The Diary Game Better Life // Today we harvested our paddy from the land. (11-05-2024)

in Steem For Lifestyle23 days ago

Assalamu Alaikum

This morning I woke up and washed my face and had breakfast. Then I went out with a broom to clean the yard. Then I cleaned the yard with a broom. Because rice will come home today. Paddy has been harvested in the land. He will bring rice home. That's why I swept the yard in the morning and went out to the land. I went to the land and cut the paddy by the Kamlads. That paddy was raised on the road I brought that paddy home in a van. After bringing it home, I left the rice in the bowl.


Then I went out of the house to look for the threshing machine. Afternoon spent looking for rice threshing machine. I found a much sought after machine. I fixed the rent with the owner of the machine. And brought the machine owner home with me. Then I threshed my paddy with that machine. After threshing the paddy, I gave the money to the owner of the machine. After threshing the rice, the owner of the machine left with the tk.


And I started cleaning the paddies at home. It was evening to clean the paddy. I cover the paddies together with a big polythene. I covered the paddy and went home. I went home and took a bath in the evening. Food is not eaten well throughout the day. I spent the day eating this and that at the outside shop. After taking a bath, I freshened up and ate food.

After eating, I left home to go to the market. Because Kamla's in the market are waiting for me to take their wages tk. I went to the market and gave the wages of Kamlader tk. Kamala went to market. I also did some shopping and came home. My body doesn't feel good. So today I did not chat with my friends in the market. Today the body is very tired. I came home and had some food and drink again.

The sky is very bad today. When it rains it can come. So I brought more polythene from home. I brought polythene and covered the rice well. Then I went home again and washed my hands and face well And lay down on the bed. The body felt very tired after doing a lot of work all day. Something didn't feel right. The body was tossing to sleep. So I slept with the boys and girls.

My Achievement-1 Post by @masum1989

Thank you


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