When All Falls Down...

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

No, I'm not referring to the recent setback in the Cryptosphere! I'm talking about life, here...


For some people, change is very slow to come, even though it may be essential for them, in order to break with a rut, with depression, with an addiction, with a toxic pattern.

I knw there have been times in my own life when I was very resistant to change. After all... I had even grown somewhat proud of the fact that I was "loyal to a fault."

Of course, the Universe tends to have a sense of humor... and as soon as we become a little bit "attached" to some aspect of ourselves, we often end up having our tree shaken!

And chances are, we need that tree shaken, because we're stuck.


We learn lots of lessons — some good, some not so good — during our formative years. The value of loyalty and perseverance was one of the lessons that echoed through my life.

Often, our strength can also be our downfall. In this case, the dark side of loyalty is that you can allow yourself to become treated very badly, exploited and taken advantage of, because you so steadfastly adhere to this loyalty thing.

So my tree got shaken — rather a lot — back when I was in my early to mid 30's, at a time where I went through the end of my first marriage, a business bankruptcy, a personal bankruptcy and having to move four times in the space of three years.

When all falls down, the impetus you need to change the way you think about life will come!


Another lifelesson many of us grow up with centers around compassion — and the importance of compassion. We might get led into the belief that supporting people (no matter what) is the compassionate thing to do.

But it isn't... always.

Sometimes, the most compassionate thing you can do for someone who is wrestling with their "demons" is to actually allow them to fall all the way down, rather than protect them from that fall.

If we don't, we end up practicing what is sometimes referred to as "Idiot Compassion."


Today, I am grateful to the friends who allowed me to fail miserably at a number of aspects of being alive and being human... so I could grow into a better person.

Sometimes, things have to all fall down.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great remainder of your week!

How about you? Have you had occasions in your life where ALL fall apart? How did you deal with the experience? Leave a comment if you feel so inclined — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — Not posted elsewhere!)

Created at 2024.04.16 00:50 PDT


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We need to crouch down harder to jump higher.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

There are many sayings about this.
But sometimes planes don't come out of a deep dive, but crash into the ground.

Life is really full of lessons both ups and down. The most important one I strongly believe is just for us to learn from those lessons and become a better person. Failure is not a person but an event

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