The only quantum gas microscope in the world.

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The only quantum gas microscope in the world.

High-precision detection methods are required for quantum physics to investigate the microscopic characteristics of materials and with the aim of advancing technology in this domain, Spanish researchers have developed a quantum gas microscope called QUIONE that aims to do more than simply capture striking images where individual atoms can be discerned.

Its focus is on quantum simulation. According to researchers, quantum simulation allows us to distill highly complex systems into more manageable models, addressing unanswered questions that escape conventional computing.

Quantum gas microscopes have proven to be effective instruments for understanding quantum systems at the atomic level, derived from the analog quantum processors that have recently emerged; These devices allow the detection of individual atoms in ultra-high resolution photographs of quantum gases.

The team began their efforts by reducing the temperature of the strontium gas to reach the target atoms can move very slowly or not at all by applying the force of several laser aces, which can reduce their temperature to almost absolute zero in a matter of milliseconds; In this domain the behavior of atoms is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, revealing new characteristics such as quantum superposition and entanglement.

You can imagine it like an egg box where the individual places are actually where you put the eggs, but instead of eggs we have atoms and instead of a box we have the optical network said Sandra Buob researcher at ICFO and first author of the study.

The team recorded videos of the atoms and noticed unexpected movements despite the supposed stillness during imaging. The atoms occasionally jumped to neighboring locations in the lattice, a phenomenon attributed to quantum tunneling, with strontium included in their arsenal of microscopes. Quantum gas researchers anticipate the potential to simulate increasingly complex and exotic materials thus preventing the emergence of new phases of matter.

In addition, the team plans to take advantage of substantially greater computational power to use these machines as analog quantum computers. The details of the research by the team at ICFO, Institute of Photonic Sciences were published in the journal PRX Quantum, which can be found at the link if you wish.

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