Jamblang and Monkey Guava Fruit

Hello steemians lovers.

It's nice to greet all my Steemit friends again. Today I am again sharing my post with the theme about fresh fruit on the trees. There are two types of fruit that I will share today and these two types of fruit are fruits that are quite rare to find. The first is jamblang fruit.
This fruit has a sweet and slightly sour taste. The fruit is similar to grape nuah, and is clustered. On one stalk there can be as many as 30 fruits. This jamblang fruit can be eaten directly, and we can also make salad. Just add seasonings such as salt, cayenne pepper and granulated sugar. And after that we can enjoy it with friends. Then secondly there is cashew fruit.
There is only one tree for this fruit in my village. This cashew fruit is very unique, because the seeds are on the outside. Cashew fruit is also delicious eaten directly, or processed into fruit acid. Meanwhile, the seeds are usually processed into snacks, namely cashew nuts. I took a picture of the cashew fruit that I shared in front of my neighbor's house. And now many of the fruits are ripe, we can pick them by climbing or with the help of a fruit picker. OK friends, that's all for now, my post for today. Hope to see you again.

Thanks You.



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