Staying Home............ NW Cascade Wanderings

I decided to stay home from ladies Bible study today as a precaution to keep the other ladies safe. My sore throat is gone and I felt none the worse for wear. I just wanted to be safe. 😊

I slept like the dead last night! My average heart rate was 99.0% below my normal resting heart rate! I’ve seen 70-80% below before but not 99%. I really must have been gone 😎

With all that in mind, I decided I’d spend the day doing some housework that I’d been putting off because of lack of time. I also pulled out the Instapot and started a mess of my chili beans. They are extremely tasty whether eaten as is, with cheese, on a salad or in chili. The spices are awesome! My secret ingredient-paprika straight from Hungary! Yum!

I also baked some apples with cinnamon and cloves, garnished with cranberries. I’m sure they will be tasty as well.

Mid afternoon, we headed out for a hike. We ran into Bear again and Ruby, but she’s so fast, it’s difficult to get a snap of her!

He’s very fuzzy and very cute and very friendly! 🐶

We headed up to the cabin. A view from the top towards Bellingham Bay.

Some local flora.

A lovely fluffy cloud.

It’s been a good day. Tomorrow brings work once again. I look forward to the day I don’t feel like I’m jumping into a tornado. The schedule does appear to be slowing down somewhat which might give me the chance to finally spend some quality time training Donna and allowing me some time to get caught up! Fingers crossed! 🤞

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and enjoy your evening/day, wherever you are! 🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH


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