A Valuable Quality- Patience


Hello my fellow Steemians, I believe you all enjoyed your week, I did very well on my end, I want to write on the quality that the majority of humans lack, the quality that prevents many things from going smoothly in the world, despite many efforts to make it right, it still seems abortive.


Patience is the ability to wait and hope for something to get better. It is the ability to endure a wrong or provocative situation, and refuse to give up having hope it will get better.

Patience does not mean that one is weak or condoning wrong actions, but rather patience has a purpose, and when the purpose is accomplished, patience ends, when there is no hope that the situation will get better, patience also ends. It either ends with good or bad action against something wrong.

Patience can be expressed as slow to anger, and long suffering. In a sense it can be to permit something or tolerate something, to hold up or delay but it involves more than just enduring problems or pains, it means restraining deliberately.

Today lack of patience always ends in bad outcomes, while those who are patient seem to be weak, they are not weak they are displaying wisdom and discernment.

Someone who is not patient does take action without thinking twice or restraining, and it usually ends up badly


(i) A man starts up a business and within a few months he expects the business to grow quickly and efficiently, and since it didn't grow as he expected he closes it down, which is a lack of patience.

(ii)A lady who just signed up steemit, expecting to be voted for largely in just a few days without her participating in other people's posts, and since she cannot get it she left the platform, that is a lack of patience.

(iii)Someone approached the ATM and met many people queuing up, but she left because she could not wait for her turn to cash out.. that is a lack of patience.

(iv)A man training his child in school and skipping the child some classes to enable that child to graduate faster. That is a lack of patience because this child will not have full knowledge about the classes he or she skipped.

This and many other examples of impatience.



(i)A woman goes to the market to buy foodstuffs, she reaches the market and carefully selects the things she wants to buy, prices it well, and can buy to her satisfaction.

(ii) A young scholar who was given an assignment to research, visiting the library she takes time to read through materials and spending time to research the articles and finally finds the answers to her questions.

(iii)A man approaching the ATM stand waited patiently for his turn and successfully cashed out.

This and many more examples of patience.



Patience shows discernment and wisdom, when we display the quality of patience we are in essence wise and discerning.

Patience will bring us joy and peace of mind because we will escape some problems and pains that come with impatience.


When we find ourselves in a situation where our patience is tested we need to pray, stay calm, and not react according to how we are feeling, by doing so we are displaying patience, and we will avoid the bad consequences of impatience.


In a world where everyone claims there is no time and chooses to be in haste it is difficult to stand out differently because we will be termed weak and slow, but being patient comes with joy, and happiness together with peace, so it is encouraging to continuing displaying the quality of patience in our everyday lives not minding what people will say.

My Introductory Post


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