Chilling into year two....

in #life5 years ago

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Happy Steemit Birthday, Kubby!

A couple of days ago a comment was left congratulations on another year of blogging. Ironically I am about to celebrate my first year at work as well. This past year had been more stable in real life and less frequent online compared to my first year on Steemit.

So, many up's and downs in these two years.

We could go back to the beginning to reflect, but we've done that before. We could highlight the current year, but that's a bit overdone. We could also catch up and that sounds about right! It has been a little over thirty days since my last post and I have some news.

The bug life

My little amazing studio is so tiny, windowless, and a jungle at times. Every too often, I find a buggy creature upside twitching; they're dead of course. Thankfully, the sprays work wonders and since they don't stay outside their fate is terminal. The alternative is living with them and that isn't acceptable. Finding them alive is terrifying. The landlords are awesome and spray the outdoors whenever I ask. Yet, the rain is often and the bugs are many. Do you have any remedies advice for me?

Tournaments - Injuries - Partners

Volleyball has always been a favorite pass time. Playing infrequent, to every day, to every other day depending on the MeetUp has become a new norm. Work to Volleyball than back home rinse and repeat week after week has led to some aches and pains. Normally I play indoor on a hard surface with at least six players.

The Game moves outside

Jumping hurts the knees, ankles, and lower back. The risk of injury is higher for indoor play due to the hard surface. That and the other players jumping over the line and onto ankles. Playing on sand is a softer surface, so you would think the risk of injury is lower.

There are only two players on each side and sand is softer to land on. Yet, the quick change in direction still causes the knee caps to slip, the back to give out, and diving is less scary. Less fear leads to more dives; which as you can image leads to more aches and pains.

A visit or two to the chiropractor helps some. What do you do before a hard workout or game day to prevent injuries?

The lower back had been giving some warnings and after an unaccepted invite, another game was played. That led to an unexpected entry to a local tournament. The excitement of playing was quickly overcast by the danger of overheating. Games were to be played from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. May sound reasonable for the weekend, but with the Florida heat that is way too late in the day.

Endurance to play any sport especially on sand from a hard surface is a game changer. It takes time to build and adjust to. Once you accomplish that first level, it appears people like to play under the hottest point of the day and that takes time and a lot of water too. That level of play causes a type of pain that lingers...

With that, the first tournament was humbling. My partner was beyond encouraging. The first one is always the toughest. Speaking of partners, he is amazing and will be leaving to med school at the end of the summer. It is the start of many excellent partners I'm sure of it. Living in Florida has many players, but finding a partner is harder than I expected.

Cheers to twenty-four months!

Well, friends, that is it for now. My company did cut some of my coworkers and lucky that didn't include me. Actually, they have gone above and beyond to give me more projects and work. That hasn't come with a title change, which I don't care for, nor has it come with an increase in pay.

Not yet at least, with my official one year mark a week away my review will host a perfect opportunity for this type of conversation. Given the extra work, it will be a favorable situation to bargain for an increase in pay. Wouldn't you say?

What Steemit achievements have you accomplished recently?

Small steps the body aches. Giant leaps it's game day!

Thanks for reading, upvoting, and commenting!

Love always,


Nice update summary Kubby. I hate the aches and pains. I just live with mine and don't do stuff that makes them worse. That's about as good as it gets for me these days.

Thanks Choo! Always love seeing your comments. What are your thoughts on chiropractor and or acupuncture treatments?

Never had chiro so can't comment on that. I've had dry needling at physio, which is like the physio "2 week training" version of acupuncture. It did help my arm, so I assume actual acupuncture would be more useful. I've not heard anyone who's had it say bad things about it.

Have you purposely not done Chiro?

Physio works for me, so I stick with that.

Happy Steem Birthday!

Thanks Enjar, how long have you been on Steemit?

You are only a couple days older than I am! Mine is on the 13th I think.

It's my Steem Anniversary today. Cheers! Have an amazing one :)

Happy Steem-iversary miss kubby!

Thank you very much ma1neevent! When are you hitting that two year mark?

I did last month actually... hard to believe it's been that long. Hope you're doing well!

Happy steem birthday, celebrating mine in few months time

Thank you so much, will you be celebrating year one or two?

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