I used a small magnet...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #silvergoldstackers17 days ago (edited)

A small Magnet was used to remove a little pile of Dark Stuff...

If you look over to the left side of the Capsule, there's a lot of Dark Specks, that wasn't moved by the Magnet...

Perhaps it's Copper, but I don't know for sure about anything...


I try to write as if someone "new" is reading it for the first time...

Most of the time, I think people are only looking at the Pictures I post, and skip over the Words I write...

I use to do the same thing in my younger days, before I learned how to read...

I had to teach myself how to read, because no one else was about to do it as good as me...

I pretty much taught myself, using my Wild imagination, that doesn't stop...

It's rare that I ever know what I'll be writing next, while others tend to think they already know what I'm going to write, word for word...

That would actually be nice, because it means they have learned...

Do I dare mention the U.S. Monetary Correction...???

I better not...

Do I post a Nice Shinny Coin, Bar or Round...???

Hold on, I'm looking around now...

I ended up finding this Silver Round...
Black Horse....jpg
These Silver Rounds will turn out to be a very good buys on the other side of the Reset...
Knowing what "I think" I know about Silver, and if I make all the right decisions, I can turn each one of these One Ounce, Silver Rounds into Two, $100 Gold Coins...

Each $100 Gold Coin will contain One Ounce of Gold and have the Spending Power of 10,000 of today's Fiat Dollars...

It's nice knowing what's heading our way...

Many of you already know that I'm a Time Traveler...

I use the "Present" as a means to Travel into the "Very Near Future"...

Naturally, I remain in the Present as I'm doing this...

It's like Driving a Car, seeing and knowing what's heading our way...

I got me here, didn't it...???

Now is the Perfect Time to ask me, what I see heading our way...

No, you better not...

Some things are better, not knowing, and I don't want to Spoil your Excitement when the Reset is Activated and Announced...

The Announcement will be Heard all over the World...

I like writing about the coming U.S. Monetary Correction...

I never know if there's going to be a new reader, so my advice to you is to read at least 10 of my Posts...

They should tell you everything you need to know about my "Fine Tuned" version of the coming U.S. Monetary Correction...

So, should I search for another picture...???

Looks like we're taking another look at that Orange Stuff I pulled out of the Heavy Brown Rock...
Awesome Discovery...9.jpg
The Brown Rock was being dissolved and turning the Distilled White Vinegar, Blue...

I filtered the Blue Solution and it pretty much all went through the Coffee Filter...

That's when I added Distilled Water to the Solution and placed a piece of metal into the Glass of Blue Solution...

The plate began to collect the Brown Stuff, which I believe is Copper...

I stuck the metal plate back into the Solution and once all the Brown stuck to the plate, the Orange Stuff began to appear...

I noticed the Orange stuff on the metal plate looked very interested, so I removed it from the now Orange liquid and let Orange Stuff in the glass settle...

I took pictures of both sides of the Dried piece of metal with the Orange Stuff and 2 or 3 other layers of something else...

I think I added more Distilled Water and let the Orange Liquid settle over night...

When I ran it through a Coffee Filter, a lot of the Orange Fluid passed through...

I let what passed through the filter settle and poured it through the same Coffee Filter and got more Orange Stuff, after drying it out...

Look at all the Orange Stuff that remained in the Coffee Filter...
Awesome Discovery...10.jpg
The Big Question on my mind is, "is it Pure Gold or Pure Rust...???

I still haven't figured that part out, but I'm starting to believe it's Gold, but if it is, I don't have a clue how pure it might be...

All I used was Distilled White Vinegar, Distilled Water, a Piece of Metal and a Coffee Filter...

I soaked the Heavy Brown Rock in the Vinegar, and the Solution turned Blue...

Once the Blue was removed, the Liquid turned Orange and started to cover the Brown with Orange ...

I pulled out the piece of metal and let the Orange Stuff settle, before I started looking for a Coffee Filter...

That seems way too easy, compared to the Video I saw the other day, using all kinds of Dangerous Acids...

If the Orange Stuff turns out to be Gold, what I found may turn into a Major Gold Discovery...

I've been trying not to get too excited about my discovery, but it's not easy...

Is it Rust or Gold, or something else...???

The tiny particles that made it through the Coffee Filter must have be microscopic in size...

Was the Heavy Brown Rock, holding the Gold captive...???

Did I release the Gold once I dissolved whatever that Brown Stuff is, that stuck to the piece of metal...???

Whatever it is, it sure looks pure...


What do "you" think it is...???


Pure oxide is NOT hahahaha, I read the post, when I don't I tell you, I think it's gold, you don't use all those dangerous substances, but I guess you know what you're doing, I should take those nuggets and they'll tell you what it is, ai we clear up doubts, I want to know that your life changes, NOT necessarily because of the monetary correction.
I wish you a happy weekend

I personally think it's Gold, but I don't want to let myself get too excited... The Bubbles that helped make the Gold Rings, tell me that the Microscopic Gold comes together to form larger pieces...The reason I didn't see them in the Blue Solution is because they were all so tiny... Anyway... All those small Gold Circles that formed, were able to tell me a story... The Copper dissolved, released the tiny gold particles... The tiny gold particles started to hold onto each other until they became big enough to remain in the Coffee Filter... When they dried, they took on hundreds of different shapes and sizes... I'm very pleased with what I'm finding out, just using my Wild imagination... This must be how truths come into being... Now, when I look at the Heavy Brown Rock, I'm able to see how the tiny gold particles must have been held captive by the Copper...

The small magnet must have really did a great job to have been able to get the world done. Hope it was not aldo quite demanding I mean the magnet also. Thank you for sharing

I'm still trying to figure out what you wrote... I like to experiment, when I'm searching for answers...

You must have really did a very great job in experimenting this out

My Wild imagination had a lot to do with it... This is how I was able to come up with my "Fine Tuned" version of the Coming U.S. Monetary Correction... Our Coinage was being held Captive by the Central Bank Owners Fiat Dollars... Once we dissolve the Federal Reserve Notes, all our Coinage is going to be like the Gold that was being held captive by the Copper...

"Did I release the Gold once I dissolved whatever that Brown Stuff is, that stuck to the piece of metal...???"

Well according to my own thoughts, I will say you should not leave it

Sometimes I usually use to wonder why is it that where I lived, we didn't have access to these types of shops or centers that can sell those types of silver coin for those who need it

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