Life in phones. Part 1

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month

Very often, on the reporting wave, I give myself some topics or tasks and work them out. To do this, you just need to go outside with a camera with a certain attitude, set yourself an emphasis on something and look for it.


I chose a very simple topical topic: life in phones.

At first glance, it seems that this is too easy – look for passers-by on the streets with phones and take them off.

That's right: there are a lot of people with smartphones in their hands or talking.

But we need not just portraits of people, but some signs, roll calls, interesting techniques and finds.

Everything applies here! From graphics to geometry. From humor to serious problems.

As usual, I select a maximum of ten images for publication, and in the blog I show the entire search path.

Therefore, if some frames turn out to be passable, then do not attach importance to this.

For the viewer, the posts can be educational in order to track the entire creative idea and its process.

And for me, this is a diary, according to which I can also track the process of perception of the surrounding reality.

There is still a selection here, but it is intermediate.

First of all, in order to find people, in principle, we need places where they congregate.

A business center or places for recreation are best suited for this.

A larger city would make it possible to realize this idea in a short time and in a more intense way.

But even here I walked for no more than an hour and a half to eventually collect ten pictures showing life on the phone.

For such training, you can take absolutely any topic: people with umbrellas, cyclists, scooters, people with dogs, people on the bus, people in cars, smokers, only in red, only in yellow....and then beat it with different techniques.

Techniques can be considered different angles and plans, background blurring, roll calls with advertising.

There are quick tasks that can be completed in a couple of hours.

Or maybe some kind of extensive topic that will result in a whole project.

Life in phones can be shown in an hour, or you can collect pictures for several years.

It happens that in this way photographers go in some direction and shoot it for a long time.

I don't like to get attached to one thing.

I like the whole world with its diversity, where I can see and capture absolutely everything that steals my attention.

If today it's people with phones, and tomorrow it's apple trees in bloom, then so be it.

To be continued...

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