The Diary Game Betterlife | 14-May-2024

in Steem For Ladies20 days ago

Hello, I'm @afrin-mona

Hope everyone is well I am also fine by the grace of God.

Today's morning started with work. Today, like every day, was very busy. Because today my Nanad will leave home. 8 am train. So I woke up early in the morning. I had set the alarm on the mobile beforehand. When the mobile alarm rang. Wake up quickly and see that there is not much time left. So I made bread. I fried potatoes and fried eggs. Everyone had breakfast with that. Then I made tea. Then we all had tea together. Meanwhile it was time for them to go. Around 8 am everyone left.


Then I had breakfast. I woke up the boy and fed him tea and bread. She had an exam today so I made her dress. I gave my daughter half bread in the morning. After everyone finished eating, I washed the dishes. After that I cut potatoes and potatoes for lunch. I soaked the fish from the refrigerator. Then I cleaned and swept the rooms.

Today is the date of vaccination of the daughter again. So I went to the hospital with the daughter at around eleven in the morning without cooking. I was afraid to vaccinate my daughter. She will have a high fever today. So I was very stressed. I think the girl is mentally strong. The whole day passed without any problems. I came from the hospital and cooked for lunch. Mistry was working so I had to cook for Mistry.

Finished cooking before 1 pm. I cleaned the kitchen and gave the girl a bath. I fed him some rice. I bathed my son and fed him rice. He is not eating rice properly due to his son's illness. Even then, I fed him. After that my husband and I had rice. I also fed rice to the craftsmen. When everyone finished eating and drinking. Again many dishes piled up. I washed them.

I fed my goat. It is very hot. Everyone is getting hungry because of the heat. In the afternoon, mother and daughter went to bed to make the daughter sleep. I asked my husband to put the boy to sleep. But my son says he won't sleep today. Later I put it with mobile. Saw a little mobile. Can't go out in the sun. Then after some rest I fell asleep. There was a lot of dust outside so my husband was giving water for the dust.

After that our papaya tree got many papayas. Every day the birds came and ate one by one. Thinking about this, I brought the papayas from the tree. I do not understand how papayas can be eaten while they are green. Today I brought the papayas from the tree with great difficulty. The boy was playing. At that time mother shouted come here. Something has come out. I went there quickly. I went there and saw a spider on the wall inside the house. It was very big. My son was surprised. I came and saw the spider coming down from above. So without giving him any trouble, I took him in a stick and threw him outside. There are many small spiders inside the room. But my son has never seen so many groom spiders before. So was surprised. Spider is a harmful insect. So I threw him out of the room.



Later in the afternoon, I went to my cousin's house with my daughter and gossiped a little. Meanwhile, my sister's son converted to Islam, so I went to see him. I went there and saw that the boy had recovered. Now he has no problem. Then I came and put the girl in the walker. Because there are many small tasks at home. They must be done. There is no one to hold my daughter. So I put the girl in the walker and brought the clothes from the yard. I cleaned the rooms.


After praying Maghrib, we all ate papaya from the tree. Then I made tea and ate it. Had a little curry of the day for dinner. So I did not cook curry. Fried an egg while eating rice. A woman has to go through various tasks throughout the day. Different types of work have to be done every day. This is the life of girls.

This was my program for the whole day today.

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