The Diary Game | May 6th, 2024 | My Lovely Pupils Always Made My Days



I do love my pupil’s highest spirit to hit the books in the boiled weather

How's life my warm-hearted Steemian. Hope everything is under the control. Keep smilling & struggling everywhere you go, fellas !

I got up earlier this morning afterwards taken a shower. I drank a bottle of lemon infused water. I was starving. I shake my legs to cooked spicy fried rice mix scrambled egg with fried drum stick in the wonderful morning. My friend helped me in that day.

Alhamdulillah they were on the cloud of the taste of fried rice. We had morning breakfast whilst having a little chit-chat in our dining room.

At that time one of our friends also just back from Yogyakarta. She bought us a lot of savory cakes by Mataram Cakes Store. The taste is so yummy.


Alhamdulillah I already cooked spicy fried rice mix scrambled egg with fried drum stick in the morning

My friend just brought us some cakes by Mataram Cakes Store from Gudeg City, Yogyakarta


Me time, using face mask whilst laying down on my bed

After giving some information by Whatsapp chat concerned my schedule for teaching my lovely pupils to their parents, I clean my face and use Collagen Salicylic Acid, Lemon Extract, Virgin Coconut Oil & Olive Oil Face Mask meanwhile laying down on my bed and watched Korean & Holywood Spoiler Movie approximately thirty minutes. I got up and washed my face. I felt fresh face, body and soul in that sunny day. I switch on my laptop then started typing to make some posts in some of communities in Steemit in my bedroom. In the afternoon I took a nap.


I do love my pupil’s highest spirit to hit the books in the boiled weather

I got up and taken a bath again. Today I had schedule to teach my pupils in my English private class. To begin with teach one of my kind-hearted pupil in Maospati. Before opening my class, I gave a piece of cake to my cutie pie pupil. Today our topic is about ”Colours & I Like ... (The Colours)”. She does love those topics. I asked her to make a little story telling about her favorite colours. We were studying in the park in that day. I asked her to make a little story telling also about her younger sister and friends in her school.


Giving a piece of cake to my adorable pupil


Giving a little test to my lovely pupil concerned ”Colours & I Like ... (The Colours)” in the park

In the evening I continued to teach my handsome pupil in my English private class. I gave him a piece of yuppy and a piece of mini chocolate. Unpredictable all of a sudden he gave me a bunch of Kino Nastar Pineapple Cakes.

My handsome pupil told me that he always remember me when he wants to buy something. MasyaaAllah, her statements definitely made me melting in the freezing evening. I do love my pupils.


I was giving some meals to my handsome pupil in my English private class


MasyaaAllah, my lovely pupil was giving me a lot of yummy Kino Nastar Pineapple Cakes a minute before teaching him. You made my days, my lil boo

I changed my dress subsequently washed my hands. I was famished. Lucky me my best friend me to got dinner together with her in the dining room. We had a long conversation on the dine table.

Watched some crimes, mysterious, murder & psychophat cases based on true story from some countries on Youtube on my mobile phone in the dining room. I watched some comedies video also on YouTube.

I switch on my laptop then started typing to make some posts in some of communities in Steemit in the living room. I clean my face then took my white & brown towel in the clothesline area in the upstairs then fight with my lovely enemy, water and dipper in the bathroom.

After cleaning my face & powder my nose, I am back to my bedroom. I recited TriQul, made a little du’a subsequently hit the hay. Oyasuminasai my beloved Steemian. May Yaa Malik protect you everywhere you go.

Warm regards,



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