in Steem Kids & Parentslast month

Good day steemians!


March 12, 1990, a newly married couple was blessed with a kid. They were so happy seing the new blessing of them. That kid is no other than me.


Every other 2 years, they will be having a baby. To sum up, we are 6 all in all and I am the eldest. Yes, I belong to a big family. And being in this family is so good because whenever we had problems, we could share it to many choices.


We graduated with a degree with the help of mama's small shrimp business and papa's work being a contractor of wood carving. When I grow up, I told myself that someday I will have the same family with my family.


Year 2009, I met my partner. After 9 long years of being together, we got married in the year 2018. And our experience of getting married is so memorable. That time my hubby was an OFW working as dye cast in Japan. After 3 years, he went home to marry me. He went back to Philippines in January 2018, and we got married in March 2018 and he went back to Japan in June 2018. It was just a short span of time that we were together as a married couple. And we thank God, before he went back to Japan I am already pregnant.


We were blessed with this cute kid. When he went home, this kid is already 2 years old. When my hubby went home, my hubby wanted to have another baby yet I am not yet ready because when I deliver my first born I almost had a pre-eclamsia because my blood pressure elevated and it just normalize when my baby is already 3 months.


I got pregnant last year. Unfortunately, my baby didnt made it to the finish line. In 2 months, my baby's growth stoped and slowly vanish. I had a blighted ovum. I am really not sure why God allow it to happen, maybe because He see that I am not really 100% ready. And now, after 6 months my OB told me that I can be pregnant again. And I am hoping, this year I will be having a successful pregnancy with no other problems.



I may not have the chance of having a big family I wish for because I already had a hypertension and I am already 34 years old, but I still praise God for giving me this wonderful and happy family. And soon, by the Grace of God we will be a Family of Four.


As a family, we like to cherish every moment we had. We see to it that twice a month, we may able to have a bonding even just a simple bonding. We wanted Matheena to witness how awesome the world is. We sometimes eat out, go window shopping or let Matheena play in the playground. We sometimes went to the house of our in laws.

What we dont like is to have a big fight. Matheena is the first one to cry when she notices that I am not in good terms of her father. She always finds way that we will be in good terms. So, me and my hubby see to it that if we will have misunderstanding we will not let Matheena see it nor feel it.

I guess that is all for now. Thank you for reading everyone and have a great day.

Thanks by the way to @jes88 for inviting me to participate this contest.

And its my turn to invite my friends @liamnov, @natz04 and @georgie84 to share their contest entries.


[K Y R I E 1 2 3 4]




Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Your post is awesome ♥️♥️

 last month 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

creating a big and loving family. The parents worked hard to provide for their children, with the mother running a small shrimp business and the father working all day long

Club Status#club5050
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
BOT Free
AI Free
Score (quality/rules)10/10

Remember to always share your post on Twitter. This POST LINK is a guide to that effect

thank you so much sister for the good ratings

 last month 

You came from a big family mam but you have your own small family hehehe.
You raised well by your parents, they have done a good job.

mao lage dam... I dont know giunsa tawn ni mama nganu daghan kaau mi. Nitalaw naman ko

একটি সুন্দর উপস্থাপনা দেখতে পেলাম। আমি শুরুতেই আপনার সংসারের শুভ মঙ্গল কামনা করি।

একটি বড় পরিাবরের জন্ম আপনার। অথচ এখন ছোট পরিবার হিসেবেই আছেন। আসলে একটা বিষয় ক্লিয়ার যে আগের তুলনায় বর্তমান সময়ে সন্তান প্রসব করা একটু কঠিন। এটা একটা প্রজন্মের পরিস্থিতি।

আমি আপনার জন্য আরেকটা সফলভাবে জন্ম দেওয়ার কামনা করি। এবং উভয়ের ভালোবাসায় সব সময় বন্ধন ভালো যাক এটাই আশা করি। এছাড়াও সন্তান যেন আপনাদের দেখে সে শিখতে পারে একে অপরের প্রতি ভালো ভালোবাসা। ভালো থাকবেন। আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল।

We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.

Curated by : @shiftitamanna

thank you so much @shiftitamanna for supporting mg entry

 last month 

It's a pity that you loose your unborn two months baby. Family is bound to live, stay together and cherish every moment on happy your family are like that.

Don't worry God will definitely give another baby that will stay alive for you so that your joy of having four family will be accomplished.

It's interesting to know that you love large family but due to the circumstances, you have to go for a small family. Success

Soon sister

 last month 


 last month 

Such a wonderful post, as I read through it I was just feeling everything as if you were talking to me directly face to face.

It's ok to want a large family with your partner the same as the family you came from, but since circumstances doesn't permit that for now, just be hopeful because this very baby you're carrying in your womb will come and bring so much blessing and fulfillment to your life.

Stay strong and good luck to you.

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