Scientific review, therapeutic massages for athletes

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Scientific review, therapeutic massages for athletes

There are three studies that were published in 2019 and aimed to evaluate the effects of massage therapy on pain, fatigue, mood and physical performance in runners after regular running and in this case the results showed that runners who received massage therapies had lower rates of muscle soreness than the control group (the group that did not receive massages).

Although at the same time there were no significant differences with regard to fatigue, mood, strength, flexibility or running performance and this is why this study concluded that massage therapies positively influence when it comes to effectively reduce the intensity of pain in the leg muscles, especially in the quadriceps, which is where this study focused after running, although as we saw its impact on the other measures was minimal.

There is another study that I found very interesting because it is the only one of all those published that had the methodology of applying massages to only one leg in each runner while not applying massages to the other, leaving it as a witness, that is, there was no control group that did not receive massages while another group of runners did and the results were then compared.

The results were compared in the same runners with one leg receiving massages and the other not, and this study determined that when the runners received massages on one leg after running a half marathon or a 21 km race, on the one hand, they did not experience recovery in terms of strength, or swelling in that particular leg, but they did perceive that the massage made that leg feel better in general terms.

So seeing all this, what can we conclude regarding therapeutic massage for runners, whether it helps or does not help runners, we can say that according to the scientific research published today it seems that massage therapy, at least until now, cannot be translated in no measurable benefit in our sports performance, but instead manages to produce a decrease in the perception of pain after running.

And by having less muscle soreness or stiffness after a workout or race, this can help runners train more consistently which will ultimately end up improving our performance, so we could argue that therapies Massages have an indirect effect on our sporting performance, as is the case with many types of treatments.

If you perceive that massage therapy is benefiting you, it most likely is and in this the aspect of relaxation and stress reduction can also positively impact our mental well-being, which will ultimately help us and in some cases significantly enjoy it more. of our Sports activity training.

Study Source

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