Spring in Evkovka Park-2

in WORLD OF XPILAR26 days ago

I started my photographic activity with landscape. But even in this genre, I found some unusual plots. I've always tried to step outside the box, break the rules.


Apparently, this mindset helped me get so far in photography.

I will return to the state in which I went for a walk in the park.

There were times when photographic subjects were born in my head, which I even sketched in order to capture later.

Now there is no such thing, because for a long time I have been relying only on the present moment of reality, waiting for what the world around me will present to me online.

But often there is a state when some kind of creative fuse arises inside.

It's like he's vague, unformed, without an image...and it needs to be thrown out somewhere.

This creative charge must be directed somewhere so that it finds an image, comes true, that is, it moves from energy into something existing.

Strange...and it happens the other way around, when there is nothing inside and I, photographing, absorb something, feed on, fill myself with something.

This happens at different frequencies in different ways.

I came up with a new name for the reporting wave – the news wave.

Because at this frequency, you always want to film what is happening around you and immediately show it.

So, on the creative news wave, there is always a charge inside.

It's like a ball lightning bolt - I'm constantly electrified, flying somewhere and simultaneously electrocuting some objects.

But the fuse tends to disappear. And then I re-accumulate this energy by shooting completely different subjects.

These creative waves are really comparable to the waves in the sea.

I hide in the underground shooting of all sorts of dugouts and night graphics, then I go out with a news photo.

If I were going with the flow, on a flat surface, it would be boring.

It is because of these fluctuations that I ask all sorts of philosophical questions about the perception of the world and not only...

To be continued...

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