The Daily Food Shopping Game (12-05-2024) | (Week No. 17)|.

in Steemit Iron Chef25 days ago
The Daily Food Shopping Game (Week No. 17)

The Daily Food Shopping Game (12-05-2024)  (Week No. 17)..jpg


  • Greetings from me,

Friends, you all are very welcome in today's The Daily Food Shopping Game (Week No. 17). I hope you all are well and happy in your life. Today I am participating in this beautiful competition. I liked the topic of this competition very much and I am very happy to participate in this competition today. I would like to thank this community for organizing this competition.

We all do many types of shopping every day. Do shopping. Out of these, we require more essential things for household life every day. That's why we go to supermarkets, stores, grocery stores, fruit or vegetable shops every day to buy anything. Many of these things are such that we need to buy them daily. We bring many things from one place keep them at home and use them daily.



Today was Sunday and my husband had a holiday. Every Sunday, whenever my husband has a holiday, we like to buy all the essential items for the house from the same mall. Today was Sunday, so my husband and I went to the grocery store for shopping. We had to carry more luggage so we went in a rickshaw. Dimart is 5 kilometers away from our house. That's why we like to buy most of the things from Dimart.

Dimart is my favorite shopping mall. Here everything is available at lower prices than outside prices. Everything is good here also. That's why I like to buy all the household items from this mall. We get good things at low prices from this smart mall. We can get anything in this mall, so we do not have to go to any other place to buy anything. Hey. We can get everything from one place.


In this market, the outside price and the price available in the market are written on all the items. From this we come to know at what price this thing is available outside and if we are getting it here at that price then we will also benefit. In this way, goods are purchased here after seeing the price of all the things.


I get wheat flour at the price of Rs 45 per kg outside and here I get it at the price of Rs 31 per kg. That's why I buy wheat flour from this mall also. When I buy milk from outside, I get a bag of milk for 28 whereas in this mall I get a bag of milk for 23.



I get all the materials here at low prices, so I come to this smart mall every Sunday for shopping. Actually, vegetables and fruits are the things of daily use which I buy from outside my house daily. But I do most of the material every Sunday. I had taken all the materials. After that we went to the counter and prepared the purchase receipt there.


After coming home, I took out all the stuff from the bag and took some pictures. Today I bought all the stuff for 3309.64 which is (144.33) steem. I paid this money through a credit card. I also took a can of oil which cost Rs 1738 i.e. (75.79) steem. I had paid this money separately.


Friends, this was my today's shopping diary which I end here. I hope you like this post of mine today. See you again with a new post with new energy. Thank you.

In this beautiful contest I would like to invite @leonciocast @josepha @inspiracion @radjasalman @soulfuldreamer

The Daily Food Shopping Game (12-05-2024) | (Week No. 17)|.

All Images by @pathanapsana


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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 24 days ago 

Hi, I also have my favorite supermarket, where I find canned foods, vegetables, fruits, deli meats, vegetables, meat, rice, pasta, cleaning and personal hygiene products among others. I love it because it always has cheaper prices and there are special discounts on some items.

I enjoyed reading your post. I wish you success and prosperity.


Your post has been upvoted by @steemladies.
The community where the Steemian ladies can be free to express themselves, be creative, learn from each other, and give support to their fellow lady Steemians.

Manually curated by patjewell for Steem For Ladies

Steem For Ladies

 21 days ago 

Greetings, friend @pathanapsana, I'm glad that your husband was free and was able to accompany you to your favorite Dimart shopping center. I see that you like it because you get everything there and at low prices. Have a nice day. Successes!

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