Scientific Review; Consequences of diets rich in Fat.

in Popular STEM27 days ago

Scientific Review; Consequences of diets rich in Fat.

It has been determined that diets high in fat increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, also known as stroke. And this has to do with its effects on our body weight, blood pressure and cholesterol. For example, fried foods have been shown to increase blood pressure, reduce HDL cholesterol (which is the good one) and lead to weight gain and obesity, as demonstrated by many research studies published to date, and as always I leave you the links at the end of the post.

I repeat the idea, I think it is not about strictly prohibiting yourself from eating certain types of foods from time to time at some point in your life. The problem is when we take habits and consume them with a certain regularity. And there it is very likely that problems of contracting diabetes will appear in the medium or long term.

And this is a general problem with fast food consumption, which includes not only fatty foods, but also sugary drinks that lead to weight gain, poor blood sugar control, and increased body inflammation.

And science has shown that these factors in turn increase the risks of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, which is a group of conditions that include obesity, high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels.

Very possibly, something superficial may appear to many people, Fatty foods cause acne, but you also have to name it. And at this point there are also many scientific studies published to date that support this direct relationship between the consumption of greasy foods and acne.

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