surrounded by old people. Some are dependant by age and circumstances, while the rest are dependant by age.

How we shared the responsibilities of taking care of them.

my grandparents

My grandparents untill their death where carered for by all. My dad's father died at the age of 130. Before his death in 2020, he was everybody's responsibility. I would occasionally travel home to check up on him and makes some little provisions for him according to my financial capacity.
He was not too dependant on us because he was a strong man. Till his brief illness in January 2020, which led to his death few days later, he basically does everything for himself. He cooks, cleans, baths himself etc
The amazing thing is that he would not allow you do those things for himself. He only needed financial assistance from us from time to time.

My grand mother died last year January at the age of 110 . Untill her death she was the oldest woman alive in my community. She gave birth to my mom. The responsibility of taking care of her was all on, including her grandchildren.
From time to time her female children would go to her house and clean, get water and other things she needs. She became dependant both as a result of age and circumstances. She suffered from arthritis while she was alive. She was unable to work long distance, so she could only bath and cook for her self, while every other thing was done for by others.
My mom lives in Lagos, it about 8 hours drive to the village by road. My mom some times comes back home just to care for her mother, I would always tag along to visit my grandmother and also contribute my quarter for her.


( the burial invitation of my grandfather )


(My grandmother's burial program )



I am blessed with a wonderful mother and father in-law. They are both aged and alive. my father in-law is in his late 80s while my mother in-law is in her late 60s. They are both dependant. My mother in-law is still strong but she is financially dependant on her children. While my father in-law is dependant both by age and circumstances. He has been ill for the past three years. He was diagnosed with partial stroke and brain tumor. He had a brain surgery last year and ever since then, he need help with basically everything from feeding to bathing etc.

How They Are Cared For.
They are basically cared for by their six sons including my husband. My husband personally goes there everyday to bath his father before going to work because our house is the closest to his.
They all share the financial burden to take care of them.


Caring for our aged parents is not a sad thing, but a thing of joy. Thinking back to how they cared for us when we where dependant on them, this is the least we can do.
I would not deny the fact that, some times it can be burdensome. Nevertheless, we have to do our best to keep them happy and alive.
Our parents are our responsibility aged or not.
We should also care for the aged around us, regardless whether they are our parents or not, this helps the world in general to be a better place for all.

I invite @ruthjoe @ceendy20 @ninapanda to participate in this contest.


Greetings friend
The family in which the elderly should be looked after. They have to come forward in a state of helplessness. They should come forward for treatment. Due respect should be shown on priority basis in any event of the society. This is how our humanity should be introduced.

I wish you good luck in the competition.

Thank you so very much

Thank you, friend!
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I really like this point: "I love to take care of aged people because I would want to grow old one day and also be taken care of by others and also because I owe it to the society."

It's really true we have to care for them because in no time we will find our selfs being old and we will surely want someone to take care of us.

Your entry is cool.

Thank you so much. Best of luck to you too

 27 days ago 

To be very frank when I hear a person takes care of their old family members it creates a special respect for them. I have taken care of my grandparents and parents as much as I could. Thanks and my best wishes to you for this contest!

Thank you so much for your kind words.


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Curated by : @waterjoe

 27 days ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

You are really a great person. It's great to watch your aunt and grandpa die. You have presented the topic of this challenge with a wonderful write-up. Wish you all the best.

Club Status#club5050
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
BOT Free
AI Free
Score (quality/rules)9/10

Thank you so much for your remark


You like to take care of the elderly, I am very happy to see that you respect them and serve them and your father also lived so long and you also served him and you have an old father-in-law. I was very happy to see that you like to serve big people and now I am very sad to see the death of grandfather and grandmother and I would like to say that you Take good care of your elders and whoever you are, you should be your parents, your siblings, your elders who are close to you, those who are not close to you, who are far away from you. meet and take good care of them and give them good diet so that they are healthy and not dependent on anyone else.

Hola querida, tus abuelos vivieron muchos años, me alegra que se hayan organizado para brindarle las atenciones y cuidados que requerían.

Tal como dices, el cuidar a nuestros familiares ancianos y dependientes, ya sean padres o abuelos, es una bendición pues podemos disfrutar de ellos y retribuirles todo lo que hicieron por nosotros en nuestra crianza.

Es maravilloso que tu suegra sea una mujer saludable, espero que tu suegro pronto se recupere... Por cierto, la fotografía en la que sales con tus suegros es preciosa, me encanta tu vestido de matrimonio.

Fue un gusto leer tu publicación, saludos y bendiciones.

Wuao, sus abuelos fueron bastante longevos, su abuelo vivió por 130 años hasta el 2020, es decir, nació en 1890; y su abuela también paso de los 100 años sumando 110 años. Esto quiere decir que en sus genes está envejecer y durar muchos años más de vida.

Es un honor y una muestra de amor el cuidar de nuestros ancianos.

Larga vida y salud.


Thank so very much. I appreciate your kind words.

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