Civilization is a Beautiful lie.

in Steem For Pakistanlast month

They were having their evening tea at a rooftop in the evening watching the Sun setting in the west. When the boy asked his grandfather, what do you think about civilization Dada?

Why do you ask me about it? Has this pandemic and lockdown made you a social scientist? Asked his grandpa light-heartedly.

No Dada, it's just that I have been thinking about it since the start of this COVID. We have been locked down for three months now. I wonder about this world that has shut down.

No human is seen on the roads. They are afraid to get the virus, they are afraid of getting sick, we all are.

And if anyone gets this virus people are afraid to come close to that person. They fear that they would get it too.

It's so frustrating to see people running from each other. They don't show any empathy anymore for the sick. Is this what civil society looks like Dada?

Hmmm so you think this way, said his dada.

Civilization is defined in a certain context these days.



If any state is successfully running in the following departments then it's called a civilized society: politics, religion, justice, freedom of speech, and human rights.

But let me tell you what actual civilization is.

If you see a human or animal getting cured and healthy again after sickness and injury, it is called civilization?

The boy with a confused expression said, but dada I asked you about civilization and not the medical field.

His Dada laughed out loud and said:
This is the exact thing this generation doesn't understand.

Take the example of an Animal kingdom. They have this rule: Only the fittest will survive in the law of the jungle.

Animals fight, prey, eat, reproduce, and die.

If any animal gets injured and fractures his thigh femur when a predator is behind him, he is surely gonna die.
But Dada, the fractured femur is not deadly, the animal can get healthy if....*

If he takes care of his bones, right?
replied his dada.

The animal could barely walk with a fractured femur rest assured run away from a predator.

His femur could get better if another animal helps him, rescues him, takes him to a secure place, feeds him, and spends time with him during all this hardship.

The thigh femur is the longest and the strongest bone, leading from pelvis to the knee.

It holds our weight and helps us to walk and run. And if it gets injured it takes a minimum of two months to heal it.

If no one stays beside the injured animal, he can never be protected from the predator.

For me civilization means helping other humans and animals during times of their hardship.

A healed thigh femur is the first sign of civilization.

It shows us that someone has taken the time to help the injured during the whole process of recovery.

My child you will find healed thigh femur rarely these days. People have no time for other people. They are so exhausted from securing their future that they have no energy to look for others in this moment.

You will hardly find anyone staying with an injured person during his pain.

Self-love is selling in the market and People become selfish to some extent. They say their self comes first all the time. Human compassion has lost, and people will make videos and pictures of People who get injured, to post on social media, rather than helping them first.

People say they have sat their priorities straight.
On which their career tops the list.

But Dada, financial independence is crucial and needed in this era. If you don't have money how can you help others?

My child, money is not the only form of help. Sometimes sitting with a frustrated person and listening to his hardship silently can also be a help, knowing that you can't do anything for them.
Civilization is visiting sick people.

Civilization is helping weak people to survive in this society where people with power dominate.

Civilization is giving equal rights to every creature no matter what their status is.

Civilized societies are made when we show empathy to fellow creatures.

We are at our best when we help others.

"Helping someone else through difficulty is where civilization starts, Anthropologist Margarate Mead said."

This concept is inspired by a post about civilization, which went viral during COVID-19. It quoted Margate Mead's stance about civilization when asked by a student.
She replied: A healed thigh femur is the sign of civilization
Because this world is about the survival of the fittest. To maintain the balance in this world we have to help the weak by showing human compassion.
Later it was said, that it was a lie, Margaret never said that. But people believed in this as we connect to storytelling better when we are suffering from hardship. People believed it because they were suffering from the hardship of covid.

This civilization is a lie, but isn't it a beautiful lie we all need in our lives?

Inviting @woka-happiness @wakeupkitty.pal @yaladeeds

 29 days ago (edited)

I love your story although I do not agree with the statement

To maintain the balance in this world...

The balance of the world is let mother nature do her job without interfering. The idea is all animals men included develop and improve their skills. If we are too dependent of others we are doomed which we are since those handful or rich decide when to set a virus free, when the entire world should be in a lockdown.

I wish you good luck with your super entry!


P.s. i can't figure out which contest you joined. Is there a link?

 28 days ago 

I appreciate your constructive criticism kitty.

You are right about developing our own skills and not relying on others,
but isn't it a natural instinct in humans to look for other humans during time of hardship.

Because we are social animals

Those handful of rich people deserve special place in H**** for making all the people suffer in the world.

P.S: The contest is over now.

 28 days ago 

I wonder if we are social animals. Are we or is this forced upon us to be social, to share and care.

If I look at 2 year olds overhere, and I did for many years, I see toddlers setting borders, they want to be alone, refuse to share but we force them to be kind and punish them if they dare to say 'no' and want to be alone.

The tragic result is we all are lonely and bored because we never learned how to enjoy ourselves ...

I don't think we are as social as elephants, we only stick together if it benefits us or if we are scared.

I am not saying we shouldn't reach out and agree it's 1% making 99% miserable plus telling them to be social, human, not selfish and a scrooge.

A happy day dear, it's good to hear the notigications work again.

 26 days ago 

Oh yes, my cousin's son is about to turn 2 in 2 months.

His behaviour shows that he is anti social when his other cousin try to play with him, who is 6 years old.

However, he is social will other family members and love them to be around him or play with him or take him out.

So, it varies from person to person or in different scenarios we behave differently.

When i am in pain i want to be alone in my room without any noise and human.

However, i also want someone to give me pain killers and a cup of warm milk.

This is human beings for you❤

We are all civilised, civilization started from our human interaction as from there we learn a lot and interact with nature too. Many times civilization is associated with modernization and gradually modernization is taking away the kindness of civilization and turning Civilization into an elite theory.

 28 days ago 

You have totally absorbed my point.

We are becoming numb towards other's pain and struggles. Society is turning us into machines, people who bother about themselves only:(

We hope these last days we find a way to unite as one, cos it seems we are already replacing good with bad and bad getting even worst.

Thank you, friend!
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 last month 

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Best of luck for the contest


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