TITLE: How do you view the future?

in Steem4Nigerialast month

Good day @steem4Nigeria community, it's a great joy to be back. Am @jovita30 I would be participating in the above contest.

The future they say is bright but it's all depends on who is looking at it and where you are looking at it from.
The future can be predicted from your today's actions.
If you live an unhealthy lifestyle today, expect your health to have challenges in the future.

The future is like a farm land, what ever you sow today, you reap tomorrow.



Do you believe we still have time in future when things will get better compared to how it's now.

Though it's not promising at the moment,but then, I still believe things can get better.
Everything is possible,If we believe it is possible.
'Better' is a process.it won't happen at the snap of your fingers.Its a process we should face head on.
It's possible and the best time to get on the 'better' process is now.
The future would get better if we do the right thing following the process.

Do you believe that our plans today determines our better future. Justify your answers.

I have always believed the future is a blank cheque. For example when you get admitted into the university to study a course for 4 years. The four years is the future but the thing you from the very first that you got the permission to study in the institution, would determine if you would graduate or not. It also determines what you would graduate with.
How ever you make your bed today, you would lay on it tomorrow.
We save to eat tomorrow. Today says a lot about tomorrow. Some people reap the seed of tomorrow early while other don't.
There are some characters that yield positive results tomorrow. They help you determine how you future would look like.

  • Diligence: if you are diligent in the positive things you do today, you would stand before kings tomorrow. Even in the steemit platform diligence pays. This was what affected me when I first joined the platform until people like @ruthjoe showed me what diligence in this platform can help you achieve. So I can back as a diligent steemia.

  • Consistency : consistency they say is the key to open hard doors. If you are a consistent person today with what ever you are doing, it's just a matter of time, what ever you are doing would begin to work for you. Steemit is also an example.

  • Perseverance: If you don't give up today, you would enjoy the fruit of you labour in the future. This is a character we need to put on today for a better tomorrow .

When we talk about plans of today, we are talking about both written and unwritten plans.
The unwritten plans talks about your relationship with people and that is where the above written characters and more comes to play.



How well are you prepared for the future.

Everyday is an opportunity to prepare for the future. The future is tomorrow and the future can also be many years from now.
To me am very careful what I do today, the things I say today and the people I relate with today just because of my future.
I can't say am prepared enough for the future. But At the same time I can say am as prepared as I can be, and also preparing as much as possible for the future.

The future is so important that everyday counts and tomorrow is another day to prepare for the future.

Do you think the world will get better , worse or even stay the same ?



I believe the world would not really get better, but it is the people who would get stronger and develop new means of survival. Take our life's for example, as we grow older things did not get easier but rather we got stronger and wiser. Those who refuse to grow with life and circumstances where cut off. Mind you, your life is a reflection of what the world really is to an extent.
The way your life is encumbered with responsibility on a daily basis, so also is the world under a lot of pressure to meet up to the growing population.


Thank you for visiting my post, I would really love to read about your opinion about the future.

I invite my friends to participate in this contest. @ruthjoe @ceendy20 @ngozi996 @patjewell @goodybest


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