On seeing how the earth is seeing when seeing it from space; While we are here seeing normally, and sometimes seeing up down and sometimes down up!

in WORLD OF XPILAR28 days ago


You know, things and the landscapes and the oceans are really perceived as we are seeing them while we are using our senses and our eyes when being the human anatomy as it is functioning while we are here. And we are just putting much efforts and much research into the world space, and that was also the wish and desire in the life of earlier US President John F. Kennedy!

You know, our sights when being humans are really the same, and we are using our eyes where we are from time to time, and we are just using our human bodies in accordance with the sciences of the human anatomy when we are where we are when perceiving and liking the earth just as it is when we are here. So, in the long run in the life, we should be within organizations where we are earning much money, and where we can use our competence for pleasure and welfare and well-beings while we are here, and things we cannot be comfortable with, should be brought to the surface, and nobody can bother us in relation to what is the bothering behavior and why things are as they are. And the college by NHH is conservative, but we do not care, and we are interested in getting permanent positions where we can stay and be from the one day to the next day.

So, what is the point of the working life? Well, we should work where we like, and we know that the world space is around us, and there are billions of things to wonder about while we are here, and I am myself related to my intelligence and my ways of being, and we are just ourselves with our philosophy of the life, and with doing smart and wise decisions, and we should always have results in the schools, and there should be competition about the persons applying to getting place at the schools, and we are just in world class if we just deserve it due to what we are as humans and the qualities that we have, and the BEST are best on many levels, and we ignore what is being told if they are not the best, and we are just here to operate and move in sensible ways while we are as we are when being in the firms, and we need properly incomes to survive in the life. And humans are just functioning as they are due to the models we are learning in administration about human behavior.

So, what we are seeing at the planet is related to where we are, and how the directions, and ways to perceive the reality should be from place to place, and should things be done in normal ways, or should we just think in opposite ways just in relation to what we are used to? Well, what are we are the planet as a human, and what can we ever be, due to the breathing, and due to how we are moving us, and operating as humans just as humans can be while being here, and we are going through each human when going from the crotch to the nose, and it applies to all people at all times. And whether we are working with marketing investigations or questionnaires and issues about social affairs, these things are just related to being a human as we are, and we can make concepts, strategies and measures about what we like, and what we determine to focus on.

So, we should put much efforts into the world space, and we should try to understand all things that can be conceived and perceived, and we see all things on the blue planet with philosophy and biology, and human behavior, and outside us, there is a world space, and we are just seeing the earth both from the universe down to the places where the humans are, and all things being great or large in the universe, are also seeing and explained from the earth where many of us are, and we cannot see all people to all times anywhere, but we are here everyone of us when being as humans as we are with all kinds of conditions and things that can be understood while we are here. And world space is a beautiful place, and we love to know, and to be engaged with black holes, the planets, comets, The Venus transits, and all things that can be seen and discovered from the world space and from the earth while being here, and what has really been in the universe to all times, and are there anything new in the universe, or is just the mass of the human brain and its functioning too slow?

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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