Scientific News; Study of the Sun from Mars.

in Popular STEM29 days ago

Scientific News; Study of the Sun from Mars.


We are at the moment of maximum activity of the sun in its 11-year cycle, that is why NASA is going to take advantage, it is going to put two of its ships that are on Mars to study precisely that solar activity, because it is a unique and unprecedented opportunity. to be able to study solar flares and how they affect the surface of Mars, how they affect Mars, which will be visited in the near future by astronauts and which can be perfectly affected by this type of solar storms.

We know that Mars once had a protective magnetic field but that it lost it, but even so there are remains, there are areas with a bit of its fossil field, remains of magnetism that can protect the astronauts who are on Mars a little and NASA wants to know how this acts on the red planet, because it is also somewhat further from the sun than the Earth, which may also have a different or lesser effect than what happens here on our planet.


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