Scientific news: extravehicular activity suit or Eva

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Scientific news: extravehicular activity suit or Eva

SpaceX has presented the extravehicular activity suit or Eva, it is a suit to be able to leave the ship and perform tasks in space, it all began in February 2022, billionaire Yarek Isaacman came out with SpaceX to launch the Polaris program, an initiative that would have The objective is to carry out the first civilian spacewalk, but to do this you have to create a suit that allows you to go into space, survive in it and be able to do various tasks that incorporates a State-of-the-art camera that will give the astronaut information about the pressure, temperature and relative humidity of the suit, EVA will be used for the first time in SpaceX's Polaris dun mission that will take place no earlier than the summer of 2024 and attention because according to SpaceX this suit will serve as a basis for manufacturing millions of spacesuits in order to supply the needs of lunar bases and the colonization of Mars.

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