Aiming to increase your conscious awareness with mindfulness

in #awarenesslast month

We have begun a new year after the Earth finished its cycle around the Sun. This is a time of year when a lot of us celebrate the conclusion of one year and the start of another.

That being said, this evening we also reflect carefully on the year's events and set new goals for the coming year.

Plans to change to a "healthier" lifestyle, give up unhealthy coping strategies, etc., are frequently discussed.

The last day of December, in my opinion, has a special enchantment that allows us to look back, let go of the past year, and start over. In principle, we can make these changes at any time of the year.

A sense of fresh start and the intention to channel this energy into transformation are palpable.

Can we then look at the people we left behind and feel empathy for both them and ourselves? What if you took some time to think back on the past 12 months and pinpoint the areas in which you would like to raise your level of conscious awareness?

You can become more conscious of other things, such as how you communicate with people, how you relate to yourself, how you stay more present during the day, and other things.

It could be a good idea to raise your conscious awareness rather than making unrealistic objectives for yourself and then being frustrated when you can't reach them by the end of the year.

You can attempt to pinpoint the areas that occupy too much mental space in the final weeks of the previous year or the first few weeks of the current one.

It might be quite beneficial to take some time to consider these problems and consider why they are so prevalent in your life. After that, you can look for coping mechanisms to assist you deal with the issues occupying so much of your thoughts.

Have you ever attempted focusing your meditation on certain subjects like motivation, acceptance, forgiveness, or separation?

With its extensive collection of meditations on particular themes, Meditopia offers a wealth of resources to help you carve out time to reflect more thoroughly on certain aspects of your life.

You can more clearly identify your requirements and take decisive action to better address them in the new year by using the meditation series in this library.

Not only does conscious awareness lead you at the start of the journey, but it also continues with you.

Having the ability to repeatedly examine your thoughts and feelings, regardless of where you are in your journey towards conscious awareness, is a very effective method to learn to know yourself in a nonjudgmental and compassionate manner.

Therefore, make it your mission to live a compassionate and mindful life in the new year. Of course, you may always adjust to suit your evolving demands.

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