The Diary Game: #36: Share Your Day with Us! The diary game for 22nd April,2024.

in Steem For Ladieslast month

Hi Everyone 🤗,

Hope you are keeping up well.

Today I will be making a post on my today's diary. I implore you all to read and enjoy on the go.

Because it was Sunday, first we did when we woke up was going to church. The service was slated for 6:00am and so we hurriedly went to church. It was a very exciting moment in the presence of God because it was mothering Sunday so, basically 50% of the activities in church was taken care of by the mothers.


After the service, we went to the park to do waybill to a nearby state . We had to come out with the package to church so that right from service, we could go directly to the park and so we don't miss the cars that will be traveling.

The plan fits in perfectly as few minutes after arrival and checking in the package, the car left.

Meanwhile, prior to this day we had made an order from a Lady outside the state too, to send a package for us and since we we wanted to patronise her, we had to also buy the next thing from the same place so we were able to get A Lontor Rechargeable fan and a 20,000 maH power bank.



These fan especially wasn't what we had in mind considering the fact that we opted for something less expensive but at the last hour, the vendor advised us to go for this particular brand and that was about #32,500 is about 63 steem coins and the power bank costs #16,000 which is equivalent to 30 steem coins.
Those were the highlight of my day because how best do I deal with the hot weather in Nigeria if not by having constant air😂

Later in the day, I did dishes at home. This is one of my favorite house chores because I find it easier and more comfortable than doing laundry so, I did dishes.


Lastly, I had my dinner. I did this so late today because I had lots of gist of this day. The thing about this food was that I had to try something different. I've been having this fear of making my noodles with suya and that's because I wasn't sure it's not be over hyped. But today, I decided to conquer my fear by trying it out and yes, it was so worth it.

Thank you so much for coming by 🤗

I hope was a good read and I am happy to putting this out in this community as a newcomer on steemit.

 last month 
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Hi @databae,

You have had a great day! Keep sharing your days with us...

Thank you for participating…..

Vote @pennsif.witness for growth across the Steemit platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high-yield developments with the resources available. Vote here

 last month 

Welcome to Steem For Ladies! 💕
We trust that you will enjoy posting in our community.

 28 days ago 

Hello dear friend,trust you're doing well.
You always do well by putting God first in whatever you do, because God is the ultimate.Somw people would have stayed back from going to just just because they wanted to do waybill,God bless you for that.
I have never tried cooking noodles with sugar before,but as soon as I drop this phone I'll try it.
Congratulations @databae

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