News Diary Game, May 7, 2024: Attending morning Tausiah in my village


Being in the front seat at the morning Tausiah event

It was a bright morning with all the agendas that I had to attend to, taking my children to school was a mandatory routine that I had to carry out for the past year, rushing to take my children to school so that I could be present on time at the morning Tausiah event held in the village my residence.

The morning Tausiah event in my village was prepared very carefully in advance by most of the residents. I don't want to miss this sacred event because there is a lot of important advice that can be obtained by attending religious events such as Tausiah in the morning.

Sitting in the front seat with a number of religious figures and intellectual figures was an important moment to achieve, and focusing on listening to every sentence of the Tausiah delivered by the professor was an honor for everyone present.

Residents are listening to Tausiah

The morning Tausiah event lasted for more than 3 hours, everyone present was very enthusiastic and listened intently to all the sentences delivered by the speaker, more than 300 residents attended the Tausiah event and most of them were residents of the village where the event was held.

At around 12 noon the Tausiah event ended, I immediately picked up the children from school and had lunch together at home.

After lunch I invite the children to take a nap, my children are obliged to always take a nap on time because for me naps are very important to help increase productivity and improve brain function in children.

The cuteness of children when they are about to take a nap

In the afternoon at around 15.30 WIT, I attended a coordination meeting with my colleagues to discuss several humanitarian programs that would be implemented in North Aceh Regency, one of which was a program to build rehabilitation houses for the poor, this rehabilitation house program has been going on for quite a long time and has been successful. built more than 10 housing units for poor residents.

However, in the last year we have had great difficulty raising funds so that the construction of the rehabilitation house has stalled, but despite this, we continue to try to make various efforts so that the construction of the rehabilitation house can run well.

Coordination meeting with colleagues

At 16.30 WIB, finished the coordination meeting with my colleagues, then I attended the wedding invitation of one of my old friends. Before leaving, we first prepared a gift for our colleague who had just got married, even though it was only a small gift, we hoped that it could be used by colleagues. we will build his new household.


I watched hundreds of cranes while crossing the rice field road while attending an old friend's wedding invitation.

Arriving there, it turned out that my other colleagues had already arrived, I joined them and congratulated our friends who were happy on the altar, at least there were still many colleagues who still cared and that was very human.


At night...
As can be said, I am addicted to coffee, of course I will enjoy a cup of black coffee, but not alone, I invite my wife and children to drink coffee at Ghataf Coffee at night.

I chose Ghataf Cooffee because it is a comfortable place for children to play, besides that it is also a romantic place for my wife and I to have dinner.


That's all my game diary this time, I hope it's useful and thank you for everything.

May every day we go through be a goal of goodness and happiness together.

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