How can we express our emotions through Art

in #artlast month

We are aware of the curative impact that art may have.
Whenever you give it some thought, don't you find that the times when we are experiencing a range of intense feelings are always the periods when the artist that is inside us is most prepared to be exposed?

In point of fact, the desire to express these deep feelings is not something that occurs naturally. Because, at its core, every feeling is a guest; he does not wish to reside in your home for the rest of his life; rather, he wishes to pay you a visit for a short period of time and then depart at the appropriate time.


On the other hand, there are instances when we adopt the "hospitable" character so much that we continue to accept the feelings that we wish to let go of, despite the fact that we do not even know why we are doing so. This continues to happen with some thoughts and unconscious beliefs.

There are times when those feelings are so powerful that we force ourselves to set hospitality aside and battle with all of our strength to prevent them from entering.

On the other hand, when they do manage to get inside, we relegate those emotions that we do not even wish to be aware of to the most remote part of the house.

After a certain point, we are able to recognise how much this effort actually tyres us out and locks us in similar patterns, despite the fact that all of these human efforts are geared at protecting ourselves and providing us with confidence and comfort in the near term.

Every emotion wants to be heard and acknowledged, and at this point, emotions make our job easier since they want to be expressed. The use of art is among the most imaginative and revolutionary ways to accomplish this goal.

In the same way as Natalie Rogers described, when we start to express ourselves via art, states and feelings that we are not conscious of start to seep into the light of day, as well as the emotions that we are prepared to send forth.

In point of fact, each time we express ourselves, we move a little bit closer to fully understanding who we are as well as to saying goodbye to our guests.

The more we observe, experience, and comprehend the feelings that we have, the more they begin to lose their influence on us. This includes feelings that we were previously unaware of or that we had already forgotten about.

To put it another way, this prevents feelings from building up inside of us, and each departure makes place for the next one to come in. And as a result, the interior begins to feel more open and airy.

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