Winners Announcement | | 📷 Share your best Photo of the Week || ✷ Booming Vote + 6 STEEM Power Prize Pool ✷

in Steem For Ladies29 days ago

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Image Created By Pics art App

Hi my friends how are you?.
Hope you are all well. I'm fine too. So ready to show you the results of the match I posted last week. The "Share You Best Photo Of The Week" contest is over and now it's time to announce the winners. Well today I will present to you the winners who participated in the competition. Before that, we have received 14 posts so far. If you shared the quality articles that you submitted in the contest that I organized in the Steem For Ladies community, very interesting and clever, we appreciate you.

The competition ended successfully and Booming votes will be given for the first place and second place with the most points, the third place will get 3 STEEM, the fourth place will get 2 STEEM and the fifth place will get 1 STEEM. We have selected 5 winners for this competition and given the respective places to those winners. So just because your one is first place and not selected doesn't mean it's not good. I look forward to your continued participation in becoming winners in every competition. We show you the places among the entries we received. Let's see who the winners are.

✅My congratulations to all the winners I have mentioned below✅
PlaceUser NamePost linkReward
1st Place@mayberlingPost linkBooming Vote
2nd Place@senehasaPost linkBooming Vote
3rd Place@zhanavic69Post link3 STEEM
4th Place@creacionesmkrPost link2 STEEM
5th Place@luimer79Post link1 STEEM

🔹My best wishes to all the winners this week and all the winners have already been awarded. I am very happy to see all of your posts. Thank you all for your support. Also, in the next competition, I look forward to your participation.🔹

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@disconnect, @hungry-griffin,
@stephenkendal @pennsif

 29 days ago 

The winners have already been given their respective prizes.


 29 days ago 

Gracias amiga @m-fdo, felicidades a los demás ganadores.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 29 days ago 

Maravilloso feliz con mi premio gracias ...felicitaciones a los demas ganadores

 29 days ago 

Muchas gracias por el apoyo felicidades a los ganadores.

 29 days ago 

Your post is nominated by Steem For Ladies for booming vote.
The community where the Steemian ladies can be free to express themselves, be creative, learn from each other, and give support to their fellow lady Steemians.
"Only posts that are original, adhere to the rules, and are not cross-posted are nominated. If approved, you will receive an upvote within the next few days."

Good luck!

 28 days ago 

Congratulations to all the winners. I hope you will enjoy your victory.

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