Electricity - The Achilles Heel of A.I.

in #me27 days ago (edited)

One knows the tyrants are aware they have slapped on a psychotic, demented level of debt when they make fighterless jets, Fighterless armies, after they elect Caligula reborn.

This is the coldest spring since I lived here.

The good news is my Mom gave me a new Four Wheel Drive Ford Escape.

One knows the despots, lifelong politicians take pills to make themselves more intelligent and the pills do not work. And the sadists know it.

What's great about the FWD, it's used but it's new to us, is that I have one and if THE EVIL LIGHT TOWERS OF DROUGHT FREAKS keep this up, during half the year the snow will be so deep after the heavenly host smashes them they won't be able to be fixed for weeks at a time.

Maxine Waters, a corrupt Democratic politician that does not live in the district she represents because it is full poor smelly black people, the black woman who is nuts...Why do you suppose God uses the spirits of the Heavenly Host to fight, when His Most High Self Could Have A.I. do all the fighting.

God is a beloved leader, creator of all life, and Maxine Waters says the Trumpers practice in the hills to take back the country.

We do not. The plan is to piss off Vladimir Putin with his 600 nuclear submarines and Xi Xiaoping with his bioweapons labs and 50 aircraft carriers until they do what they do.

Then we will go stand on the rooftops as the nuclear blast from the SS-20's and SS-22's, the Minuteman III lookalikes crack the crust of the Earth.

When I was in the Army, they had a female staff sergeant give a lecture outside to ten thousand men about how we could fight to save the rule of the elite occupationalists after a nuclear attack.

We all laughed so loud. She kept screaming THIS IS SERIOUS!

(Why don't they build a defense?)

They have but...

My wife said, We should just go on the rooftops...and who prophesied that?

I think that ever since they found that ancient Greek clock with real metal stamped, machined gears at the bottom of the ocean...and since the Greeks invented the atom...that this has happened before.

Big old pyramids all over the Earth. Armies on horseback sweeping across the world from time to time? Horseback?

And always the lawyers take charge and...Golum, Golum...a robot?

I would rather have peace because we camped, the official term is bivouacked across the wastes of Almagordo, New Mexico, USA for a few months.

You know that's bombs were exploded fifty years earlier. Everyone should camp there. Especially despots that say they bring peace and pile on debt and inflation. Ship all of our jobs and technology to other countries.

Listen to what A.I. says about global warming - the Heavenly Host are not a bunch of A.I. robots because with no electricity, they would not be able to do a damn thing.

Yeah all your hair falls out. Some people die in that place and it's fifty years later.

Since I am old now. Since I have met Jesus, The Most High, the Holy Spirit, Mary, and last night my three saintly wives - WOW!

I should have two black children. I would call them white but, I am making a point.

She aborted them.

Yeah well, maybe they will run faster I said, after she tested positive. Just think honey, will they would get back up from the dead like their Dad, uncles, great uncles, grand parents. Make one wonder the women doesn't it?. Have high IQ's, ...

Well, that's a slap across the face to the A.I. and despots who will use them to do despotic, psychotic, demented things.

Have courage. Believe in God. Your Trinity because heaven is real. And unlike this place, there's also hell. Real hell.

And you don't want to run around in there Vlad the Mad, Tee with Xi, Josephina the Caligula. You can't get off the boat, Coughman, Ensign.

So you think you know what mean is, huh?

Uh, huh. Sure you do.

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