How to Embrace Your Fear of Change

in #changelast month

terrifying shift. The main reasons why individuals dread change are their concerns about how it will turn out, how we will respond to it, and how it will impact our standard of living. In actuality, Buddha is correct. Though many objects and individuals may not appear to have changed throughout the years, change is actually what defines our existence.

I had close working relationships with several of my students, many of whom I assisted in finding inner peace in their day-to-day lives despite their fear of change. I came up with a few strategies for adjusting to change based on these experiences as well as my own introspective reflection.


This route has two levels. It is essential to approach meditation in the same way if you want to keep up a regular practice. Your objectives for meditation should, nevertheless, be steady.

Your confidence may increase due to your consistency. If you meditate at the same time every day, even for five minutes, you have a safe, rejuvenating space to return to. According to my experience, practicing in the morning helps you feel more grounded and more able to focus on the activities of the day.

Furthermore, you should always concentrate on change-coping ideas during your meditation practice. The two main areas for meditation are indicated below. We use temporal visualisation to better comprehend particular subjects or ideas. "Zero point" is the opposite region; it exists outside of time, is unchanging, and is thoughtless.

It takes time for change. Time also affects our fear of change, and no matter how difficult life becomes, "zero point" triumphs against change. To achieve "zero point," regular meditation is essential. The "zero point" is the core of everything and is unchanging yet present in everything that changes.

Since it is beyond our comprehension, our second path is just as important as our first.

Getting past "I don't know" is the second way.

Fear of change stems from the mind's anxiety over losing control over fundamental ideas, fictions, and variables it believes it can manage. Our second strategy is to not alter or control the mind. Rather, it entails deliberately freeing the mind and body from "not knowing" when life happens.

Too many judges make snap decisions. We are unable to judge if a change is beneficial or harmful. It's uncertain if such transition is appropriate at this point. Change may only be exhilarating and revitalising if we embrace "not knowing."

"I don't know" is a mantra or song that you should sing to yourself whenever fearful thoughts come during a transition phase. You will be able to feel a vibration near the "zero point" by doing this. Third, as I'll explain, you can connect to the power of the "zero point."

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